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496 · Sep 2014
~Run For A Reason~
Echo Sep 2014
I can run with great speed when it comes to danger,
And I love that feeling of running for reason.
It's like I am flying super high,
Feeling the wind whip around me,
And I can soar with great aim.
I need adventure.
When my life gets boring, I look for fun,
Always in more ways than one.
Maybe you think adventures are just in Disney movies,
But are they? Are they really?
I need someone to test my abilities,
Even if I am on the bad side.
I need to flex my limbs,
And definitely definitely run run run,
Like oh so quickly, a fast getaway,
Because my life can get kind of boring when I'm alone.
I want to run for a reason,
You are the chosen candidate,
Fight with me.
I'm ravaging!
Too late now, the adrenaline is kicking in,
It's time to strategize on how you are going to win.
Just give me something to think on,
Chess is boring until you are the pawn.  
My heart beating in my chest,
Give it your all, give me your best.
I step up to the plate, ready for a fight,
Today, this girl has a bigger bite!
Come on, right here, right now!!
Challenge me for a chase,
A ****,
A labyrinth maze!
A save!
A run!
Something with action!
Come on, I'm hungry for adventure,
I can't wait around for something to happen,
Please challenge me!
I need the twist,
The punch in my day,
Come on now, whatever it is!
Challenge Accepted~
491 · Nov 2014
~I must fly~
Echo Nov 2014
~I am She
She is dreaming. She is cold.
Her heart is that for no one to hold.
She doesn't want love. She doesn't want marriage.
Maybe she wants to stop her lifelong heritage.
Maybe she does not want you to come back.
Maybe that's true. Possibly, it's not.
And the more love she gave, the more she got.
The more love she wanted, the more love she invested,
She found you, in which her love, you tested.
A good friend told me,
The careless,
Once cared too much.
Maybe that's her. Careless because of caring.
The heartless,
Had their heart destroyed.
The painless,
Went numb.
The blind,
Once saw too much good.
You left her. She cried.
Where did her heart go?
Where does it hide?
Oh, silly me,
It recently died.
She does not want love,
You spent,
Good words,
On her heart.
Then you,
If love makes a heart grow,
Hate makes it slow,
So always remember,
Before you leave, let your lover know,
That it is time for you to go.
'Cause I don't want love or marriage.
I want adventure.
I want the run.
I want to dance,
I want to kiss,
My heart goodbye.
And I want you to know why,
The heartless,
Once had their heart destroyed.
And the lovers,
Still don't know.
When it is time,
For me to go.
As I said before,
I am dying,
But hey, what's good is,
I'm not trying,
To find love.
Before flying.~
The moral of this is, those of you who dream of love, it is amazing. However, do not make the mistake of believing love is your life. It isn't. No one spells out your life. Follow your dreams before falling head over heels in love. ;)
Echo Nov 2014
This is how my night started out. My ex Fire, was cussing me out. He started calling me a ***** and started horrible rumors on the forums that I could never live down. The weight of losing all my friends and everyone I cared about hurt me so. I was in pure tears, and I didn't know what to do.
So, I told Zach, my awesome boyfriend.
And this is what he said~
"Okay, it's fine you can vent to me, whatever is going to make you feel
better okay?
Fire is an immature little brat, he's like what 13 but he acts like he's 8?
You send me the conversation and then if you could send me his email
because I am not going to let him harm you anymore, he's gone way too far
this time.
I love you too Rose.
You don't deserve what Fire is doing to you.
I'm sorry that I'm not my usual self right now but he ****** me off!
How dare he talk to you like that! Try and guilt and blackmail you into
getting back with him!
That's just sick!
I wonder how many of his so called 'friends' would stick up for him after
reading that conversation.
Hey no worries, I'll never leave your side alright?
I'll always be there for you.
From now on, whenever you hang around Fire on the forums, I'm going to
stick close to you just so Fire gets the message.
If he sends you anymore messages like that, let me know okay?
I will not stand for him picking on you."
-kisses forehead-~

I literally have the perfect boyfriend. I was so touched last night I cried even more. Nobody's ever stood up for me like that. Nobody.
I was thinking about it. I really was. It scares me to know just how close I was from actually committing suicide.
Where would I be without Zach? Dead.

