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Mar 2021 · 143
Tarleton Meeks Mar 2021
I slipped again
In a long moon
This time I saw
The slip coming
And still tried
To play around
And flip over the slip
And accidented myself
I saw my defenses breaking down
And My heart misbehaving
And now
I let everyone down
My mind tells me its just a slip
But oh how toxic
A drop of it on my tongue could
Damage my taste buds.

This time, I can't even assure
My Dearest of how much
I'm willing to rise up again.
Fearing it might occur again

The bitterness in my tongue
Has seemly become familiar
To my palate
Sadly my appetite couldn't feed me with the right drug this time.
Jan 2021 · 639
Baby Boy
Tarleton Meeks Jan 2021
Every man is an omnibus in which our heirs ride

Every now and then
One of them bursts a cherry
And reveals Jehovah's magnificence
Sep 2020 · 262
Tarleton Meeks Sep 2020
Pardon me please
And bravely spit out
That you do not want me

Since the very day I cast eyes on you
You became my ***** friend

You played king
And I played slave
You played head
And I played feet

My ***** doors
were forever opened to you
But your ignorant heart
Bothered not walk into

You played spotlight
And I played brink
You played sun
When the world was awake
And played moon
When the world fell asleep
You played stars
And I played telescope

Pardon me please
Why did you leave me for Mrs.Prejudice?
Why did you leave me for Mr.Pride?

Pardon me please
And do not pass over beside me
When you file for divorce.
Bethink! my ***** friend
and hike back into my heart.
Forever yours
Sep 2020 · 235
Tarleton Meeks Sep 2020
its just so painful,
so hard for me to comprehend,
that my very soul
would ever fit into the ciphering world,
to speak its lingua franca .

even the abc's seem like
like the burning sensations of a finger
roasting on burning coals.

the Ice never seems to melt under blazing heat
on which it lies

oh how my soul longs to dematerialize
yet i do wish i do not.

Failure is the only bell
that tolls my eardrums

oh why did my green soul  
pluck up the guts

the guts to enter the Kingdom of Geniuses?
i desire an army seal
to set me free
to be free as a citizen
inside this kingdom
The Kingdom of Geniuses
Aug 2020 · 1.4k
Tarleton Meeks Aug 2020
my only dream now
to return to the old preppy garments
and the boisterous hallway
with friendly arms around my neck
breathing the whiff of boisterous energy
to feel the brotherly armor
the friendly kiss of peace
the high jinks

the giggling and throaty beats of husky youths
the naive maturity of free thinkers
filled with optimistic hopes...

Save! what a misery it is to know
to know that my juvenile years
can never return to me.
I pity thyself.
Oh how  quickly time fades!
but memos forever remain.

I was only an invisible spectator.

— The End —