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May 2017 · 1.1k
Headphones User Manual
Jake O May 2017
I present for you
A user’s manual
For your new set of headphones

First: connect to your device
You may need a cord
Or use Bluetooth
But you need to connect to an outside source
The headphones do not come with a playlist

Second: put the headphones on
Make sure you maintain maximum ear coverage
Headphones are not as effective if you can hear the outside world
The thud of footsteps
The jumble of conversations
The pitter patter of rain
And the sound of laughter
Are not as harmonious as your music

Finally: begin the first song
Listen to it blissfully
Because only you can enjoy it
No one else is allowed in on your personal concert
There is no need to take off your headphones
There is no need to turn the volume down
There is no need to disconnect from your mobile device
Because here
No one can hurt you
You can’t hurt anyone
And you can pass by the world like a ship in the night

The headphones have a lifetime warranty
However, we cannot refund you
On the time, friends or opportunities you might have lost
While using our product

Sincerely, your inner coward
Dec 2015 · 405
Jake O Dec 2015
My coat doesn't stop the shivering
The fire chills my bones
The sun is useless as always
When I'm standing by myself

My legs are numb
My fingers have lost their color
In the middle of summer
Under two pounds of covers

And I look out the window
At the people grouped together
Warm all of the time
Be it summer or winter

And I shiver alone
Callous and cold

Nothing heats as well as another warm body
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
The Modern Sleeping Beauty
Jake O Nov 2015
The Modern Sleeping Beauty is not found in the middle of a forest
Surrounded by flowers and small animals
With a light shining through the treetops
Illuminating her pristine body

The Modern Sleeping Beauty is not awoken by a prince
Wearing a royally white outfit
Who softly kisses her on the lips
To remove the magic curse

The Modern Sleeping Beauty does not finish the fairy tale
Marrying the handsome prince
With a happily ever after
Disney-style ending

No, the Modern Sleeping Beauty can be found curled up on a couch
Wearing a leather jacket and grass-stained jeans
Listening to someone else's music
Undisturbed by the world bustling around her

And the Modern Sleeping Beauty is awoken by a nondescript character
Who heard the bell ring
And wanted his headphones back
So he shook her lightly

The Modern Sleeping Beauty
Is more beautiful
Than any fairy tale
Oct 2015 · 486
Open Window
Jake O Oct 2015
An open window
A cold winter morn
A snow covered field
A white rabbit
An undeniable truth
Through the window frame
You can imagine the glass pane
Oct 2015 · 389
Two Steps Back
Jake O Oct 2015
Ten minutes late
One foot in the door
No one notices the new addition to the party

Twentyish people
Three rooms
There is little space to hide

Twelve gallons of soda
Six bags of chips
The fuel is never ending

Two hands holding
Two bodies touching
The most recent arrival awkwardly observes

Four hours later
Two sodas downed
The intimacy still increases

One step forward
Two steps back
He drifts toward the door

Twenty minuets pass
Fifteen miles driven
The boy sits at his computer and composes his regrets

Seven stanzas written
One memory burning away
He still doesn't know how if he should sat down,
put his arm around someone's shoulder
and talked the night away

About a week later
He forgets how to hold someone's hand
Oct 2015 · 547
Observational Blues
Jake O Oct 2015
There is no more lonely a role than the observer
We sit off to the side, and watch the world away
No promise of immortality could repay us for our duty
No material possessions could reward us for our time

When you can't part take in the wonders of the world
When you can't interact with your fellow man
When you must sit idle as time flows by
You can't help but feel jealous

As they talk
As they laugh
As they fight
As they cry
I watch from a safe distance
Still callous and jaded

Am I complaining?
Am I going to act on this?
Because I have embraced this role
Because I have decided that this is best for me
To remain back
To remain out of reach
To give up the warmth of touch

But I will soldier on
Relenting only to myself
As it is my duty
To observe
To take notes
Like a lecture
So I can pass on my lessons
To those who live in the world

To those who notice me
To those who ignore me
Know this
I am here
Envying the human life of intimacy
That I have given up
Oct 2015 · 538
Sleep (Or Lack Thereof)
Jake O Oct 2015
A good friend of mine once said:
"This is one of those things that funnier when you're sleep deprived."
I believe it was at 2am
And we couldn't stop laughing
Because that's what sleep deprivation does to you
It's alcohol to the under 21
It's marijuana to the cardless
The world makes perfectly no sense
And you just laugh and laugh

Then the sun comes
And you hear about the crash on the television
And remember why you aren't allowed to drink and drive
Oct 2015 · 330
Jake O Oct 2015
You ever just want to lay down
Look up at the stars
You yearn for it all day
And when you finally find the time to do it
It's daytime

You ever just want to stare out into the horizon
Chase the sun at 65 miles per hour
And when you finally think you've caught it
It's still millions of miles away

You ever just want to drill down
There's a bee line to China
You dig in your backyard all day
Until you're stopped by bedrock

And if you answer no
Then there is one thing I know
That everyone has reached for
It's not the stars
It's not the sun
It's not the center of the earth

There's a girl who sits two seats down
You know her name, her hobbies
And that smile you can't stop picturing
You know this girl is out there
(Or guy if you prefer)
You ever just want to reach out
And connect with her?

