One of these days
You’re gonna push me away
Who comes back
When they aren’t wanted
Who stays
When they aren’t a priority
Who stays
When your actions show
That you couldn’t care less
How I feel
Doesn’t matter
How you feel
Is the only thing that matters
I consider you in everything
You consider me when it’s convenient
I treat you like
you’re my everything
Holding you close
You treat me like
a fly
Batting me away
Squishing me gone
beneath your palm
I want you.
I want you,
the way you used to love me
Do you want me?
You say yes
Your actions
Your angry words
Say no
You say
I love you more
than anything
When you act
I hear
I don’t care about you
Go away
Be quiet
You used
to make me feel
Like I was something
Something lovely
You make me feel
Like I want to disappear
I love you
I hate this
Where did you go?
Will you ever come back?
Should I disappear?
Why do you hate who I am?
You built me up.
Everyday you tear me back down