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65 · Dec 2020
out of glass
ilias Dec 2020
and as I caught myself breaking
into a million pieces, the sun began
to multiply
almost like glass, I thought unimpressed,
but let it be my heart
64 · Dec 2020
Hold me, mum
ilias Dec 2020
I am freezing, shivering, I am so cold.
The lights went out long before and the sun is slowly setting and nothing will ever be okay again.
Curtains? Closed.
Jul, please stop crying. Yes, our hands are embraced but as if one of us could ever give the other one halt. No, this time is not different than the other times, you are still crying, mum still shouting, dad still working, and I am still breathing. But I wish it was. Different.
We both feel the tension in our never-resting minds, all this muddled energy in our heads.
The room, yours, is not filled with enough air at all, and mum is breathing so heavily that I am worried she might get a heart attack when she‘ll continue on raging.
We‘re in a theatre, mum is the director and she loves to see us burning on the screen.
Until the very end.
Hey mum, I didn‘t recognise you, good that you are yourself again. I was worried you might never again turn into the less-stressed but still stressed-to-death person that you were before your fit of rage.
Jul look, now you‘ve made mum cry, what a misery she created.
Now the sun is gone, curtains are still closed but mum is with us again and you are still crying but this time it is your problem, right?
63 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
The piano keys
are being struck
and virtuous chimes
are flying trough
listener‘s opened doors
Her tender hands touch
deepest emotions of
a whole rough world
while she‘s uniting
sophisticated souls
62 · Aug 2020
Which one
ilias Aug 2020
I‘ll colour this poem
In green or blue
Tell me which one
I should use for you

Because you didn‘t
Stay, when I needed you.
You changed, as most leaves
in autumn do.
Or blue,
Because I drowned
In your eyes,
And you didn‘t hold
Me above water
So I died with you
Which one?
ilias Jun 13
Dear comrade,
I whispered into my ear,
Let us go for a walk.
60 · Aug 2020
Summer skies
ilias Aug 2020
The cold broke in
And we forgot
How it felt
To look into
Summer skies
60 · Dec 2020
ilias Dec 2020
thus you walked down
the holy aisle, all alone
and I see, the rotten coat your
skeleton has worn for eternity
is now severed from your soul
and you are enlightened,
you fathom the complexity
that arouses in the layers of your skin

what an eloquent way to
no longer suffocate in the
impalpable sepulchre of life,
but to be salvaged again
59 · Aug 2020
Alternative reality
ilias Aug 2020
Let‘s create an alternative reality
We can escape to
If the world goes under
And we only have each other
59 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
Eclipse in the sky
Abolished wonders
Yet the stars fly
Out of the universe
And into your mind
you contain the universe and all its occupants
58 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
I think with a heavy heart
about the futile attempts
to persuade you to live
what my heart tells my mind every day
56 · Aug 2020
Red skies
ilias Aug 2020
Skies drenched with
grief and loss, with
despair and ****** pledges, with
lost senses and keen edges.
No more blue can be seen.
We now stare into infernal red.
56 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
She is attempting suicide in
eloquent words
In poems about romantic knights
And reddish swords
53 · Oct 2020
on cloud nine
ilias Oct 2020
I love how the sky turns blue
when I‘m with you
53 · Dec 2020
the peak
ilias Dec 2020
above all echos,  
here I stand
with spread arms
it took me long to realise
I am strong
I overcame sysiphus
now here I stand
convincing myself
that it was faith
that led me here
to the hills of serendipity
sysiphus still lives in me but maybe I’ll get to the peak one day!
51 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
In silent woods
Far from the haze
Two are running barefoot
Through sparkling waves

A significant interaction
of clouds so cristal clear,
The surface‘s turquoise,
And two devouring pristine air
50 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
Blood is freezing
in blazing veins
Fog enveloping the
empty shell of mine
Please, do not cry
it‘s a natural process
Ancient bodies are
fading over time
49 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
Don‘t we all feel lonely
Until we find ourselves?
48 · Sep 2020
A lullaby
ilias Sep 2020
A lullaby for
The sun to set