You know who I'm talking about
And you've probably thought the same
"I should talk to her some time"
And there's only you to blame
For the days
Months that pass you by
Because there's a theme amongst these stanzas

That no matter how much you try
You're fingers will only slip through wisps of air.
Jul 2015 · 388
Jake O Jul 2015
If words make up the sword that's stronger than steel
Then my headphones are my shield
Defending me from harm
Keeping me safe
And isolated
Like a suit of armor
Jul 2015 · 643
A Form Of Freedom
Jake O Jul 2015
Walking down a country road
While the sun sets
Behind a glorious mountain background

Getting lost
And refusing
To use google maps

Letting your mind wander
Through the wonders of imagination
During physics class

Sitting down
To list all the little things
And deciding enough's enough
Apr 2015 · 501
Jump Away
Jake O Apr 2015
We spend too much time
With our feet planted firmly on the floor
Never wondering
What if feels like to fly

Even if we can't fly
We have the next best thing
We can jump
We can leave these two dimensions of ours

Even if it's for a second
I want to leave the world behind
And believe I can fly

The problem with jumping
Is the landing
Some crumble on their knees
While others take the impact fine

But you can never know what it feels like to land
If you never take off in the first place
So jump with me
Jump away into an ephemeral flight
Where seconds are eternities
And the ground will never haunt us again
This poem was inspired by Little Busters by Rita
Apr 2015 · 662
Jake O Apr 2015
My best work
Is not from the best part of my mind
It comes from the half asleep
Struggling too keep my eyes open
Fingers two pounds heavier
Probably hallucinating
State of mind

It's about two thirds of the way to
Shouldn't drive a car
Can't remember last night
Alcohol poisoning
Black out

I don't drink anything to get this way
I just pull those
Oh my god
Gotta keep going
Four cans of red bull
I wonder what the sunrise looks like

And in this state of sleep deprivation
I can imagine entire
Twenty years ahead
Hundred years behind
Magically shrouded
Just outside my door

And just as I begin to put pen to paper
I lose control of my muscles
And let unconsciousness steal my worlds away
Apr 2015 · 442
Jake O Apr 2015
Last time I checked
Something new under the sun
Is a wondrous miracle

Over the course of one hundred thousand years
To find a new possibility
Feels nearly impossible

And yet,
And yet,
When the thoughts flow from your mind
Onto the page
We can marvel at the original work of art
The original work of your mind

The piece fades away
Amongst the reality we heap upon it
Like the bottom of the laundry hamper
But we will find it again
And clean it off
And smile

It's quite the miracle
That these exact words
Have not been written before
Apr 2015 · 679
How You Know You're Screwed
Jake O Apr 2015
You're ******* when
Her face makes your heart flutter
Her name makes your skin tingle
Memories of her bring a smile to your face

You're doomed when
She lives far away
You don't have her number
She doesn't remember your name

You're in love when
You're determined to see her again
You're convinced she recognizes you
You can't get her out of your head

And then you know:
You're *******
This poem was inspired by Piano Man by Billy Joel
Apr 2015 · 448
To Write
Jake O Apr 2015
To write
Is to sit down
Or stay standing
And pull out your
Notebook, loose leave, laptop
and begin to let worlds flow from your fingers

To write
Is to jump a dimension over
And explore the endless possibilities
Of the humor, romance, horror and beauty
Bound up in the skull

To write
Is to slip away
To lose yourself
To become a different person
And listen to his, her, its
Plights and thoughts and stories

To write
Is to become
As close to a god
As your will ever come

To write
Is to let life
Flow from your fingers
And on to the page
Where it will live
A bit longer than we will
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Jake O Apr 2015
Miracles happen
Only when you mix naiveté
With a roulette table

You walk out
A smile brimming on your face
Because you are victorious

You leave behind the four other gamblers
The four other competitors
The four other comrades
Still going all in on red

You forget, in your surprised bliss
That you have succeeded
Where others are still asking for another martini
Apr 2015 · 456
Philosophical Debate
Jake O Apr 2015
Back and forth
Over the endless limits of human interpretation
Over the moral implications of our infinite doubt
Over the riddles of the great world
Over philosophy and the abstract

