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 Dec 2016 AJ
 Dec 2016 AJ
tell me how you'd romance this stone as I lay unnerved by the wind of you. tell me how you'd keep my body cold and my mind warm as you hold me between yours fingers, tell me you'll love me til I die be it tomorrow or the next day, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me tell me that my lungs won't ache after you've skipped me across the pond to drown, tell me how it is you plan to romance this stone. and I swear I'll never leave you.
 Dec 2016 AJ
storm siren
I used to wonder why my stomach churns when I hear a child cry.

I used to wonder why the videos of the children in the hospital in Aleppo make me want to curl into a ball and disappear.

I used to wonder why the sound of flesh impacting flesh makes me flinch.

I used to wonder why I can't watch or listen to horror movies that use gore for the shock-value.

why I can't watch anything gory at all.

I'd like to think it's because I'm much too compassionate.

but we all know it's because I've seen too much. Felt too much.
 Dec 2016 AJ
Tyrel Headley
The Bomb
 Dec 2016 AJ
Tyrel Headley
Here it comes peace inbound.
Falling down without a sound.
There is no discrimination.
It's only goal annihilation.
Mankind's destructive wonder.
Made to tear the world asunder.
Great big bomb in the sky.
Last thing we see before we die.
 Dec 2016 AJ
suicide is never the easy way out
it seems like it is
but it never is
you'll leave behind a wave of pain
a hurt that will rob everyone of a certain kind of happiness
it will cause others to ache deep within
they'll never repair themselves
your sadness will be theirs **forever
take it from someone who's tried to commit suicide
 Dec 2016 AJ
Campbell Pennington
Follow my softness all the way to the cliff's edge
Let me show you there is no fear in falling
Please show me there is no fear in falling
We stand at the precipice of everything,
galaxies and dandelion wisps as far as the eye can see
Take my hand, love
Take my hand
Let us jump into the void with certainty;
With the knowledge that there is no end
Let us not wish for one
Let these feet never touch solid ground again
 Dec 2016 AJ
Standing tall
 Dec 2016 AJ
Drop of flame stood tall,
holding its own against the breeze.
Said,"Until there was no candle,
no reason to be on its knees."
 Dec 2016 AJ
back to you baby...
 Dec 2016 AJ
jazz filled rooms light up with your words and even in my ******* haze i see you, bright, mixing metaphors to magic and bringing me to my knees for some reason i don't know why, your beauty your breath your mind is a solace for love burnt in the flames i led you to, death always knocking but i'd open with you,
sipping red on a sunday on any day
the day to be alive
kissing friends kissing lovers kissing fire, love is free but she's forgotten how to see light in the wind and depth in the dark,
did i dream of you last night, spinning language in drunk love?
or was it only an overlay of hope, tracing scribbled fragments of what's to come
 Dec 2016 AJ
storm siren
I only knew rain,
before I met you.

and when we were gone,
rain was all I knew

and I softened
at your smile.

my heart began to really beat
for the first time in awhile.

and while nothing held up for long,
no umbrella or teru teru bozu,

all I seemed to have needed
was to somehow be part of you.

and though the rain
seemed relentless,

you came along
and made the sunshine endless.
Kind of about Juvia Lockser and Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail, kind of about my husband and i.
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