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  Nov 2014 Jewel Tiara
Joseph Schneider
Don't allow yourself to feel "dumb" or "stupid" based on your inability to achieve something you care little about.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
Jewel Tiara Nov 2014
your first love will leave you comparing your other relationships for the rest of your life.
Jewel Tiara Nov 2014
you could pour milk in the space between her collarbones and if you hung on tightly enough you could probably climb down her sternum straight into her heart. her spine felt like a column of marbles and showed through any shirt she'd wear. she was as see-through as glass and her veins were electric blue and grassy green, although you could find violet variations of red and purple bruises upon her arms. she smiled anemic teeth and her eyes were pacific ocean blue with the churning of bleached waves.
she breathed dull and sporadically.
  Nov 2014 Jewel Tiara
We're usually as good
as our last piece of writing
just an observation
  Nov 2014 Jewel Tiara
he looked at me and for a second i saw stars fall. i was no longer submerged in gravity's thick blanket, i was wrapped in his iris and pulled into the arms of his eye sockets.
i thought i must be an astronaut, since this was a different planet, something i'd always imagined venus or jupiter would be like.
i'm breathing through his lungs and it feels foreign to me, the kind of feeling you get when you step inside someone else's home--
except this one had a soul and a voice that put me to sleep even when i was so restless i felt i had the moon hanging on my shoulders.
so, with that, i crawled inside his bloodstream and shut out the lights, his voice barely audible when he told me he could no longer feel me pushing him away.
  Nov 2014 Jewel Tiara
Megan Grace
I read somewhere that
we are all made of stars
and if that's true then I want
to study your universe
until I can teach a class on it,
a history of you.
  Nov 2014 Jewel Tiara
Makena Greer
There were galaxies in your eyes and skeletal constellations connecting your blazing white bones the comets from your eyes continued to fall you couldn't see what I could because of the exploded nebulas that created too dense of breathtaking  stardust so you thought you were just a terrifying black hole you made yourself bleed stars you said to not get close because you ****** up light and happiness when really it was you creating it
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