Btw, Fire is my ex's nickname.
488 · Nov 2014
~He loves him~
Echo Nov 2014
~Dear Taylor, (Taylor's a guy)
To star crossed lovers with their heads in the clouds.
To star crossed lovers with their love turned to shrouds.
Taylor loves Sam,
They were so happy.
Then the secret was out,
That they were gay,
Taylor was Christian.
In a Christian town.
He didn't belong there,
The wrong time.
The wrong place.
All because Taylor loved Sam,
To his town, he is a disgrace.~
My friend is gay, and a very religious person in a small town. He was in love with a boy named Sam, yet to his religion, it was said to be wrong to be gay. When the people of the city found out he was gay, he had to pack up and leave. This is a true story. I'm so sorry Taylor. You should be able to love who you love.
487 · Dec 2014
Echo Dec 2014
~Stop bringing up our break up.
Just please, don't.
In we keep our lips sealed,
Our friendship shall be healed.~
Not a good poem but it works! ^^
Echo Nov 2014
He's a shooting star,
You can love him even when he's so far.
I was crumbling and falling.
I was tired of being called a lie,
So sick of it I wanted to die.
I met you and you told me,
"If you do not love him, it's not meant to be."
I left him because you were right,
I cried all day and honestly, all night.
I did not love him, yet he loved me,
I only wish that's what my friends would see.
They left me broken-hearted,
They thought I had been outsmarted.
They claimed,
"Rosie, you left Fire because you found someone more,
You left him crying and you went to Wisp for galore."
Some "friends," because if only they knew,
The love between Fire and I just wasn't true.
I went back to Wisp, yes I did,
And guess what he said?
"What your friends did to you ****** me off.
How dare they think that about you?" He scoffed.
You still loved me,
Through the rumors.
I just wanted to say,
I'm lucky to have met you in every way.
Thank you for what you did two nights ago,
Because of it, I did not go for the knife.
And if you ever need it,
I'm here to pull you out of your strife
I will be waiting for you.
478 · Dec 2014
Echo Dec 2014
~Girl: I saw him passing by my way. I didn't know what to do. I use to smile and greet him, but I felt so awkward so I looked the other way.
Besides, he's the star of the basketball team, he'll never notice a geek like me.
Guy: I passed by the corridor and saw the pretty smart girl I usually sit with during Chemistry. I tried to smile at her but she looked the other way.
Besides, I'm just a guy who can shoot some hoops while she's this pretty honors student. She'll never like a guy like me~
477 · Sep 2014
~There is a song-~
Echo Sep 2014
The stars twinkle just out of my reach,
They dance in the iridescent night sky.
The horizon is dark compared to all the stars,

The miles can never be too far,
The years can never be too long,
For me to quit.
My heart jumps a little when I think of our special day, the day that we meet!

Anytime you post,
Do you know how much I light up?
Anytime you are hurting inside,
Do you know how much I care?
There is a song that my heart plays.
My heart plays a song.

You were there when I needed you, yet I was never desperate,
But if I knew I what I was missing, maybe I would be.
You're eyes hold a piece of the vast night sky,
You're heart is more spacious than the great ocean.
You're smile can bribe me into doing any favor,
I love you so very much.
There is a song my heart plays,
My heart plays a song.

If you were to leave me,
You'd scare me like a dark nightmare.
If you were to love me forever,
I'd love you beyond forever.
And if you say you still want me,
It would be my pleasure to love you.
I love the way you talk to me,
Polite, modest, loving maturity!
You're soothing words that can make me still,
You ease my pain or dark nights with a chill.
I can't wait to see you. And you don't have to worry,
Because in my eyes you are perfect all around.
There is a song my heart plays,
My heart plays a song.

