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 Aug 2017 Laura
I’m not shouting for attention or the pity that you can give,
I am shouting because I want you to understand what I feel.
I want you to just for a little bit of time
Pretend to think that it’s all justified.
I want you to live, for few minutes in my ***** shoes,
Peer into my head, my heart and my emotional issues.
I want you to know, what it’s like to lose all your will,
To have more control than you will ever even dream.
I want you to understand how I like hugs,
Or those sweet lies I tell myself to feel loved.
I want you to understand, how I feel when you ignored my like that,
I want you to feel just a little pain from all that.
I want you to hear my shout, let it echo in your head,
And hopefully it will grant me an end.
You for that little moment, understand what I feel,
That you are not the center of this crazy wheel.
Just for a little bit, pretend that you can understand,
And then live on, with the rest of your life.
 Jul 2017 Laura
 Jul 2017 Laura
You make me laugh,
When I want to cry.

You make me live,
When I want to die.

You make me smile,
When I want to frown.

You turn my world upside down,
With every kiss we share.

You believe in me,
When no one else does

When you call my name,
I begin to blush.

When I'm with you,
Time seems to fly by so fast.

I'm afraid people will notice,
I need you so much.

I need you more,
Than you believe.

I love you,
More than you conceive.

I think about you,
Every night and day.

I only hope,
My life can stay this way.

I don't want it to be any other way,
Can't see it being any other way.
 Jul 2017 Laura
Mitchell Mulkey
why is it that nowadays
whenever anyone asks how im feeling
i just say that im ok
just a little bit tired
without even thinking
that answer comes out of my mouth
quick on the draw
even when im far from okay
when every day feels like a struggle to get up
and a struggle to lay down
trying to make sounds that resemble the word help
but shutting up about my problems like I was told to do
And I know that my co-workers don't want to hear me vent
But what would their reactions be
If they heard me snap back at them
"feeling depressed and suicidal"
awkward pause
see no one knows how to address suicide from the outside
they just tell you that they hope you feel better
as if it's just some sickness that will be gone within the hour
But other than that I'm okay
I'm REALLY okay
Just a little bit tired
 Jul 2017 Laura
Nishu Mathur
Don't judge me by my looks
And don't read me by the books
I am brash and I am kind
I am hard to define
I am bold. I am shy
I am grounded, but I fly
I love, and I give
I cradle, I forgive
Though soft I may feel
I am thunder, I am steel
I am smiles and I am laughter
I am happily ever after
I am tears and I am ache
I am a mess when I break
I hold tightly, but I know
When it's time to let go
I am dove, I am hawk
I am the rose and the rock
I am rain. I am sun
I am I. I am woman

Thank you all so much **
Dearest everyone, thank you so much for your likes, loves, reposts.  Thank you so much for all your wonderful and encouraging responses. This is a small,  simple poem and I wasn't certainly expecting all the attention it has received. I am grateful to all of you talented poets and readers. I am so happy that it was chosen as a daily - it's a wonderful feeling. Love to all.

I am also very thankful to Conrad Druger van den Bergh, an excellent poet and wonderful friend who inspired this x
 Jul 2017 Laura
Shylah S
no, I'm not talking about the ones with big noses
or greasy hair

not the ones with bad breath
or round bellies

no, I just like them raw
a little broken, a little sad

the ones with scars
a story to tell

I sure know how to pick em' you might say
but I'd never give them up any day

a whole adventure in a person like the outdoors
one with canyons and mountains he would let me explore
only ugly guys give themselves all at once
no parts hidden, everything is exposed

vulnerability is thought to be a weakness but in reality it's bold

I like ugly guys.
So go out there and be real, often we hide because we fear getting hurt. But in that fear we miss out on the world, we miss out on living, and worst of all, love. So even if we may get bruised, get to the lowest of the low, you'll one day stumble upon something that embraces you as you are, something that cherishes your ugliness unconditionally, something that inspires you to be better, whether that be a passion, a person, or something as simple as a smile. Is it really worth hiding if you miss on the chance to experience that?

Edit: I am very grateful to everyone who took the time to read my work and am in disbelief a piece of mine chosen as the daily pick for the very first time! This community is amazing :)
 Jul 2017 Laura
He was a soldier
who did not carry
a weapon.
Yet she could feel
a thousand bullets
pierce through
her heart.

- n. ib
 Jul 2017 Laura
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
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