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Yes, we have been discharged from The Law,
but we’re not freed from our responsibility;
as Children of Almighty God, we acknowledge
the duties of our spiritual accountability.

We’re to be obedient to the Spirit’s prompts
and not blindly to a codicil of written rules;
the framework of Godly principles assists us,
when circumstances of Life suddenly turn cruel.

The underlying difference is when perspective
changes from a slave to one of His servants;
with a proper mindset and divine viewpoint,
we become… the embodiment of His new covenant.

Are we just disregarding the old regulations
or are we redefining them by Love’s Salvation?
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Rom 7:6

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
Some days seem to be strangely ominous
and I’m reluctant to leave my comfy bed;
therefore, I clothe myself with Truth,
since I have nothing to fear or dread.

The inspirational courage of Your Word,
girds the frailty of my spiritual essence.
Wherever, I willfully determine to go,
I’m comforted by Your nearby Presence.

Despite the many, evil distortions,
created by human desire and wickedness,
I’m not motivated by fear, circumstance
or doubts, as I’m striving for holiness

that only You, provide with assurance.
I overcome all obstacles set before me-
knowingly sated, with the fact that
my saved soul is… never in jeopardy!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Deu 6:6-7; Job 13:13-15; Psa 119:105-112

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
It’s really shameful to acknowledge
the divisiveness of all denominations;
a continuing lack of understanding is…  
diluting Love’s message of Salvation.

The ongoing promotion of religious brands
has not convinced or impressed the World;
the wholeness of God’s holy Word must be
embraced by everyone, as His boys and girls.

These current disagreements and hostilities
of religious debates waste our precious time;
clearly a lack of Christian unity of beliefs
blurs the position of Faith’s dividing line.

Silly tendencies to argue, keeps us unfocused
and separated from today’s task of evangelism;
Christ died to unite us in fellowship with Him
and not vying for the best speaker’s magnetism.

Faith’s intimacy really permits us to become one
with God in times of quiet reflection and prayer;
religious brands are simply counter-intuitive,
reducing our effective witness of Heaven’s flair.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
1 Cor 1:10; Rom 16:17

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
Finding Holy Ground frequently,
should be much easier these days;
isn’t it wherever we happen to go,
since His presence abides with us?
Haven’t we accepted His higher ways?

Are His precepts and promises hidden,
inside the stony temple of our hearts?
Do we desire to mesh our wills with His?
Are we making proper, daily sacrifices
of attitudes- without being torn apart?

Can our speech be free of covetousness?
Will we learn to be completely content,
boldly knowing The Lord is our helper?
Can we get over the irrational fears
that may usurp His Grace and circumvent

the holy plans and purpose given to us?
Are we bowing daily to His authority?
Can we listen to Godly conversations,
without be offended by our ignorance?
Wherever we go, we must realize and see

that we are standing on holy ground-
for the Earth still belongs to the Lord.
Therefore, let’s raise clean hands overhead
with genuine praise before Him, seeing…
that He remains worthy of being adored!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Heb 13:5-8; Isa 55:8-9; Psa 24

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
You Only Live Once,
is an idealized concept,
fashioned by the foolish
and selfishness of heart.

Choosing to be self-deceived,
living under a false impression,
they hope that Jehovah’s grace
has been divinely imparted…

allowing them to operate without
constraints of accountability,
responsibility or personal decorum-
while lacking regard towards others.

Within this social, earthly plane,
our temporary encasement of flesh
serves as a reminder that we remain
as Mankind’s sisters and brothers.

Until God’s preset configuration
of my soul’s timer quietly expires,
I’m living today -mindful of Him-
with Faith’s fullness of color!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
John 3:1-21

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
O Lord, how I appreciate having my character,
free from the carnal lust of mammon; for I,
don’t have to be concerned with avarice, greed
or the presence of possessions… that I can eye!

I’m truly thankful for my current circumstance,
knowing that You have promised to never fail me;
therefore, I’ll trust Your continued support-
since I’ve been grafted into… The Living Tree!

Having been comforted and encouraged, with boldness
and confidence, I claim: Christ is my Benefactor!
My spirit won’t be gripped by any dread or fears;
I’m ignoring the silly nonsense of all detractors.

Forged within Life’s, daily crucible of Faith,
inner steel and moral disposition were developed.
From Salvation through Christ, my soul was saved,
and my life by His Grace has been… fully enveloped.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Heb 3:5-6; Rev 2:7

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
What is it, that really stops you,
from inviting Christ into your heart?
Are you afraid of the responsibilities
or opportunities that can be imparted?

Have you taken quality time to thank God,
for the many blessings you’ve received?
How do you describe your current lifestyle-
living victoriously or partially relieved?

Where are you placing your trust each day?
Do you posses false hope in World systems,
or Hope in the principles of The Holy Word?
Where are you searching for the valuable gems

that will sustain your entire, life journey?
Are you energized with a real, Christian verve
that motivates your ongoing actions of Faith,
from knowing The Lord, Whom you daily serve?

Before it’s too late, open your heart to Him.
Take personal stock, look back and thank Him.
Open your eyes, look around and serve Him.
Look ahead via His Spirit and trust… in Him.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Rev 3:20; Psa 95:2-3; Gal; 3:6-9; John 12:26;
Rom 1:18-20

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
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