You want the truth?
I can't, I won't, I'll never let you go.
You're in my heart to stay.
One day, we'll rock out to full metal,
Listen to Vanilla Twilight under the stars.
One day,
We'll go to the fair together,
Or watch the sun go down.
We'll do whatever friends do,
And I have a strong competitive side!
Whatever we do,
It will be us together having a good time!
I can be pretty awesome,
Yet not you-awesome!
Oh- and we could go to concerts, too!
Sorry, I'm all over the place.
Yet I can't wait. I really can't.
Because you fill the holes in my heart,
Our love story will take forever to right,
But when we meet, of course, love at first sight.
You can always depend on me. I'll be there for you.
We can just live in our world and just love forever if you wanted.
Out of 6,000,000,000 people it is you that I want to love.
Out of 6,000,000,000 people there is only 0,000,000,001 person that I see.
If you only knew how special you were to me,
You'd probably hear it too.
It is so lovely it can make us cry.
The sound can seep into you and catch your eye,
There is a song my heart plays.
My heart plays a song.

I am the moon that lives in the dark,
You are the sun that radiates light,
You shine upon me,
Casting away my evil.
Helping me see that I must be with you,
And stay under that brilliant light if yours.
The stars in your deep hazel eyes,
Dance around like fireflies.
You can guide me from my stormy days,
You can touch my heart and make me melt.
You shoot me through with the deepest love,
I am so profound for you.
I love your loving grace,
Your magical charm,
Your polite modesty.
And how much you are to me.
Is there a more meaningful way to phrase,
The three words that make my days,
The ones that truly define life.
They can match no other feeling perfectly like this one?
I love you, Andy.
There is a song my heart plays.
My heart plays a song.

