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 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
Oh you silly fool,
thinking that love could save you from despair,
from darkness.
You see I am the one that controls you,
You silly fool,
Thinking you could escape me,
my emotions bind you,
my power will rule you,
There is no way out,
For I am *eternal
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
i tried
to fall again,
to open up,
but i was scared,
so i put up my walls,
enclosed myself in loneliness,
left you on the outside,
forever wondering.
just know i'm on the inside,
still trying to find a way out...
knowing i'll only escape
to no one
A New Girl
A New Heart
The Same Old Game !
Silk red underwear begging to be ripped.
Blushing red skin craving to be bit.
The friction of our bodies is enough to ignite the soul.
Light me bright crimson red, giving me zero control.

Is this love or is this lust?
Frankly, it really doesn't matter.
I'm wearing all red,
The color of desire.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
Passionate kiss
Hips pulled closer
Thighs spread
Lips everywhere


Back arched
Hands grabbing
Eyelids fluttering
***** whispers

Senses heightened
Desire deepened

Body quivering
Breath unsteady
Satisfied sighs
Content moans

I've never loved

         or hated you more

                   in this moment...
It's a thin line between love and hate,  I'm balancing myself atop it.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
He's such a ******* tease.
My Green Eyes on a high rise
Sends me sailing through a breeze;
A zephyr of perfection
Brings me softly to my knees.
Before you I am naked,
Shrouded only by your kiss;
You guard precious possessions
As your lips encounter hip.
Slowly sinking, wond'ring, thinking
How love so quick occurred,
We weld ourselves together
Both with touch and endless word.

Oh, Green Eyes, it's your smile,
You guide me to my home--
A place so fresh and garden green
Beneath your skin and bone.
Your fingers on my fingers
Send me gasping to the floor,
Your whisper in my ear
Makes me shiver, plead for more.
Sprawled and tangled, move as one,
A deep seductive mess,
A most primal instinct
Each time we do undress.

Dear Green Eyes, you epitomize
The strength of human heart;
Through days of doubt and worry
You blindly brave the dark.
An though you walk straight on your own,
Although you know your way,
I'll be the 'X' that marks the spot
If ever you should stray.
So Green Eyes, please try,
Remember this verse:
From the depths of my soul
Your green eyes I do thirst.
This is an old piece about an old flame.
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