But while they bicker
They ignore the warm summer breeze
And drown out the songbirds
Apr 2015 · 338
Jake O Apr 2015
I still need to introduce myself
To the man in the mirror
Apr 2015 · 438
Jake O Apr 2015
When I take my glasses off
When I stay up too late
When I don't drink enough water
My vision becomes blurry

When I take out my contacts
When I pull an all-nighter
When I dehydrate myself
My writing makes more sense

When I squint
When I wipe the tears from my eyes
When I put the drops in
The world I see hasn't changed
All that's changed
Is what I see of the world

And yet
No matter how much I
Blur, sharpen, obscure, or improve my vision
My feelings remain unclear to me
Apr 2015 · 687
Jake O Apr 2015
Gears turn
Pneumatics actuate
Machines run
The same way
Every time

No flow
No chance
No identity

Just interpreting electrical signals
And responding mechanically
Apr 2015 · 497
Jake O Apr 2015
Blink of an eye
Snap of a finger
Everything can change
Before you can say

Peace has been restored
Love has been formed
Life has been created
In less time

Wars have been started
Hearts have been broken
Lives have slipped away
Even faster

Every wink, blush, smile and tear
Are all caused
By reactions with speed
Approaching mach one

My world has been blown to pieces
Put back together
And shattered again
In a blink of an eye

It takes less time
Than the snap of a finger
To change the world

So, don't wait for your soul mate
Don't wait for the glory days
If you take time to affirm it
You might miss it

Life happens
Apr 2015 · 384
Five Minutes
Jake O Apr 2015
They said they needed it done fast
I told them
Give me five minutes

Minute one
I walk inside
I see my target
And shyly observe her from the corner

Minute two
I go to her
I try to speak
I stand awkwardly outside the circle

Minute three
I speak to her
I ask to see her
We walk silently to the corner

Minute four
I grab her
I take her away
I drag the writhing body from the room

Minute five
I give her too them
They take her away
They nod in my approval
I said five minutes, didn't I?
Apr 2015 · 617
Jake O Apr 2015
Don't come near me
My footwork is off
My hands are unsure
I am clumsy

My words come out wrong
As uncoordinated as my movements
Causing me to hurt those around me
I am graceless

I trip over my own voice
As often as I trip over my own feet
And I collapse onto unsuspecting victims
I am inept

A one small step
Causes a wall to fall
And they clutch their heads in pain
I am awkward

I'm sorry
I can't stop my faults
You should just stand back
I am clumsy
A description of myself that does a small part of me justice
Apr 2015 · 750
Walking Away
Jake O Apr 2015
No friends to leave behind
No family to wave be good bye
I'll walk away now
And give up my final try

It's pretty easy to leave here
It's not that hard to go
I'll walk away now
Out in the blistering snow

The frost comforts me greatly
As I tread on through the cold
The white encourages me to go on
And justifies my being bold

With no one to look back on
With no one to pull my slack
I will walk away now
And never come back
This poem was inspired by Brave Song by Aoi Tada
Apr 2015 · 392
Jet Black
Jake O Apr 2015
It's in your hair
It's outside the airplane window
It's at the bottom of the sea
It's all over your car
It's in the sky between the stars
It's in your closet at night
And yet we will always fear it
The color of the dark
That flows so beautifully through your hair
Apr 2015 · 514
Jake O Apr 2015
It's against my policy
To get too close
To go too far
To feel your touch

It's against my personal code
To desire
To give myself away
To long for your company

It's against my guidelines
To believe in true love
To become infatuated
To yearn for your affection

I didn't make my own rules
I just abide by them
I'm sorry, but doing anything else
It's against my policy
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Twenty Stories Up
Jake O Apr 2015
The wind blows through your hair
At much higher speeds
Twenty stories up

The world scales down
Like a model
Twenty stories up

Two hundred feet drops off
In a surreal fashion
Twenty stories up

You think you can survive the fall
Landing on a soft pillow of cement
Twenty stories up

I told her not to leave
She never came down the stairs she used to go
Twenty stories up

It feels great to let go
Of both the world and your self
Twenty stories up

My life wouldn't feel as empty
If they wouldn't let you go
Twenty stories up
This poem was inspired by My Soul, Your Beats by Lia
Apr 2015 · 408
Jake O Apr 2015
Passing by
One by one
Stopping and starting
Like my heart at your touch

All this jerking around
Has made me carsick
And I feel uneasy
Like when you gaze at me

I need to get out
I need fresh air
But I'm still on the highway
Breathing the same hyperventilation

Don't talk for me too long
Or I'll get sick again
And I'll have to leave you once more
Because I'm not used to this constant thumping sensation in my chest

The cars keep passing by
Thoughts from the highway in LA
Apr 2015 · 832
Jake O Apr 2015
It's been a while
Since I've sat down for this long
Just to write
All the words I can write

They call it a stream of consciousness
But I call it a stream of truth
It's a stream to remember
As it glosses over your skin

