There was never any keeping us part
It was physics as much as it was madness
Drawn together, compelled maybe, I'm just not sure
One plus, one minus, both magnetized, cocked and fully loaded.
In a single fluid motion from strangers to lovers to so entangled and entwined, so inextricably linked we long ago lost sight of where one of us Begins and the other ends
I don't think it's healthy
It can't be healthy
To need the other to breathe, to drink you as my water, to be your cure, to consume ourselves so completely, hours pass in minutes, days in moments, I miss you when I'm with you, I miss me when I'm not, and I'm no longer entirely sure which is which
I don't think it's healthy
I think the pace is quickening. I can feel it but I don't know where and I know I should, but I don't want it to slow down.
People are starting to notice.
They're attracted and afraid, were just too close, too connected, fiercely loyal, but running like a freight train unbalanced, pitched at 45°, swinging around a pass on a mountain side overlooking a bottomless ravine and we've both stopped conducting.
I think we're into deep,
but I like it
so please, write back soon.