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IndiGo Mar 2015
I wish God could send my dreams thru the mail
I wonder if he likes to see me fail
I wonder if i'll ever reach them at this point
It seems like everything is turning switching & flipping
I wonder if my dreams are too big for me
Or is that just the voice of misery & frustration creeping up behind me ?
What is there to do?
What is there to say?
If i pray for my dreams right now will they come in the mail today ?
These questions toss & turn in my mind daily
Trying hard not to let the voices lead me astray
Focus on my focus is what i say
Dreams upon dreams i see
Focus on your focus they said
Dreams upon dreams i saw
Tears upon tears i cry
Failure upon failure i felt
Dreams i saw
blurred out, i see no more
Tears  fell, they saw
Dry your eyes they said
To write, is what i did
Are my dreams too much for me?
They arent here, as far as the eyes can see
When I go to sleep I see my dreams face to face in front of me
My older self she said, youre dreams are so big the most you can do is imagine, not physically see.
I took in what my older self said , then i said my one of a kind self just told myself my dreams so big only i can reach them myself.
Focus on my focus i say
Dry those eyes i say
Greatness i see
when i look at me
IndiGo Feb 2015
Some say money is the root of all evil
I say money is the root of all people
It is just paper yet it holds so much power
You can get it in a day & it'll be gone in an hour
It can be a total destruction or simply a simple satisfaction
Growing up we are taught that everything is money & it doesnt grow on trees
We even learnt to count money when we learnt our A-B-C's
Money sparks the flame in our eyes and brings the spirit of greed
Everytime we get money it's like the more things we seem to need
Money taunts us in our sleep and fanatasizes
"Come get me! Spend me! Steal me!"
They all cry from a heap
It states "In God we trust."
More like "For the paper we lust"
Are we spending with values or are we spending for us?
Money is money and nothing else
So treat it as such and save yourself
IndiGo Jan 2015
There she goes
Look at her
Rising to confusion
Falling into disillusion
Mental state of delusions
Mindset like Confucius
Physical features read  'perilous'
Feeling of evanesce
Sadden thoughts are a dissolvent
Dissolving in the sea of voices  
“You can't” “Worthless” & “disappointment”
Rising to her obligations
Disregarding  snakes & fakes
Overcoming the voices
Look at her
There she goes
Now read bottom up.
IndiGo Jan 2015
Have you ever seen someone with such beautiful intentions and an optimistic vision to every bad situation?

Have you ever seen someone with the ability to be influential just by their eyes and their calming & melodic words?

Have you ever came across someone with such a genuine and pure spirit like an amethyst gem ?

Have you even came across someone that has a heart so full of gold and value that no one appreciates ?

Did you know that gold begins to rust in due time?
& What's left of what use to be is  perishing.
Did you know that having a warm golden heart puts you in the coldest situations?

There's a little of something in the shrinked golden heart, but more of forgiveness

                 I have forgiven each of those that caused the gold to rust
   I have forgiven each of those that did me wrong
    I have forgiven each of those that took advantage
     I have forgiven each of those that didn't acknowledge my golden intentions
I have forgiven each of those that didn't show gratitude for me going out of my way for them

                 Such a forgiving golden heart
                    I have forgiven them all.....
they dont know.  (g.m)
IndiGo Jan 2015
Usually our minds have the ability play tricks on us
This type of power cannot be explained by geniuses themselves, only a power of higher significance can depict the malice behaviors of our minds
The power of the mind is such of great ability, it allows us to think further than what reality has to offer
The ability to think about the materialistic things we want to obtain
The ability to be between reality & dreams
The ability to fool us on
The ability to think the unthinkable & to store our thoughts
The ability to even recollect years and thousands of memories..
Our minds also contain pleasure & can fool us on
The pleasures we face are just not with ***
The pleasures we face are greed, power hungry, money hungry, & the pleasure of doing well & successful
So tell me how something so soft, so fragile, so small & cannot be hand held or controlled 24/7 contain so much abilities ?
How is it possible that so much things can occur in this one ***** ?
The mystery of the mind is one worth solving
IndiGo Jan 2015
Our thoughts of doubts are traders
for making us think we cant retain and obtain what we want
leaving us in fear..
We question to attempt and even try.

— The End —