All those puddles  
Of fallen rays
In our home-cities
Pouring, flowing
Into our hearts
The beat of places
We long for
From afar
47 · Nov 2020
On the run
ilias Nov 2020
Always on the run;
away from
your presence,
my absence
and all the stories
we didn’t tell each other
I‘m on the run;
away from
your glories,
my worries
and all the things
that teared us apart

I‘m done
47 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
in shadows of
abandoned cities  
and amongst
shooting stars
captured by glaring
street lights we
found ourselves
47 · Oct 2020
Long-term sunset
ilias Oct 2020
once again the sun has
drawn her curtains
but this time I‘m not sure
if she‘s gonna make it
through the night
47 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
Poetry claimed as freedom
But with words imprisoned
47 · Sep 2020
A four o‘clock poem
ilias Sep 2020
Time to go
To rush on and see
What life brings to us
To you and me
Rush, be hushed
Along your way
It‘s four o‘clock
No time to stay

Time to go
Commit yourself
To the course of events/
‘Cause no stop sign
Not any at all
Can ever be seen
So go with the time
It‘s already four-fifteen
45 · Nov 2020
My farewell
ilias Nov 2020
I see you laying there
try to hold you a little bit longer
but through my fingers you slip
all the way down,
until you‘re six feet under
and stuck in the ground
It‘s brown and green
that‘s all I can see
By the dead you’re surrounded
no longer by me.
I finally let you go, hoping
you are there
where you always
wanted to be
45 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
You have awoken your soul
By becoming a sleepwalker
And taking yourself to places
None ever dreamt about
44 · Sep 2020
Water bubbles
ilias Sep 2020
Water bubbles in your mind
Feeding up our damaged lies
43 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
Birds so high
Attached to the sky
Golden wings
And warming light
Another short one, ‘cause right now I’m wordless
43 · Oct 2020
ilias Oct 2020
She haunts souls
In abandoned voices
Witnessing stories
In fragile minds

In the midst of dust
Words are lying
She gathers them all
To cure the blind

She longs for the whole
And gifts the world
With stories unheard
From left behinds
42 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
He knocked back a bottle
     three or four
We were both drunk
     upside down
     on the floor
A play of tongues
     and sweet-bitter
Forced reactions
     and a thunder

When he pressed his body
     against mine
I should have seen the stop sign
40 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
It is, yes it is
So utterly wild
The jungle moans
And all clouds cry
From far away
Royal roars chime
A kingdom of lions
So utterly wild
39 · Sep 2020
That‘s our world
ilias Sep 2020
Reckless behaviours
And scars
See, that‘s our world

And don‘t forget
That people are dying
Day for day
From illness
And pain
Because they have been put
Into deadly chains
this is reality -
39 · Nov 2020
My sad eyes
ilias Nov 2020
the stars crumbled
in nightly monologues
and behind closed eyes
the moon dust
started melting
into waterfalls
38 · Sep 2020
Your heart
ilias Sep 2020
You take my hand
And drag my finger over the part
Of your body
Where the heart is supposed to be
But I can not feel it
Oh I wonder where it has gone
And you smile
Take a deep breath and say

I just gave it away
where is it now?
37 · Dec 2020
ilias Dec 2020
we will count the stars
even if the sky is
veiled by bitter dust
he is just the same
as you and me,
an emotionally neglected
living being
fed by the
hungry eyes of
little, unlined people
who are willing
to give
35 · Sep 2020
Shot dead poetry
ilias Sep 2020
Onto the battleground we‘re nailed
Provided with guns and swords /
But our mission failed
We mourn our fallen words
34 · Oct 2020
Us two
ilias Oct 2020
I drew a painting
of us two
believing it wasn‘t
only blind fate
leading us trough
wrathful waves
33 · Aug 2020
Poet of my pain
ilias Aug 2020
A poem is not for others
But for oneself
To summarise
The endless pain
32 · Sep 2020
On hands
ilias Sep 2020
Sicker trough sand
Tiptoe on hands
A soul so
My sight became blurred
31 · Sep 2020
ilias Sep 2020
Dozens slowly die in sunsets
By the moon they are dragged down
The goddess, the mentor of purity
Golden hour, vanishing sun
She‘s playing with your hair
While in sunsets dozens slowly die
She maintains your horizon flare

— The End —