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Dec 2023 · 107
I Try
innerThought Dec 2023
I try to look past the trouble of my hearts pain
This train of mundane pain
Pains me so, I have let you down.
The pain sugar coated in shame so thick
The neck hangs a head, heavy in the lack of
The pain soothed by the game of blame, winning is easy, losing is all the same, even your finger ends up picking your name.
The pain my heart feels has consumed my chambers, heart pumps have become laborious,
So much so the thought of losing you has become dangerous.
The pain that pains my heart so, is the lack of yours threading through my soul, with you it had a home, without you we’re alone.
Pain is on a mundane plane of life
You were the air I needed for flight.
I try to look past the pain of my heart’s troubles.
Apr 2020 · 138
Mind the gap
innerThought Apr 2020
The deepest part of my mind is a crime
The deepest part of my soul a black hole
That never ends no matter how deep you may go
You'll be last in the vast unless you a yo-yo
But if you proceed you'll get lost in Mortimer's game
Thats your name in fame
Body just a vein
Soul in eternal pain.
No memory of man who ever entered so deep
No memory because the darkness swallows all Identity but the heat wipes even the prints of their feet.
I don't even go there
Mar 2020 · 754
I want the same
innerThought Mar 2020
All I want to do is hear your smile, All I want to do is smell your presence, all I want to do is see your silhouette, all I want to do is tell you I love you.
All I want
You're all I want
Yet you feel we better apart
I think we make a good team
You loved me then I love you now,  so much that my keyboard brings your name up when talking about love. I know I'm not perfect and neither are you. I now have love in abundance I already have love for two, whether a son or a daughter and you say I do,  I hope it's to me that you give these things to.
In case you are happier without me I hope it's for the best, I see our past and present as God putting my love to the test. I always do pray to be more alike so he makes me more like him, therefore even he knows I won't give up on my love for you no matter the sin. As he would do the same.
Fight for it and never give up.
GOD has our back
innerThought Mar 2018
water runs dry     tears do to
fresh air heals the sky    the heart heals you
gravity puts pressure on earth    humans have no reason to stress
beauties of the world is what its worth  flaws makes you worth less
live only through what you give    die only from what you destroy
find pleasure in giving      apologize for destruction  
death is in my hands      only cause you're  holding them
then i will treat you like you do me     that would be the only cure
you need love     you need love too
                  WE ALL DO
May 2017 · 260
our standards
innerThought May 2017
little gets said about what is truly thought
as if nothing is ever thought
until the truth is told and too much thought
compared to the usual standard is givin
making the truth more painful than it ever was
more than you have thought
Oct 2016 · 302
The difference of what
innerThought Oct 2016
Different from now or different from then
Only difference is the difference of men
We change as we wish and lust
Or the direction society pushes us
Intimate or not we still love
If not you then the situation
Love is there with no relation to intention
What love is, is ones own invention
Just like a broken heart
When the mind sees emotional bond
As a poison dart
Sep 2016 · 753
Thoughts of exsistance
innerThought Sep 2016
01110111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101001 00111111
01110111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00111111
01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01100101 01101110 01101001 01100111 00111111
the matrix? or just binary code?
Sep 2016 · 281
home sick
innerThought Sep 2016
My pain comes from what i dont have anymore
The pain i have has no scab or sore
If only it did then i would atleast know its healing.
Apr 2016 · 342
Let me know
innerThought Apr 2016
Let me know where i stand
As I do not want to find myself falling
Let me know why I live
Then I will know when im dying
Let me know what it is to be a killer
This way I would be more loving
Let me know how to make you happy
So I wont ever find you crying
Above all
Let me know who you are
in case you never let me know when you are lying
innerThought Mar 2016
Blue oceans, blue skies, blue eyes
Can't tell the truth in blue
So blue lies

But blue eyes still cry clear tears
And if death had eyes would it cry
If it did would it cry for a life
Or for being the end of all beginning ends

As life is only life
If you make life a lesson
Life only becomes the teacher
Learn from life for it to become the preacher

