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Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Jack Lucid Oct 2014
You said you'd wait.

It was a lie.

Underneath a somber grey and pallor sky

I hold my still beating heart in my hands

and yet I  still capitulate to your quaint demands

With a smile  on my face

I'm still Bereaved

with a smile on my face

I still believe  

With a smile on my face

I  still taste  bittersweet and metallic malevolence  

Some still claim hate is folly

but the only thing I  regret is love or was it lack thereof?

I still dream

and In between memories and make believe happy- endings  

I wake up drenched  in  feverish and sickly-sweet sweat.

I've been betrayed

go ahead and stick your blade in my back and twist

twist until i cease to exist

Twist until the earth runs red

with blood and regret

with tears and sweat

and i can still feel your breath upon my neck

and your words still caress my fragile disposition

but i still wake up alone

and I still wake up betrayed.  

Jack Lucid Sep 2014
Shroud me in charcoal clouds
and let the frigid autumn wind caress my skin
suspend me in a womb of hidden truths
and bury me sweetly in  a hallowed and nihilistic tomb*
So why are you astonished
in this world of rot and *****
  when our child-like elations become  extinguished by adult realizations  
and innocence is *****
So Shroud me in charcoal clouds
and let the frigid autumn wind caress my skin
suspend me in a womb of hidden truths
and bury me sweetly in  a hallowed and nihilistic tomb

when fear consumes you from the inside out
and all the walls are closing in
I will be your friend
Who can you trust and where do you go,
When you feel so ******* hollow.
When you've bitten off much more than you can swallow
and you watch your dreams slither down the drain
What will keep you sane?
*So Shroud me in charcoal clouds
and let the frigid autumn wind caress my skin
suspend me in a womb of hidden truths
and bury me sweetly in  a hallowed and nihilistic tomb
I need honest opinions?!?
Jul 2014 · 721
Desire's Eye
Jack Lucid Jul 2014
In my eye there is desire
In the depths of my soul burns an unquenchable fire
consuming my flaccid resolve like flax
sinking in  tooth and claw
my sworn enemy is  addiction
whispers in my ear and melts away conviction
Will i conquer this or perish in agony?
Will i commit to love or die tragically.
Like an elephant on my chest
this beast of burden grants no one rest.
Jul 2014 · 710
Beyond Disillusioned
Jack Lucid Jul 2014
Verse 1
Spewing ignorant diatribes
Willfully leading enervate lives
Yielding to your Id’s
When the bell rings you salivate
Empty vessels sole intent to propagate
    A disregard for higher consciousness
A blank countenance
      Absent minds beget absent images
Solitude becomes an affliction
     When imprisoned by these conditions
               Revulsion felt deep inside  
    A pariah by own design
            View this ****** up world through my eyes
Verse 2
         Is this their design?
Humans by assembly-line?
               Media programmed minds?
    Creature-comforts replacing the divine?
              Nothing more…Nothing less…
        Absent minds beget absent image

Solitude becomes an affliction
     When imprisoned by these conditions
               Revulsion felt deep inside  
    A pariah by own design
            View this ****** up world through my eyes
Jul 2014 · 640
Placebo ℞
Jack Lucid Jul 2014
Verse 1:

Lost in this cerebral jungle
Stalked by shadows
Facing reality is half the battle
Paranoia and confusion
What is real and what is an illusion?
Resonant whispers misguiding my resolve
There’s nothing that these pills won’t solve

Chorus 1:

Prescribe me tranquility
Synthesized solutions
Prescribe me bliss
Nevermind the risks
Alter consciousness for altar offerings

Verse 2:

Once the catatonic fog was lifted
I saw your wings were broken
          Serpent’s tongues deceived me
A shepherd’s crook for a crooked shepherd
             Masquerading demi-god’s
You’re nothing but false prophets

Chorus 2:

Prescribe me chemical lobotomies
Synthesized solutions
Prescribe me verity
Science without empathy

— The End —