Maybe this truth
Will stick around
A bit longer than the sunlight
A bit longer than the nightlight

I don't want my writing to go away
I don't want my writing to be forgotten
I want my writing to stay
I want it to be remembered

A writer only ever wants to stay
That is the mark of a great writer
It's not that hard, to write for a long time
It's pretty hard, for that long time of work to stick around

But don't worry
It's just a stream of consciousness
It's not a hard thing to do
So we will just keep typing and praying for hamlet
To come rolling off our fingers
Apr 2015 · 442
Who is poetry for?
Jake O Apr 2015
Poetry is not for the weak
Poetry is not for the dainty
Poetry is for the ones brave enough to put their minds on paper

Poetry is not for the prejudiced
Poetry is not for the close-minded
Poetry is for the ones whose preconceptions are as substantial as vapor

Poetry is not for the smart
Poetry is not for the intelligent
Poetry is for the ones clueless enough to write it

Poetry is not for him
Poetry is not for her
Poetry is for the rest of us
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Jake O Apr 2015
I don't see it very often
But when I do, it looks like this

It looks like red hair
Tied back in a pony tail
With eyes that no one thought could be so blue

It looks like 7:00 at night
As well as 6:30 in the morning
When the sun douses the sky in hue

It looks like the west
Or the east
Depending on where the mountains are

It looks like the girl three seats back
Who keeps tapping the desk nervously
Worrying about the scratch on her car

It looks like the pitch dark
With the small dots glowing
That you see when you look up at night

It looks like the beach
With the people swimming through the waves
Or lounging in the sand, soaking up the light

I never really knew beauty though
Until I first met you
With that confident smile
That you don't see very often
And eyes that no one thought could be so blue
Apr 2015 · 392
Jake O Apr 2015
It took me two days to write this.
Apr 2015 · 389
Jake O Apr 2015
When you can't stop smiling
When you can't stop laughing
When you don't try stopping
When you don't try sleeping
When you just keep writing
When you just keep running
When you don't stop crying
When you don't stop loving
When you keep on trying

Because, as Albert Einstein said:
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Apr 2015 · 814
Jake O Apr 2015
The contented recluse is the most blessed of all
Because if the hermit has found happiness
Who can take it away from him?
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Back Left Corner Pocket
Jake O Apr 2015
Prom night
She stood there all alone
Tapping her foot to the beat
In the back left corner pocket

The cue ball decided it was time to end the game of billiards
He spotted the eight ball all alone
Nodding his head to the music
And the cue ball called the shot
Into the back left corner pocket

He rolled forward
Steps calculated
Swagger restrained
Sights set on the back left corner pocket

He conversed with the eight ball
Talking to him
Coaxing him to move
Toward the back left corner pocket

The cue ball watched from a distance
Having already imparted all its momentum
As the eight ball headed
For the back left corner pocket

The eight ball was unsure
Dressed in a black button up shirt
With matching dress pants
But he continued to roll
To the back left corner pocket

He motioned for the girl to follow
And hand in hand
They left for the dance floor together
They left the back left corner pocket

The cue ball sat back and admired his work
The other billiards player left
Having lost to the usual call
The winner always sank that last shot
Into the back left corner pocket
Apr 2015 · 392
1 AM
Jake O Apr 2015
Nothing gets done at 1 AM
No homework is finished
No bolts are tightened
No hearts are broken

Nothing gets started at 1 AM
No opening paragraphs are written
No foundations are laid
No hands are held

Nothing hurts at 1 AM
No cuts bleed
No failure shames
No silence stings

And yet we are alive at 1 AM
We keep plugging uselessly ahead
We smile to keep from frowning
We laugh to keep from crying
Because no one should be awake
At 1 AM
Apr 2015 · 3.3k
There on the bench
Jake O Apr 2015
As she sat there on the bench
She fiddled with the cold metal handle
And believed it was her closest friend

As she sat there on the bench
She refused to think of the laughs
Of the friends and family she had spent countless days with
Of the happiness she had

As she sat there on the bench
She forgot the two boys
Who admired her from a distance
But wouldn't say anything because the boys were best friends

As she sat there on the bench
She lamented about the small time
She had been laughed at instead of with
She had been scorned

As she sat there on the bench

As she died there on the bench
Apr 2015 · 577
Jake O Apr 2015
It may happen today
That moment of glory
When we do the impossible
and fade into legend

It might happen tomorrow
As they turn the page
You shout victoriously
and fade into legend

It might happen next week
When you take her hand in yours
Charging deeper into the plotline
and fade into legend

It started on page one
With the opening paragraph
That will enthrall a generation
and fade into legend

We are not here forever
Every story has an end
But the great will be remembered
and fade into legend

It may happen today
It's all up to you
Do it for the story
and fade into Legend

— The End —