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When she stares at herself
in the mirror,
she swears up to the heavens
that she was cursed
with every
But I tell 'ya,
when I look at her,
I swear up to the heavens
that she-
that she is the most
perfect human being
I have ever met.
 Apr 2015 Jaee Derbéssy
I loved you
and you loved me
it wasn't perfect
but that was the key
little exerpt from one of the songs I wrote
 Apr 2015 Jaee Derbéssy
I Wish
 Apr 2015 Jaee Derbéssy
I wish someone could have warned me about this astrological being that would change my entire world. I wish someone could have warned me about those calloused hands that have held an inconceivable amount of ***** bottles which he used to repel the voices whispering inside his head. I wish someone could have warned me about those tired, blue eyes that have seen the most unthinkable things which he wishes he could erase from his memory, but the horrid thoughts of his past keep replaying over and over in his mind. I wish someone could have warned me about his bitter tongue that spoke more lies than truths.  I wish someone could have warned me about those cigarette kissed lips that would soon have me addicted to their nicotine.I wish I could quit, but I crave them more and more as the hours drag on. I wish someone could have warned me about how his ears have heard the slam of the door when his own mother left him behind with his ******* father. I wish someone could have warned me about how horrifying his thoughts were that even I couldn't drag him out of the sea of horrible memories. I wish someone could have warned me that I would have fallen so deeply in love with this person that I wouldn't know what to do with myself when I lost him.

If I am a madman,
how will I know?
Will I catch a glimpse
of myself climbing
to an empty roof top.
Will I hear an inner laugh
or see that my reflection
is fractured?
How will I know?
Do the perpetual voices
in my head
render me mad?
Or is it just my conscience
arguing my sanity?
I know I am marred
but nobody is perfect.
We are inferior
to ourselves.
since when did
never harbor
Free Verse
Sit. Meditate. Forgive. Repeat as needed.
Forgiveness holds great virtue. Forgive.
Try to let your anger at the world,
even though it deserves it, melt away.
You will fail, but to try has great merit.

Use your body as it was meant to be.
Move or die. The choice is yours.
Even as you creak and hurt,
pretend that you are a supple leopard.

Spend time with the young.
Mostly, they won't understand you
and you may not like them much,
but they are only future there is.
Share with them what is possible;
don't expect them to listen.

Eat and drink as you like, moderately.
Ignore the shouts of the health nazis.
Let the ******* eat Kale.
Only you know what is best for you.

Ignore or break any rules that you
believe to be stupid and chickenshit.
For the most part, only you will notice.

The bankers and politicians
have already owned enough of your life.
Quietly, but firmly, tell them to *******.

Fall in love no matter what your age.
Being in love is the true Fountain of Youth;
it awakens things you thought long dead.

Act freely, but consider the consequences.
The only sin is hurting someone. Be careful.
Make kindness your constant companion and mantra.
It will return to you many times over.

Remember, no matter what you do or try,
no one lives forever and time is not your friend.
Get on with it. Live now.
A list poem that could, and probably will be, added to forever.
Write a happy story,
They said.
They did not know
Pencils grow heavier
As they scratch lies across a page.

Pretty girl,
Handsome boy.
Sparks that flew
Hearts that grew
Lips that met.

Write a happy story,
They said.
They did not know
That life gets in the way
Of fledging happiness.

Pretty girl,
Handsome boy.
Words that fell
Down the nape of her neck
And into her chest.
Fingers that caressed
The line of his jaw
And the ridge of her cheek.
Whispers that rose
Yielding into the ice of the moon
And crept into the lining of their souls.

Write a happy story,
They said.
They did not know
Happiness carries the inevitability
Of pain underneath its wings.

Pretty girl,
Handsome boy.
One basket of memories never made
And of growing disappointments.
One slowly cooling heart.
Two stale throats musty and seldom used.

Write a happy story,
They said.
They did not know
That no matter how much heart’s-blood
You pour into their soul,
Sooner or later, destiny comes to play.
Even the greatest love story,
eventually finds an end.  

Pretty girl,
Handsome boy.
Fairy-tales incarnate.
But fairy-tales cannot survive in this world.
The magic mirrors cracked.
The poisoned apples fail.
The dragons triumph.
The animals voiceless.
The princes leave.
The princesses stray.

Write a happy story,
They said.
I wrote them a fairy tale,
But happiness had already flown away,
And my pencil had been
Too dull to capture it again.
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