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  Mar 2018 Aubrie M
Eric W
They always seem legitimate
to the person that makes them.
  Nov 2017 Aubrie M
i watch you
fall at the feet
of those
who will never
know your name

im here
im real
i love you
and you
are distracted
  Nov 2017 Aubrie M
i still remember the way
your skin
felt against my lips
the night
I fell in love with you
the only thing that keeps my heart from dying is the little breath I take after crying
  May 2017 Aubrie M
Eric W
I can feel it.
The wind which caressed your face
brushes by me
and leaves me
The miles are not real,
state lines and roads apart,
but not
in all the same.
The sun sets and I see
your face in the sky
and feel your arms
around me.
You are still so close.
Days pass
and we fly through the sky
while the moon bears its stolen light
onto the ocean floors,
and the waves carry your
laughter and your words
over the sand and grass and
into my ears and over my
and the sun rises with
a gentle and calming touch
into my arms and over my
to start the day
and I find
that you are still
not so far away.
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