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Apply plastic to my face; I can't embrace
the way I look, the way I waste.
My God is dead, because I erased him.
I am trapped in a daydream nation.

Rip the cords out of celebri-babes
I wanna be the end of a film
I wanna fade...

...Fade in,
My God is your God and I declare you're full of sin
Hollywoodland is my mecca and it's all that I am
Give me a star on the walk instead of the sky
I don't wanna live, I just don't ever want to die

Hollywood, Holly would
give up her soul
if Oscars and movies could
make her whole.
 Apr 2014 Josh Murphy
Theia Gwen
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
A family member would ask
I suppressed a smile thinking of you
"No" I'd reply, my face a mask

"Mommy, why are they holding hands?"
A little girl would want to know
I'd pull my hand away from yours
And manage a timid "Hello"

"You're obviously in love"
A friend of mine took note of my bliss
I finally admit it but changed pronouns
Turning every "her" into a "him"

"I'm bisexual and dating a girl"
I'd tell the mirror 1,000 times
Getting the courage to tell my parents
Then turning around and changing my mind

"Are you ashamed of us?"
She'd ask tears welling in her eyes
"No" I'd hug her close because it was true
I was only ashamed of myself and my disguise
Another poem about that LGBT love story I'm writing. Has nothing to do with me or my life. :)
 Apr 2014 Josh Murphy
How many minutes does it take for the light from the Sun to travel to Earth?
Easy, 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
What is the distance from the Earth to the Moon?
Easy, 238,900 miles exactly.
What color are her eyes?
... Something gold. A bright golden brown. The flecks show up mostly when she is in the light. Her skin glows florescent, but her eyes deepen with curiosity and an unimaginable spark illuminates within her.
...So, Brown?
I guess you could say that.
How fast does light travel?
Easy, 186,282 miles per second. Hit me with something harder.
Okay, What is her best feature?
Some would say her body and some would say her mind. But I love the thing that will never deteriorate, Her soul. Her soul is the most beautiful part about her. It is what is within her as well as what shows outside on a sunny day. It is what picks the flowers outside of her house and kisses me gently. It is who recommends music and tells me that she loves me more than I love her (even though that is false, I love her so much more) and that gives me hope in the midst of fear.
Her soul is what touches me, not her fingers. Her soul is living and breathing, not only inside of her, but inside of me as well.

...Do you really love her?
Guess you could say she's a part of me now.
For L.
 Apr 2014 Josh Murphy
Theia Gwen
I told you over the phone
That you were as beautiful
As the stars that dotted the sky
But you lived in a big, bright city
And could only see a few dozen
While I could see thousands
You couldn't know the half of it
So I told you over the phone
That you were as beautiful
As the stars in your new lover's eyes
And you finally understood
"Normally, about 2,500 individual stars are visible to the human eye without using any special equipment. But because of light pollution, you actually see just 200 to 300 from today’s suburbs, and fewer than a dozen from a typical city." How sad is that?
 Apr 2014 Josh Murphy
Theia Gwen
Don't eat those pomegranate seeds
Don't gloss those beautiful lips
With the sticky liquid of death
Heaven seems so far away
When you're stuck in hell
And the devil has an incessant need
To deform all things beautiful
And to separate you
From everyone you love
And the ashy snow will fall
Until you're with me again
Because all I have is memories
Of you dancing in the spring blooms
But now you're laying among asphodel
And I know it's hard to see the other side
Because depression has a relentless need
To touch all things pure
But I know
Spring will come again
 Apr 2014 Josh Murphy
Faking It
 Apr 2014 Josh Murphy
Big happy smiles
That's all I am
Happy smiles
And easy laughs
It looks so natural
Like where it should be
But it hides
Thousands of emotions
Hidden within these smiles.
Some of these emotions
And feelings,
They are happiness
But a lot of them are not.
And my confidence?
Like everything else here,
That is faked pretty well too.
Things are getting better, I promise. I just have to keep faking it til it happens.
We all hurt
we have all tasted the dirt
We have all felt pain
No matter how little its all the same
Its not a competition
Its no ones ambition
Don't be upset because I have a sadder story
I don't do it for the glory
Did I forget to mention
its not about the attention
We need others to care
Not to compare
people need to feel
Before anyone will heal
Your pain is just the same as mine
You will understand in time
the darkeness will clear
until then I will always be here
To hold your hand in the dark
To show you how to find your spark
believe in your heart
Then begin a new start
is a
with the
of her
I wanna fire you in my veins;
have you ruin my life
I want you to be the cancer, baby
I have to cut out with a knife
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