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I see you sighing at his name,
And turning yellow to blue.

I hope you keep in mind,
The only one you need is you.
I admire your ability to know someone doesn't deserve you, I wish I could be like you.
I just spoke to you this morning.
You sat elegantly, just like a queen.
Yet you left us with no warning.
Now you are nowhere to be seen.

No more strange looks behind my back.
No more tiny sounds with that crooked tooth.
No more fur coated in midnight black.
No more eyes that flash like a photo booth.

The two there are left, what about them?
They don’t know you are gone forever.
Cars combined with speed is what I condemn.
You deserved so much better.

On this mild Monday in July.
Your memory now will be kept.
If I knew, I would have said proper goodbye.
Your death is hard to accept.

Your spot is now empty.
Like an important missing piece.
You were so sweet and friendly.
I hope you rest in peace.
One of my cats died this morning. It got hit by a car. The only positive thing is, that she died right away with no suffering. Her name was Crystal which is why I named this poem "Crystallized" since I thought it would fit perfectly for her.
As a young girl, I paid attention
I knew what happened behind closed doors
It was horrid.
I recall nights of sickness
Inhaling your mistakes into my tiny lungs
And kids didn't want to sit with me at snack time
Because I reeked of regret.
And now, years later
When you found my bag of ***
How could you be surprised?
How could you be shocked
That your daughter, now sixteen
Picked up the same habits you practiced
Her entire life?
Because that burning feeling in my throat
Mixed with cool fall air and sadness
Was my ultimate high.
Because this was easier than dragging a sharp blade
Across my arm to bring some sort of
Non-existent relief.
It was better to escape to somewhere else
Where my problems were small
And I was free.
And when you asked me where I got it
How could you be even the tiniest bit surprised
When you heard that my answer was,
"From your stash"?
Such hypocrites they are.
 Jul 2016 Stranger Blue
~There will come
a moment when we
will step into a light
equivalent to all our
 Jul 2016 Stranger Blue
When I was much younger
Salamander for skin with aching veins of Pele
I always knew that I was better for the burning
Then ever I was for fading away
Making promises to innocence I would not hold on to much longer
Merely echos reminding me of what can never be
Resonating through the hollowed hallways residing deep within me

One day blossomed
into another.

Spring was seen
walking in the wood.

Time lay scattered
all around.

Last Tuesday was
a bunch of flowers

wilting in a vase.

Tomorrow remained
to be plucked

as if he grasped the mystery
of the world

in his tiny fist
that now

( this now )

was the only time
that could be.

Life is simple
when one is

The title comes from James Clarence Mangan's  "King Cahal Mór Of The Wine-Red Hand" which phrase would be known to anyone of my generation experiencing an Irish childhood.

I walked entranced
Through a land of Morn:
The sun, with wondrous excess of light,
Shone down and glanced
Over seas of corn
And lustrous gardens aleft and right.
Even in the clime
Of resplendent Spain,
Beams no such sun upon such a land;
But it was the time,
‘T was in the reign,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.

And the refrain comes back again and again but changing all the time...

"And it is the time,
These be the days,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.”

“It is now the time
These be the years,
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand.”

"That I dreamed this dream
Of the time and reign
Of Cahal Mór of the Wine-red Hand."

But my love of this refrain is far far ahead of me as I am only three and a tree is just another being and the world blooms into my mind.
 Jul 2016 Stranger Blue

I stood at the gate
and was shocked to find
the clasp unfastened

It swung freely on its hinges
as if it had not a care
to whom might enter or leave

I looked out towards the horizon
across the wintered over field,
a stark white landscape

I saw nothing but barren trees with
twisted branches creaking,
silhouettes reaching on an opaque sky

I felt scared and nervous, what
would happen now that the entryway
to my life had been left open

Then I felt someone take my hand,
and looking to my right, there you were,
smiling a sunrise on my face

The day began to sing
in sweet breezes, soft on my skin,
gathering warmly in my heart

So I pulled the gate closed,
secured it tightly and felt the first
hint of spring in your kiss
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