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 May 2014 DarkDepriment
Megan S
First drops outside barely noticed. Second drops splash harder.
Door thrown open. Shoes fly off, bounce and roll on the floor.
Bare feet smack wood. Jump. Now dirt, now grass. Running.
Cool drops on skin turn to stings not felt. Arms raised.
Spinning. Jumping. Laughing.
18 years of life fade as she forgets the world.
Dancing to a song only heard in her head. Calm now. Rain stops.
Walk home splashing in puddles along the way. Hair askew, clothes dripping.
Smiling as the sun graces the world again. This is care free happiness.
To not think about troubles of life and to just enjoy life itself.
 May 2014 DarkDepriment
Toss me into the ocean (my boat already capsized, then turtled. ****, what a summer.)

Aim a gun at my head (once, there was a guy who robbed some store with an unidentified weapon, and he lived on our street, and hid in my yard, and men with guns were everywhere looking for him.)

Run your knife down my skin (I'm a recovering cutter.)

Take the people I love away from me ( SIX MONTHS OLD AND HE'S DEAD)

Break a promise (he never came back; he never visited)

Drug me (they tossed pills at me to make me numb, make me happy, keep me sane)

Cram me into the confines of your basement (I layed perfectly still for about an hour to see if my brain was o.k.)

Bury me alive (when I was little my mom, and my brother, and me would horse around and I would end up under too many blankets and pillows and I couldn't breathe)

**** me (I almost did it myself.)

Do your worst- I've done mine.

 May 2014 DarkDepriment
Is anyone else in love with thunderstorms?
Does anyone else like the gentle drips before it begins,
Like finger tips softly touching your skin
Or the low rumbles before it starts
And the dark sky low and full
The rain comes, soft or hard, streams of water falling
Puddles forming, all other noises seem to disappear
It has captured your full attention
Now you see a quick flash of lightening
You count the seconds under your breath
one Mississippi  two Mississippi  three Mississippi
Crash! or maybe its a Boom!
All different noises. Never the same.
My heart races every time I hear the low rumble
Or the pitter patter of rain
I told him today that I was willing to wait forever.

My biggest fear is that I may actually have to.
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