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2.9k · Nov 2014
Thoughts of a Legacy
Isaiah Johnson Nov 2014
As I let my mind wander into time, and release these binds that have me confined, I began to feel a great energy, like the sun had been compressed and put into me, and as time tic tocs and unwinds into its trail of infinity. I realize a trinity mind body soul, they burn as a whole, for the mightiest of goals. and as time unwinds it'll leave you behind. unless you get your spot in, a line of legacys never to be forgotten

Confucius, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, Nelson Mendala, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawkins, Leonardo Da Vinci, Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart, nikola tesla, Wael Ghonim, Jimi Hendrix, Joseph Stiglitz, Reed Hastings, François Rabelais, Archimedes, Sigmund Frued, Charles Darwin, Aryabhata, Bob Marley, Garrett Morgan, George Washington Carver, Aristotle, John Locke, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Plato, Galileo Galilei...and many many more...
Stand for something. Think outside the box. Evolve and express yourself. Make a difference  #STEM #LegacyToIfinity
I recite this every morning to keep me motivated and keep the big picture in mind.
1.5k · Nov 2014
Legacy Till Infinity
Isaiah Johnson Nov 2014
In a world where there are more questions than answers there are few truths, few facts to live one's only life by. One must not fear the greatest of all fact, life's great inevitable truth, death. One must accept and embrace it, and through this gives birth to something much greater. The second great inevitable truth of life, one's legacy. The thought that the only thing that connects you to the living world besides your body after death is, the things you've done. The people you've touched, the changes you've made, lives you've brought into the world, lives you've impacted, all intertwined in a web of actions and decisions that define your affect on the world, bringing such a burning passion with a great sense of one's purpose, that gives inspiration, motivation, aspiration, to reach ones peak of mind, body, and soul. To stand for something, think outside the box , evolve, express yourself, and make a difference. If there's anything in this universe we humans have for certain its ourselves, stand up if not for yourself, then the ones you love.To live, to love, to leave a legacy
1.2k · Nov 2014
Real Relevance
Isaiah Johnson Nov 2014
Come follow me to the pinnacle of existence, once you understand you'll feel the difference in a instance.
What used to matter will become minuscule in its significance.
You will savor every interaction, deflect all distractions. and be cautious of your actions.
For this way of life brings pure passion.
Stifles your aggression and evaporates your depression. While inspiring progression
for the values of popular culture is but a mere image, and with any insight at all those values will surely diminish.
In a world where ignorance is rewarded and intelligence is thwarted, how can the pen be mightier then the sword is.
I have high hopes and they might seem out of range, but all it requires is effort towards a change.
In a word where religions and powers battle for who is right I've come to shed a little light.
Just think with a little reason we are all here to change with the seasons.
Fate is what you make, live to do something great, for death is to procrastinate.
Live for those to come, and be proud of what you've done. Death is to be felt by none.
With every minute grow through your body and mind, death is to waste any precious time.
Don't live to impress, but live to express. live to progress, for death is to regress.
Beauty is everywhere in this ever changing world, and we make it more so as the future is unfurled.
Life is more then what it seems, no matter your beliefs of a higher being.
Its time to evolve, many more problems to be solved so get up off you *** and get involved.
When i'm gone they'll remember me for leaving a legacy and my life will surely live longer then what's left of me
I know you've felt you were meant for more from the start, and ill be ****** if you don't leave your mark.
Isaiah Johnson Jan 2015
its very deceptive, and once you get a taste you'll drowned in its potency
bound mentally and emotionally. I did, and I offered the most of me.
to those a like I give a toast to the.
with possibilities as vast as the ocean, do not flood your liver with potion.
nor your heart with hate. for there is no great redeemer such as fate.
and make no mistake fate is what you make.
no matter the emotions the turns of the tide brings
the whale still chooses the song which it sings
no matter the aftermath of the tides ebb.
the next step begins with the thoughts in your head.
710 · Feb 2015
Season of change
Isaiah Johnson Feb 2015
Life's amazingly beautiful, how it brings change like the spring. The bees buzz and the birds sing.Only to be Swept away by winters cold unforgiving winds. Endure for this too soon ends,  and is left in the past. Bringing yet another beautiful spring, but you'll not soon forget the last.
574 · Nov 2014
Die Today
Isaiah Johnson Nov 2014
Stop for just a second and form this thought.
something that you might not contemplate a lot.
If you where to die today, what would you have to say?
would you be in dismay? maybe prey? Or articulate a thought to convey?
To many let there dreams slip away, and are lead astray as there goals slowly decay.
for lack of instant gratifications deters they're determination
and by my calculation this is a deadly combination.
if you seek success you must not stifle progress.
as slow as it may be, eventually results you shall see.
for most the thought to give in, outweigh ones hunger to win.
motivation truly begins, when you look deep within.
now what do you do with your days, what have you done  improve
what excuses have you made that leave your goals unpursued.
with no idea of your possible fate, and not a taste of the greatness that awaits.
now what would you have to say if you were to die today, die today.
how you let you dreams slip away?

— The End —