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 May 2021 Jeremie
There are unlived parts of me
I will bring them to light
Even if only for myself
 May 2021 Jeremie
 May 2021 Jeremie
Try as you might
You will not bleed me dry
Not of my love
 May 2021 Jeremie
My Dear Poet
 May 2021 Jeremie
My Dear Poet
I am somewhere
inside this poem
 May 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
beneath the anguish of sorrow
within the resistance to hope
I let go
into the sigh of surrender
where a tenderness washes over
this wounded heart
whispers of love
emerge through its cracks
crowding the silence,
filling the emptiness
and subtly piercing the dark
 May 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
Her head lies heavy across my chest
both grasping for closeness
her breath in rhythm with my breath
both intimately silent
her heart aches as mine aches
both dreading the distance
we are One
masquerading as two in separation
not yet noticing
Life’s infinite unfolding
we remain forever entangled;
lost in Love’s dream
of endlessly pursuing Itself
in the other
 May 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
Autumn wind caresses dying leaves
coaxing them to dance with its breeze
silence nurtures their death
as the vibrancy of life recoils
red, orange and brown
lavishly ornament the earth
as slumber hushes all sound
 May 2021 Jeremie
Melissa Rose
She slipped in quietly
through the back door
the dead of night carrying a silence
she’d never heard before

Even with the rustling of wind
through the trees
its stillness halted everything
including her desire to breathe

A sudden rapture grasped her heart
like a long lost lover
unraveling into its arms
she became one with the other

Out through the front door
at the first light of dawn
she left the keys to certainty
with the comforts of home
 May 2021 Jeremie
Maria Mitea
Halfway between past and future,
Life and death, singularity and universality,
The eye is looking through the clepsydra of time,
The Absolut,
- I am the only one twisting the strings of conflux,
The Eternal tells,
-All things from today and tomorrow already happened,
It is all in vain, don't even  bother,
There are even memories of
The worlds that haven't been born yet,

Tying to suspend time,
When the days and nights are unchanged
From the beginning of the world.
 Feb 2021 Jeremie
Thomas W Case
Her lips are like
wet orchids, dressed in
the spring rain,
waiting to be
kissed and
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