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 Sep 2015 morosemelon
Mike Essig
The only way to discover
the world's true Knowledge
is to suffer and beg for it,
otherwise when it jolts your head
you will think it is only
rotten fruit dropping
from the branches
of the tree of good and evil.

that there are few things more beautiful
than a sea of white powder on a mountain,
or purple lightning,
that lights up the clouds above
in the middle of the night.
the never ending rippling waves
that will forever disrupt the ocean mirror.
Remember these things,
and take them as you will
i don't know how to run
so i  crawl

while you keep running

i hope you will stop running
so my knees will stop bleeding
if only
the heart was made of
elastic materials
then just maybe
it will only bend

As humans we aren't meant to comprehend truth, because of it i'm drowning

There is a boat i won't grab onto, for the boat is only for believers

The people try to pull me in, but i won't adjust so i'm only pulling them down with me

I pulled 2 people down with me, now they're gone. I'm still drowning ...

The boat doesn't even matter anymore, I drift under the sea blanket of insanity.
You found me a shell of a girl,
all smiles and laughter.

You found me a gloomy girl,
who mastered her guise.

You found me an ambitious girl,
struggling to lift herself up.

You found me a fearful girl,
who trusted your intentions.

You found me a guarded girl,
who was letting down her walls.

You found me a happy girl,
who was finally feeling wanted.

You found me a mysterious girl,
retracted because your apparent disinterest.

You found me a tragic girl,
saddened by your withdrawal.

You lost me a fantasy girl,
hurt by your abandonment.

You almost had the girl,
you had her so close it hurt,
then you left her in pieces.

How poetic that the way you found her,
was the way you'd leave her.
to many people leave just when they are about to help you.
I guess you really only can rely on yourself.
 Sep 2015 morosemelon
In a relationship, there should never be a time where your partner says "But if you loved me, you'd __". Flat out.  A healthy relationship is about giving yourself to that person, self giving, when you feel ready. A selfish partner expects you to do certain things out of love for them. I'm not explicitly talking about ***, but it's in between the lines.

A selfish love is one that takes and takes but doesn't completely give back. You give yourself up to a selfish partner because you think it's going to satiate them, satisfy their needs. But it never does, does it? If you set boundaries and your partner doesn't accept them -- leave.

A self giving love is one that gives patiently and doesn't necessarily take. It's a love that constantly seeks permission where permission is needed. You communicate to express how you feel, openly and honestly. If you set boundaries and your partner tries their best to accept them because they love you as a person -- stay.
A quick writing for my theology teacher who didn't quite understand what I meant by "There are two types of love. One is healthy and one isn't".

Which are you, selfish or self giving?

 Sep 2015 morosemelon
Mike Essig
By Kim Addonizio*

I like to touch your tattoos in complete

darkness, when I can’t see them. I’m sure of

where they are, know by heart the neat

lines of lightning pulsing just above

your ******, can find, as if by instinct, the blue

swirls of water on your shoulder where a serpent

twists, facing a dragon. When I pull you

to me, taking you until we’re spent

and quiet on the sheets, I love to kiss

the pictures in your skin. They’ll last until

you’re seared to ashes; whatever persists

or turns to pain between us, they will still

be there. Such permanence is terrifying.

So I touch them in the dark; but touch them, trying.
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