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When I crumble and fall
Come steer me with your grace
Take down my wall
Lock me in your embrace

When all my dreams fail
Come give me a taste of life
Let not my blood turn stale
Untangle my inner strife

‘Cause that’s where my life is hiding
Come be my Silver lining.

Don’t leave me with my demons.
Don’t let the emptiness devour me
Be my bearing,
My tool to survive
Guide me to you
Let me feel alive!

When the lights fade out
And my fears crawl
Shed the silhouette

‘Cause that’s where my life is hiding
Come be my Silver lining.

Heave me out of the ruins
Where love was torn down
And lives were destroyed.

Come be my shining light
Break the walls that confine me
Lock me in your embrace
‘Cause that’s where my life is hiding.

Just be my Silver lining.
 May 2014 Julian Alexander
Late night thinking
Unblinking and sinking
Rethinking my choice of words
It's absurd
Everything is so blurred
Fragments shifting through holes
I take on all these roles
What lost souls

Late night thinking
Tinkering with memories
I need remedies
These fragments slash through flesh
Fresh wounds fester
Exposing new memory holes

Late night thinking
Should I have said that
Combat of my mind
Memories become no mans land, blind
Confined within the crevices of my mind
I just want to unwind
Let's leave all this behind

Tomorrow, perhaps, you may find
Some peace of mind.
His smirk was the stuff of legends.
When taunted with loud rude remarks 
And thoughtless offensive assumptions.
His expression a quick stark reminder.

He did not need to raise his voice 
Or wage war with fists or words
For the source of his power
Was in the curve of his brow

His refute neatly imbued
In his wry handsome semi-smile.
That made them shrink back
To feel small and absurd.
Inspired by the half blood prince!
So many dreams of you at night,
so many words that which I could write.

I've loved you once, I've loved you twice.
Love was the feeling, but my actions never right.

I went about things in all of the wrong ways.
My behavior punished you, each and every day.

I’d like to apologize to you, if I may.
I know you’ll never listen, much to my dismay.

Your life will continue and in love with you I’ll stay,
regretting my decisions as I watch you walk away.

I can fasten on a smile and live my life in vain;
though, no matter what I do, in love I still remain.
Authors and actors and artists and such
Never know nothing, and never know much.
Sculptors and singers and those of their kidney
Tell their affairs from Seattle to Sydney.
Playwrights and poets and such horses' necks
Start off from anywhere, end up at ***.
Diarists, critics, and similar roe
Never say nothing, and never say no.
People Who Do Things exceed my endurance;
God, for a man that solicits insurance!
 Mar 2014 Julian Alexander
I am good at hiding,
good at hiding my truths,
good at hiding my secrets.
My mask is a smile,
it disguises my frown,
it hides my flaws.
Tears can't be seen behind a smiling mask.
I'm staring out the taxi window
Watching the droplets of rain
Hit the ground in agony
The wailing sound of the
Clouds rubbing against
Each other in sync with the cry
Within me
I am NOT sad; neither am I happy
I just didn't see you today
And I feel as if I'm missing
A huge part of me
We haven't even spoken
I don't know the sound of
Your voice
But I know the beaming smile
That catches my eye every
Time I get to campus
The radiance in your eyes
That somehow manages to
Travel in the medium of air
And seeps in my veins
To become something deeper
And more meaningful

It's YOUR happiness that
Glints from afar that
I am missing
I didn't see my crush today. Who knew missing someone you've never spoken to felt this way?
darkness under light
defines the contours of space
shadow deepens shine
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