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 May 2015 AJ
Words and Weapons
I bet you dream in color
and wake up in a black and white world.
 May 2015 AJ
Captured (Modified)
 May 2015 AJ
.....A thousand snapshots taken at once.....
An eye lies before the lens
A pupil of oval shaped shames and sorrows
fiery eyes glowing at the horrors
then extinguishing,
blurring every single memory
until sweet is the taste like a juice-filled berry

A thousand snapshots taken at once
Where the shutter speed is slower than the clock ticking
But faster than the hearts that race in the silhouette of carelessness
Each shot resembling the memories
When darkest station burns the brightest fire
The wretched hearts forsakes the liar

A thousand snapshots taken at once,
The unforgotten are forgotten
Merely pricked on the brims of the skin
uttered in a crowd
softening the aching chests
Of cold hearts and propagandists

A thousand snapshots taken at once
Yet only one will be able to ****** the heart of humanity
For a day

The nine hundred and ninety-nine will be buried beneath the gravestones
while a vestige of echoes trail behind the innocents' sorrows

And the lives that were owned
are now read on a chipped grave stone

Their epitaph states, 'Unremembered'

                                                ­            © S Y A
#Poem #Poetry #Modification #Symbolism
 May 2015 AJ
Marshie The Mellow
It's sad for you to go away
I'll miss the times we play
From morning till noon everyday

The things we talk about
It goes in a roundabout
They never stop and run out

Your jokes that make me laugh
That sometimes comes with tears
But I wont forget
The day you comforted me from my fears

I guess
My dear friend

But it won't be forever
It'll just be for now or never

"Cause distance makes the heart grow fonder"
As they always say
*We will still be together
 May 2015 AJ
This is our life
It goes like this
We wake up everyday and do the same things
We see the same people
Talk about the same things
It goes like this
There is someone who thinks they are alone
They all seem to say the same things
It goes like this
They talk about how life isn’t worth it
How they aren’t wanted
They don’t see the good
Another life is taken
Yet nothing changes
Our world
Well it goes like this
Madness all around
Children becoming parents
Families falling apart
People loosing their homes and their jobs
We don’t do anything to change
So it goes like this
It will continue to go like this if we let it
It goes like this
But is this the world you want to live in?
 May 2015 AJ
I don't like cutting, I don't want to keep doing it
I hate that I keep doing it but yet I don't stop
I wish I could stop but when everything is falling apart and it becomes too much I know what will be there
I know that when it seems like everything is changing some things will remain the same
Like the feeling of a cold blade on my warm skin
The feeling of my skin being cut
The feeling of the pain
The warmth of my blood on my skin
I know that when you rely on something for so long it becomes hard to let go
It becomes addicting
It becomes a habit
A friend
A helper
A supporter
A horrible never ending addiction
You stop for sometime and think you're done forever
But then you fall back into the addiction
It's like a deep hole
You know you will fall back again
When you do the hole becomes deeper
Harder to get out of
It takes longer to recover from
The cuts become deeper
It happens more often
But yet through all this I keep a smile on my face
How is that?
How can I smile when inside I'm falling apart?
When inside I'm miserable
I'm falling apart
I'm dead inside
I'm broken
I'm not the me I used to be
But yet I keep my head held high
I can't just stop cutting
It's not that easy
Because even when life is good my life flips it around
Makes everything seem bad, evil, haunting, tormenting
Words seems twisted
Actions are misjudged
My thoughts begin to run wild
But I know I have to try to get through this
It's like people say
Suicide isn't the answer
So I suffer in silence
I tell no one how I feel
I tell no one about the things I do
I just leave one more
One more cut
One more scar
One more secret
But why?
What good is it?
I've been asked about it before
They ask me
Why cut?
Why don't you just stop?
Why don't you get some help?
Why don't you tell someone?
I've never been able to give a good answer to this
All I say is this
It helps me
They don't know that sometimes you need to bleed to know you're really alive
So I say I'm okay when in reality I'm falling apart
I know it's not worth it
But yet I don't stop
I may never stop
Until one day it becomes too much
Until I finally get what I want
Until I die
No one really wants to die though
They just want things to change
But do I want change?
No, I just want a normal life
One with no suffering
One with no fear
One with no regrets
One with no sadness
A life with no hate
Especially with no pain
All I want is to be happy and for it to last
I want hope
I want laughter
I want to feel loved
I want to feel wanted
So maybe I don't want a normal life
I want an impossible one
One that can never be
One that no one can have
One that will never exist
Maybe that's why I'm so unhappy
Is it because I'm a hopeless dreamer?
Is it because I want impossible things?
Or maybe I don't deserve to be happy
I feel as if the world has given up on me
I'm not ready to give up on the world though
I will be strong
Even if I'm covered in cuts and scars
I won't give up until I get past this
Until my addiction is gone
This evil thing will not stop me
I will overcome this
It may not be today or even anytime soon
But I will
I will learn to love myself
I will stand tall with confidence
I will find who I am
I will learn to be happy
I will stay strong
I will not cut anymore
I will not fall back
I will not be held back any longer
I'm tired of this
I'm done covering my cuts and scars
It's my past
It's what I've done
This is part of me
 May 2015 AJ
John Marcus
 May 2015 AJ
John Marcus
The sun shines brightly outside my window
I wish to run outside and play
But sadly, I am still trapped
Yerning for when I can sing again
Hoping for what may never come

Why must I be here
Trapped in this room
Forever waiting to to roam

I wish to be free without a leash
Holding me back
When can I leave this place
WHY must I be here
 Oct 2014 AJ
love and lust
 Oct 2014 AJ
love is most healing
Until it's not lust
 Sep 2014 AJ
 Sep 2014 AJ
He was reading
So was she
She was giggling
Full of glee
His heart stopped
When their eyes met
She knew it'll be the first
She would never forget

He tried to approach her
But to no avail
His heart pumped faster
He knew he would fail

She was eagerly waiting
Wondering why he didn't move
Is there something on her face?
Did something came loose?

He broke through enmity
Believing it could be more
He got up and accidentally-
Yelled his name out!

She laughed so loud
He thought she was like the rest
He was about to leave
When she pulled him
*"Hi, my name is …….."
(This was surprisingly based on a true story)
2 years ago to be exact:D
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