Lies become the story
Life becomes us dreaming
Death is where we realize the meaning
music effects emotion, emotion leads to music
Mar 2016 · 718
we are yet to know
innerThought Mar 2016
we have our dream
we plan around it
who is to say unless they have seen
Who can promise the life of men
Yet we have promised for then
Although we can count the hours
Even the hours for tomorrow
Where some will still suffer
As we can't avoid the unknown sorrow
So as the present becomes the past
So the future gets bent
You said you would love me forever
Does this mean forever has an end?
can we promise something we are unsure of. can we promise at all if anything can happen? what if. what if you die or what if you get saved?
Jan 2016 · 384
I Dont Love You
innerThought Jan 2016
No I do
But it's not that simple
Because your trust issues tell you it can't be
But how can who I am decieve me
All I know is that I'm not ready
Honestly I feel you hate me too much
Especially to love me like you say you do
Cause when I act like me you say you through.
Love is a real possibility
J.Cole " but the thought alone is killing me "
Our love is as easy as putting thread through a needles I
But for you I would dice
cause it's the plural of die
Because your love is as sweet as 3.14159265359
Jan 2016 · 348
Words in emotion
innerThought Jan 2016
The words, my words, these words....
They were not meant for the eyes
They were not meant for anybody
This is because it's my heart leaking on to the keyboard as I think of the next letter to type you
I need you
Thought about calling you boo
We have a love so true
But not being together is best we can do
Maybe not for our future
But for our relationship
Mostly because I'm like a computer
While you book flights for two on an emotional trip
And I feel that I might just slip

And fall inlove...
innerThought Dec 2015
Lying in bed thinking
Thinking about
About this poem
This poem is similar to my thoughts
About the body, the mind, the future, what I don't know and of course poetry
and within this tree
the sugar of a honey bee
You will soon see
Rhyming G and C
1 × 3
= 3
Oh ****! Im still writing....
Excuse the mess on the paper
I write stuff down when my mind wonders
It helps me find my way home safer
Nov 2015 · 487
One day
innerThought Nov 2015
My heart races at the thought of her
More than happiness flows through my veins
If I wasn't going to miss her so much
I would......
I would......
nevermind I would miss her too much
But lets pretend I was strong enough to bathe the clouds in my blood so that the joy she makes my heart pump rains out into the world so everyone can see crimson clouds and say
" that looks like love.....
The love that make a the thought of you immortal.....
The love that erases all sinister deeds as it imprisons our hearts in an euphoric state of forever....
The love that makes time drag its feet across the day for it is weak with out you but yet flies to everywhere and back when im with you"
This is my love for you and if ever I am high and strong enough I'll prove it
But untill then please love me like I already have....
When you don't know how but you would do anything for her to know
Nov 2015 · 553
innerThought Nov 2015
You show me many things
But seldom show me yourself
You teach me to conquer every obstacle
But to be concur with myself
I am not contempt with mind
You persuade me to think past that
when I ask asked you for advice
You said listen to the wise man
He as a lot of it
The business part of God
Made us corporate
We allow what shouldn't be
Nov 2015 · 815
See you in heaven
innerThought Nov 2015
The day we met
You implanted a seed
A seed labellabeled as imperfect

The next day
A tree with the sweetest offerings grew
But with it came decay
Abounded branches of love
Bearing buds of heartbreak
As the heavy branches holding fruits
That remind me of you seek support
From my ribs as they tear through my skin
I bleeeeed I pleeeed for the need
Of the expulsion of the so called seed
Of trust

The next day
I choked on a thorn
When I saw you
And when I coughed up the leaves of death
I love you was my last breath....
Oct 2015 · 536
Believe in HIM
innerThought Oct 2015
Do you know the truth?
Any truth, any truth at all?
If yes can you prove that its true?
How many lies have you been told?
How do you know anything if you can't prove it?

You see we are all living a lie this is all a game
A game of rapid change
Both winner and loser are one in the same
like colour with no light we do not
Oct 2015 · 407
Happy thoughts
innerThought Oct 2015
We see what we think we see
We react on what we feel
Thus it should not be generalised
As a good nor bad action
But as the actions of thee emotions,

So feel good and you shall do good

But feel dark and twisted and everyone around you shall suffer through pain covered In glistening gloom as the suffering dwell within your mind haunting every suvaneer of memory you have,

Think happy thoughts.
Oct 2015 · 324
Forgive us
innerThought Oct 2015
I love you
i hurt you
I need you
i don't deserve you

You fall inlove...
my guilt and conscious has formed an alliance against my thoughts.
You want to carry my burdens and suffer with me...

i can't have that
i push you away
you suffer more
Oct 2015 · 323
its what i can't tell you
Oct 2015 · 379
i think about You
innerThought Oct 2015
We lie to defend our truth
You lie to defend your wounds
I lie to keep the happiness in you thought....

— The End —