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 May 2015 Duzy
Mike Hauser
i wonder if i ever

let go this pen

and no longer gave

the words their say

would that freedom

reshape the man i am

would i rue the day

that poetry

doesn't have a hold of me

the very thought

makes me afraid

it would be like

letting go the hand

of my closest friend

that always gets her way

yet there seems to be

comfort in this cancer

pleasure in its pain

am i truly looking

for an answer

would i listen anyway

to the contemplate

of the letting go

of this pen

i tightly grip a hold

my friend my lover

i at times loath

is something

i may never know
 May 2015 Duzy
Victoria Garcia
You should be here with me
My heart is as empty as the side of the bed that you used to sleep on
And my life's crashing harder than the waves on the shore like when you first kissed me
And I'm falling harder and faster into loneliness than I was when I fell for you
And I know there's no stopping this
But you should be next to me
Kissing each freckle on my arm and tracing "I love you" into my palm because each letter deserved it's own recognition for it made up a larger picture
And you should be next to me
With my head leaning onto the very shoulder I spent entire nights crying into
You should be beside me
But I guess this was all besides the point
And now you're next in line for a new girl
I just wish you would give me a next chance
 May 2015 Duzy
No Need
 May 2015 Duzy
No sound is needed
To hear you declaring your love
When your fingers are writing
Poetry on my naked back

No phrase is needed
To understand that you're missing me
When I can feel your presence
In the heat of the sun and rain

No sight is needed
To see how much you care
When it's my neck and cheek
You snuggle like reading braille

Iloveyou, baby
And I'm happy that we're happy
 May 2015 Duzy
Francie Lynch
A butterfly
***** its wings,
A frog's tongue
Nails it.
 May 2015 Duzy
Francie Lynch
I read a text
Meant for a friend,
One you didn't mean
To send.
Our culmination in technology
Has us now concluded.
A landline would've
Kept me dangling,
But pocket dials don't lie.
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