There is a song my heart plays.
My heart plays a song~
<3 I love you so much. You must never forget our very powerful love story. I really believe this is the best poem I've written. It describes my feelings best, anyway.
450 · Nov 2014
Echo Nov 2014
~I'm a girl.
I'm confident.
I laugh A LOT.
I like to tease guys.
I value money.
I like a lot of romance.
Totally hopeless
When it comes to guys.
The ones I fall for,
Don't tend to stay. </3
I wish I was better than me.
Echo Nov 2014
~Lemme' just say my blood pressure is up which is good in my case! :) I'm gaining more and more valuable friends, but I do not like being called popular. That makes me sound like a brat x)
I found the perfect one. He shares my religion and loves the same stuff I love. He's an inspirational artist and the best lover I have ever met. I am changed forever because of him. I am so glad he chose me!
My best friend is about to get her first boyfriend, but we call them mates. I am so excited for her! She's about to know the wonderful ride I'm going on over and over again. Thunderclaw + Spotty= <3
Life is so perfect to me RN! I'm doing fabulous!
440 · Sep 2014
~Early Anniversary!~
Echo Sep 2014
Tomorrow marks our special day. Two months. By far I can say that these are the best two months of my life. Why? Because someone so special to me entered my life. He changed me and made me strong. I love him. And I want everyone to know that. He was right where he always should be, and though he left me, I am so grateful to have him back. I wish I could give him the stars. I wish I could just be there to hold his hand. But it's okay. Because these soon to be the best two months yet to come. He's my first and my only and nobody can make that change. They say that people make reckless promises and they don't know the true meaning of their words. Yet I can see in every case that my heart will always belong to him.
Thank you for choosing the ugly duckling over all the swans. Look how we shine in the sky, love. I was enchanted to meet you. You can make me smile thousands of miles away. Just, Thank you. There's a song my heart plays,my heart plays a song. Do you hear that love they're playing our song? Shine brightly.
He is my prince and I will never let him go. Thank you for walking into my life. I will make you at home here. Every girl deserves a guy like him, and for that he should know. Every girl deserves someone like him to be loved by. And he chose me.
Really he is perfect. I'll stick by his side as the world awaits us. Happy Early Two Month Anniversary! I love you <3
For Andy, who stole my heart
Echo Dec 2014
~Please take this time to give me advice about guys, and what they like that girls do. I'm lost when it comes to guys, plus I want to know how to make one of my friends happy! ^u^ If you have any CLEAN advice, that would be appreciated!~
Thank you so much for any comments!! Like, thank you!!!!
436 · Sep 2014
Echo Sep 2014
~No matter what, we're friends until the end.
I'm confused but you don't have to explain,
I just wanted to say that. Our friendship is strong,
You can tell me anything. I sincerely hope everything is okay.
Have a beautiful night.
Mandy/Pleasure ~
I'm so confused. Talk to me if you have too. I just want to help. There is nothing to hide. c;
434 · Dec 2014
Echo Dec 2014
~Tell a girl she's pretty, she forget in an hour.
Tell a girl she's ugly, she'll remember it *forever.~
I think almost every girl can relate to this. If I was told I was ugly, I would probably destroy myself.
I wish it was the other way around! Why do we girls have to be so hard to love? (Yesh, you heard it from a girl.
432 · Sep 2014
~Let's Talk 2~
Echo Sep 2014
~Hello! Please read, Because you're the one I need!
I need to make you smile,
And not just for a little while!
I don't know what caused the pain in your eyes,
Death? Betrayal? Hate or evil lies?
Doesn't matter, just sit beside!
Maybe it was thoughts of suicide?
Or family troubles? No one to love?
I've felt it all, so I can honestly stay,
Hold on. Keep going. Because I love you.
And if you ever need to come back.
I'm here, just for you.
So pick a day, any day that you wish!
And we'll have a lovely time, too!
Maybe it's because I'm lonely that I want you here,
But whatever the case, never fear!
I know the pain in you is so great, I wouldn't live a day being you,
But if I can help make your day, that would make two,
With no more sadness.
I love you! :)
I mean every word with my whole heart. I may not know you, but I want that to change! :) You can ALWAYS talk to me!
430 · Nov 2014
~The only piece I saved~
Echo Nov 2014
~Like a dove, we fly,
Higher than the sky.
No one accepts my choice,
To be with you, my dear.
You were the only one who heard my voice.
And forever that's what I'll hear.~
The title? I wrote a loooong poem but it wasn't that great so I just took this little piece and saved it. c:
423 · Oct 2014
~Darkness is beauty~
Echo Oct 2014
~My darkness is beauty,
Though no one can see it.
You love me?
Don't scare me like that.
I'll runaway,
Just to find peace for a day,
As you talk to all your boyfriends,
Watch me jump off a cliff.
I want an enemy not a lover,
A challenge in my strife.
I'd like to cross your boundaries,
Swear you'll take my life!
Hate brings out darkness,
And that is what I want,
God is my Lord,
But darkness is my home.
I'll give more love than I take,
From now on.
My heart belongs to you and not him,
From now on.
He could never take care of my heart,
The way you do.
I'm so glad I hate him now,
So glad I love you.
