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 Dec 2016 AJ
Paul Hansford
Perhaps in another world
another sun comes
lighting a different
and now,
where another I
could meet a second you.
Would she smile to know him there?
Would he look into her grey eyes and see
what I have seen, know
what I have known?
Perhaps in another world,
but here
spring always ends, petals
fall, and rivers
This was originally written as an exercise using (a) my name as an acrostic - you can still see the way the first six lines, and the last five fit the form - and (b) my telephone number at the time to give the number of syllables in the lines - it’s been edited so much since then that only a few lines now fit the requirement.
 Dec 2016 AJ
blue mercury
we could fit together like russian dolls. a perfect fit of two well painted figures. do you taste like autumn, bedtime and and perfection? do i smell like new books, lemon cakes or home? i could be the one who makes regret nothing and want everything.

come watch this with me:
              these shattered constellations
         in a navy sky.

the depths of endless oceans are not enough to drown my feelings. i feel like this could be what’s the end of me. i *** into infinity, the unknown, hope. my scarred and so imperfect skin could fold into your perfection. cool skin upon cool skin. a dreamstate of awakened eyes

i can hardly see.
                      this life is lived too blindly,
someone heal my sight.

daisy flowers uprooted from the soil, lights dimmed low, a pretty and sadly slow song is  playing in the background. it all feels so deeply personal. i hope my soul is transparent so that you can see into my intoxicatingly good intentions. i’ll always want to share your breath.

you’re inside of my veins
pumping through my blood like drugs
making me feel high
 Dec 2016 AJ
Anthony Moore
 Dec 2016 AJ
Anthony Moore
You're too high strung wound like a top, but not well spun.
What are you, sprung?
You're too well hung to act this young.
So what if she loves every song that you've sung?
It's just because she's obsessed with the grooves in your tongue,
move in the sun and taste it.

Today is beautiful and I'll be ****** if you waste it getting wasted, let's face you're too content with being complacent.

Your placement and current situation are not your destination.
don't be anxious you know your knowledge is ancient and none of this "ain't ****".
Take note of the double negative.
been a long time since i wrote a poem i guess this is my attempt at a new one.
 Dec 2016 AJ
Third Eye Candy
For Thee I have sworn to render from the sovereign sun
a soul's worth; burnished by oblivion's tongue
and stars uncursed ... a bounty of beloved life; once spun
then unmade, and cunningly reversed. a song sung.
a belle play. a bell

For Thee, I measure the Night's dark, by hand - and
Love by mouth... I come
to heap sweetness upon the waters -
of your thighs, and glide bidden to the hilt of your Delta
like the mighty Mississippi to a blind oyster... for there; I cloister -
in the Secret Gardens of your Restlessness like an untamed

with an ordained
 Dec 2016 AJ
Brent Kincaid
I have busted my ****, sliding down rainbows
And fell through many pink clouds on my ear.
I always whistle as I pass by graveyards
Threw hundreds in wishing wells, over the years.
I defaulted my rent on castles in the air.
I carefully avoided stepping on any cracks.
I walk endless miles not to walk under ladders.
I carefully avoid walking near any cat if it is black.

I totally buy that I am superstitious
And I wear that distinction like a hair shirt.
But I see problem in not taking chances;
It may not work, but it couldn’t hurt.

I’ve cramps in my fingers from them being crossed.
I would never break any kind of mirror, of course .
And I still have salt sprinkled on my shoulders.
Wishing on many stars, I have made myself hoarse.
I always look away when a funeral goes by.
I spit in my palm when I hear something spooky.
I drop coins into the bowls of all beggars
Even though most of my friends think me kooky.

It’s not like I go broke on soothsayers
And buy all the amulets I see on TV.
But It makes little sense to take a moment
To avoid the omens anyone can see.

Yes I buy copper bracelets to save me
From arthritis or rheumatism of my knee.
I never wear clothing the color of blood,
That only makes common sense to me.
Some think I’m a few boards short of a fence
Be that as it may, and all well and good
My guess is you all have looked around
To find something so you could knock on wood.

I totally buy that I am superstitious
And I wear that distinction like a hair shirt.
But I see problem in not taking chances;
It may not work, but it couldn’t hurt.
 Dec 2016 AJ
Freudian Slippers
From my window, I stare into the blue,
Without the faintest clue why,
You never come.

Time drips away.
My soulmate gone,
I’m not sure, she was ever here.

Lonesome George,
They used to call me that here,
Before I became the last.

The island fills with our empty shells,
I don't know how to escape it.
I dream of visiting the caves in France.

But I too, will soon become dust;
Perhaps, I already am.
Though when I taste the water, I do remember,

The feel of Fall's fluttering leaves, together.
And while the island washes us away,
My heart never forgets you.
This is written about the last turtle of a certain species on Galapagos. He refused to mate with the female turtles, and seemed to always stare out to the water. He died in 2012, sadly, though he was 100yo, and shortly thereafter another of his kind was found (a female), perhaps she was looking for him after all.
 Dec 2016 AJ
James M Vines
Wiping my eyes I awake from a long slumber. To thundering voices I arise. For eight long years I have slept in a nightmare, now the sun has risen again. My country was under siege but not for much longer. The tables have been turned and I am now awakened. At last the long winter of discontent has passed and a new tree is growing. Liberty has been restored and hope is springing anew. Liberalism has been routed and conservatism has again taken root. Soon I will be fully awake and basking in the new day. Finally I will be free of the chains of oppression and be able to live without fear. For the nightmare is over and my country has been returned to me.
 Dec 2016 AJ
storm siren
I call the raccoon
"Theo" for short.

he has a twin brother
named Franklin.

Franklin likes to fly about at night,
while Theo likes to snack on stonefruit and
cold pizza.

they might look
drastically different.

they might be
drastically different

but they're still twins.

whether Theo speaks too softly
or Franklin plays music too loudly,
they're still Theo and Franklin.

it's a funny thing about being attached to someone like that, by namesake.

no matter how different you are from each other,
your names will still roll off people's tongues

and while you think no one sees you as an individual,
know that your counterpart does.

so while he flies around and peers at you from the windowsill,
and you nibble on a plum and watch Netflix too late at night,
know that you know
you're different.
Woooooo Theo and Franklin are a metaphor for separation anxiety tossed in with the constant need to be independent from your sibling/friend/whatever.
 Dec 2016 AJ
First Steps
 Dec 2016 AJ
Why not take a step towards recovery now?
I can step a away next, if I want to.  
A step might be my only way to find footing
in a space that wants to swallow me whole.
That wants my whole life for nothing.
For appearances and comfort in skin.
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