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 May 2015 Duzy
L i a r
 May 2015 Duzy
I never meant
To fall in love
I never meant
To fall in love
With you

But when you smiled
And called me beautiful
And told me
I was always on your mind
And that we would
Be forever until the end

How could I not?
Then I figured you
You are a liar
You broke
You broke the
Only me
I'd ever
 May 2015 Duzy
ms reluctance
You see the beauty.
I see only questions
which need no answers.
I am at once
vulnerable and defiant.

You cut through the pretence
of the important trivial things.
The morning news
is enough to bring me down.

I sulk in bed, wondering
what is the point of getting up.
You make sure I find one every day.

You know the significance
of not taking my navel-gazing
too seriously.

And when I despair at the futility
of trying to fix the broken world,
you show me with your endless zeal
and unwavering hope
that just trying
can make all the difference.
NaPoWriMo Day #29
Poetry form: Free verse
 May 2015 Duzy
Chaos and Order
 May 2015 Duzy
There is a boy
sitting across the table from me,
whose voice cracks like an old record
when he sings hymns and
kindness rests in the color of his eyes.

He is explaining to me that order
scientifically can’t come out of chaos,
how the big bang never really happened because of
the perfect order our lives are set up to be.

The way the consistent order of the solar system
helped humans create the concept of
days, months, and years.

We climbed a tree whose leaves mimicked the
sunset’s arrangement of colors;
we watched the sun simmer into the horizon,
watching this chaos of color come to an orderly end.

My life shifts from one chaotic moment into another.
I remember sitting next to him on the crowded bus,
sides pressed up against each other.
There in that small act, I found order.

However I worried because I heard on the radio
one hot summer ago that us as individuals
need chaos to grow,
but then my name fell from
his mouth and my mind is now repeating
itself with chaotic worries that I
may never find someone like him again.
 May 2015 Duzy
Lily Willie
 May 2015 Duzy
Lily Willie, I am hungry
Do you have a cup of coffee--
A glass of milk, a butter cookie
Or a chocolate-dipped strawberry?

Lily Willie, I feel queasy,
But burgers are too greasy,
And pizzas are too cheesy
How about macaroni?

*Lily Willie, are you silly?
It's just a bite, a little candy
A slice of cake, nothing fancy
My head is numb, vision's hazy

I feel cold, but it's not snowy
My lips are purple, fingers chilly
My eyes are empty, so is my tummy
Lily Willie, I feel hungry.
No, skinny is not the new beautiful.

*thank you, andrea, for helping me construct this stanza
 May 2015 Duzy
Tyler Durden
You are the music
I have been looking for
And I never want to turn you down
 May 2015 Duzy
 May 2015 Duzy
Society: You're so ugly
Girl: But I'm happy
Society: You're too fat
Girl: But I'm happy
Society; You're not pretty enough
Girl: But I'm hap-
Society: Stop trying nobody likes you
Girl: But I'm h-
Society: Nobody cares about you
Girl: But-
Society: Go away why are you talking to me? Loser
Society: Wait where did you go?
Society: Come back!
Society: Why would she **** herself?
Society: She was so pretty and nice and everybody liked her why would she go?!
Society: We will miss you
It hurts people
 May 2015 Duzy
note one:
 May 2015 Duzy
i could never understand the fact that
i felt something for you
that in all honesty,
i have never felt in anyone in my
entire existence
// do you feel the same way?
 May 2015 Duzy
Dark n Beautiful
Learn to appreciate the rainbow after cursing the rain. It’s just like loving again after experiencing the pain. Quote:
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