God is my life, my peace, my sanctuary.
My religion to my death,
Darkness is beauty.
Darkness is passion,
I love the darkness which is my friend.
We belong together until death do our end.
Don't need no love,
They're all fakes.
Running away has always been my dream,
Imagine the excitement, the danger too!
It's where I belong,
For this life I am through.
I love adventure almost as much as I love you,
I'd rather run away than kiss a boy.
I'm not going to be beaten by a boy!
Are you calling me weak?
I will defend you at all costs!
You are my Lord!
And I defy you against no one,
I love you all around!
You've got the best of me,
Tears to happiness,
Death to life,
Bring me in,
Help me stand.
Make a stand for you,
Make a stand for love is blind,
Make a stand your love is kind.
I'll love you forever.
Thank you for not leaving me like he did.
God is my forever.
Darkness is beauty.
Darkness is me. ~
Made this a few days ago. Still posting even though I don't believe all of it. A few days makes a difference.
419 · Sep 2014
Echo Sep 2014
~Please, don't break my heart today,
Please don't have a hurtful thing to say.
My heart can't take it any longer,
I only wanted to make you stronger.
I only wanted to love you forever,
I only wanted to hate you never,
I only wanted it to be you and I,
It's taking me all my strength not to die.
I'm not dying for the person who makes me want to die,
I just wish you'd let me ask you, why, why, why?
Hey, guess what?
You were all I had.
All I had.
ALL I had.
You've got Jinxx to love now,
Guess who's got nobody?
You're name makes me sick,
Why are you so thick?
You can always fix the mess you made.
You've blown me up like a hand grenade.
I wish you'd stop ignoring me.
You were all I had.
All I had.
I never kissed somebody behind your back.
I never crushed over another boy, yet you jack,
With my heart.
Don't you know how hard you've hit me?
If you knew, you'd definitely come back to me.
I loved you, I really did. I'm sorry I'm 8,000 miles away.
I'm sorry that was enough for you to stop loving me.
I'm sorry if I'm less than perfection.
I'm sorry if I'm just words on a screen.
But good God you meant everything to me!
Don't you know how hard I savored your words when you said you wouldn't stop loving me?
Read them everyday, thought no words could be more true.
There was a reason why Hazel said 9 wasn't a ten,
Because emotional pain could hurt more than physical.
Losing you is by far worse than any pain of me dying.
I'd gladly die to get away from your torment,
But no, you're saving me for the perfect moment,
To break me down. To say goodbye.
Last night I really wondered why I ever loved you.
You were all I had.
All I had.
And all I would ever have.
I hope you know I will never stop loving you.
I just can't get you off my mind.
I have been abused by my family.
Physically and emotionally.
I've been hurt and bullied countless times.
Yet I was always there for you.
So maybe now it just struck you that I meant it when I said,
You are the love of my life.
'Cause you are.
And my stubborn heart doesn't want to lose you.
Don't try to make me hate you.
'Cause it won't work.
I still love you in every way.
You're still on my mind all day.
"But drenched in Vanilla Twilight,
I'll sit on my front porch all night,
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you,
I feel all alone."
I love you sunshine.
You can't take yourself away from me.
My crooked, whipped heart still loves the holder of the whip. And always will.
405 · Dec 2014
Echo Dec 2014
~I remember when it was us.
Time flew,
Four hours,
Spent with you.
Happy feelings,
Fluttering by.
I met such a
Wonderful amazing guy.
Laughter of mine,
When I saw you post.
You had a sense of humor,
You were the star that
I had been wishing for.
Yes, I remember those days.
I do not want to go back, though,
For a million different ways. ~
And it's not because I don't love you. It's not because you were a waste of my time. I just fell for anyone, and I should've thought more carefully before picking the first tom I see. I'm sorry for being a player. You really are an awesome amazing person in hundreds of different ways. That you can stay strong through all you have been through is one of them. You will remain special to me, even if you don't think it. The reason I talk to you is because I care. You will never truly leave my heart. See? I told you I was the pigeon.
I am thankful you found a peacock to make you happy♥
I fell for a different peacock this time.
Trust me, life will get better in some way. I hope it does. And know you are just so very special, as in valuable to the world in which we know. Harness your strength, you have come a long way, and the road beyond won't be much easier.
393 · Sep 2014
~September 7th~
Echo Sep 2014
September 7
Me- I know that we will go through it all. There could be days when I don't see you, but I will never change my decision. As long as you're here, I will make my promise to love you forever, for how could I not?"
You- When that day comes we may be much older and barely know who the other is. After months of talking we will realize that you are Rose and I am Fuzz. Then we would probably cry with joy and envelope you in a kiss. A kiss that reminds you of what we had and rekindles the love that almost went cold.
6:46 PM
You- Baby girl I love you to death
My heart jumps at the thought of you
The butterflies threaten to break out of their cage,
My mind can only think of you
You are my starshine on a clouded night
You make me laugh when I am sad
You bring hope when there is none.

>>Don't ask me to stop loving you when you are still in my heart.<<
I love you so, so much Andy. I'm always here for you I promise. I'd give anything for it to be September 7th.
388 · Sep 2014
~10w Poem~
Echo Sep 2014
~My world had meaning since the day you entered it.~
I love you Magicath.
363 · Sep 2014
~This Night~
Echo Sep 2014
So far away, closer we stand,
To the point we meet, hand in hand.
Soft music playing, the world growing still.
You would kiss me, kiss me if you will,
The day spreads out for you and me.
I love you, my dear Andy.
Slowly, softly, singing and true,
The day turns beautiful just for you.
The stars shine just to light your darkest night,
I live in eternal dark and out of sight.
It's twilight now, and your growing lonely,
I'd fly thousands of miles just to keep you company.
Stretched out among the band of stars,
We live in a world of silence, no people or cars.
The wind flows around your wonderful grace.
How could I live a day not to see your face?
Calmly is the night as you hold me still,
It's perfect just for you, with it's nightly chill.
The sun rises, and you soon have to go.
But as you do, just expect me to say, "No,"
I would never want you to leave me,
And that you should always know
Just a small poem for him! He knows who he is! I love you always! Thank you for coming into my life. You've made it an enchanting dream.
349 · Sep 2014
Echo Sep 2014
Let's just be in the world free to to do what ever we do,
So go ahead, there's nobody to stop you.
Let's just listen to our kind of music,
To the beat of your heart.
So go ahead or I will press start.
Let's just stick together no matter what,
You are for me as I am for you.
When I say I don't want to lose you,
It means you will always be found.
It means you can't leave. As in ever.
When I say it'll be us,
There's nothing that can come in my way.
Oh there is? Challenge accepted.
But when I say I love you,
It means just exactly that,
I really do love you.
Yes, I really do.
You are the only person on Earth I want to hug,
The only person out of the 6 billion people I'd ever want to be with.
Billions equals hundreds of millions of hundreds of thousands of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of people.
You are still my wonder,
My beautiful song.
I'll love you if you stay,
Even if you go away.
It's "us" now, so relax,
It's kind of cool to just breathe deeply,
And never worry about finding the right one.
Oh, I've found him all right,
Why would it be anyone else but you?
My love for you is sewn and poured into these very words,
You are my light, my sky, my stars in my darkest hour.
You can make the world better.
You are the one for me.
You just won Rosie's heart.
I will love you always.
And I will keep this promise,
Because I know the risk I'm taking by saying these words,
That's okay though.
Challenge accepted.
345 · Oct 2014
~My purpose in your life~
Echo Oct 2014
You weren't at my door.
No love to calculate?
My stars are gone, you weren't there.
You've got all of my love- all of my care.
Hey handsome, it will be okay.
Tell me how you are doing today.
If you are sick, let me make you laugh,
If you've lost interest in me, snap my heart in half.
Just whatever you do, tell me,
Cause for only my eyes can see,
The feelings that are burning through you.
My love for you only grows stronger,
Your days of pain make mine seem longer,
Because I wish I could help you.
I love you, Yes I really do.
You have all of me,
My heart,
My thoughts,
My spirit,
My love.
In which you own,
Through the love you've shown.
All I want to do is love you,
I don't want to hurt you.
I don't want to annoy.
I just want to love you.
And if you come back, let me be the first to say,
Just how much I love you in every way.
There isn't anymore.
Coming back will never be too late~
307 · Nov 2014
Echo Nov 2014
~Don't let anyone tell you you're ugly. They are just jealous~
Directed at... You!! ;)
280 · Sep 2014
~Let's Talk~
Echo Sep 2014
I'm very very happy,
That's how I was made to be.
Oh, why the long face?
Did people judge you of your race?
Sit with me, we shall confide,
If you've ever had thoughts of suicide.
Hello, I will try to fix your of your cry,
Of the day when your boyfriend made a lie.
What's this? Your girl broke up with you?
There there, I'll help your heart find one that's true.
Come one, come all,
Let me help you get up from your fall!
I love you no matter who you are,
And we will run to lands of peace afar.
There's always another day,
Hopefully, in the next one, you are not so astray.
My first poem! Please enjoy!
(This poem was made with ~Pleasure's~ heart. Any allergies reading poems made with love is not her responsibility in issues with the law. Thank you! <3)
246 · Dec 2014
202 · Nov 2014
Echo Nov 2014
~What friend calls you a ****?!~

— The End —