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 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
The first time I cried looking in the mirror was the day after I turned 13.
My mother told me it was time to start watching my weight.
She took me in front of a mirror and taught me how to point out my flaws.
My fat thighs.
My pudgy stomach.
Then she taught me how to exercise.

The first time I skipped a meal was halfway through my 14th year.
My father told me I was looking a big fat.
He wanted to make sure I remember how to look in the mirror and see my flaws.
My too round face.
My too big body.
Then he took away my plate

The first time I was told I was going nowhere in life was a week before my 15th birthday.
My parents looked at my report card and told me nothing
They wanted to make sure I knew how worthless I was
My Cs and Ds
My apathy
Then they left me alone.

Now I am almost 16.
And I am supposed to grow up.
In two years I am supposed to be an adult.
But I was never taught how.
I still raise my hand to speech in big groups.
I still have to ask to go to the bathroom.
But I am expected to make life changing decisions.
And all I can do is go back in front of that mirror and point out my flaws.
Just as I was taught to do.
I Wanna a Man that wants Me
Laying in his bed 
Soft curls nestled
just beneath his head
Long legs wrapped
'round Mine
holding me tight
Pulling us down into the
soft nest of night

In His strong soft arms I would lay
Till morning meets the misty break of day.

I Need a Man that loves the way
I smell, taste and breath
Cares for what I want
Considers what I need
Enjoys the way I form my thoughts
Listens to my dreams

I Wish a Man that accepts me
My peculiar ways.
treats like I am precious
In his strong arms I would Lay
Till morning kisses meet
The misty break of day

I Dream of a Man capable
accepting love from Me
Enjoys the way I touch His skin
Knows how Good things can be

Most of all I want a Man
That wants to be loved too
A Man that never
hesitates to say
"Woman, I Love You"

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
I Wanna Man
I don't sleep as well
As I used to
Because everytime
I open my eyes
You aren't lying
Next to me
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Aoife Teese
it's hard to face the eternal grandeur of the cosmos
where every dark, empty space is full of mysteries
that are unfathomable distances away

i wonder if the star i'm looking at tonight
in the space on it's left, a couple million light years past
has a planet with a being
who feels the same things i do
while looking at the sky
A: A supernova remnant
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Aoife Teese
driving down a windy road 35 miles per hour at seven thirty in the evening with flowers and balloons in the back seat shouldn't have ended with me being suspended sideways for thirty minutes while they tried to make it safe to get me out of what was left of my first car and no matter how many times i draw a bath i can't get rid of the feeling of my left hand covered in my own blood and the small slivers of glass that are still in my hands or the swollen over-sized bruises that adorn my legs and my face  

and regardless of the scent of lavender and apples i cant look at my damaged body anymore

did you ever really love me at all?
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Aoife Teese
The way I hate you washes over me in waves. The weight of the water crushes my rib cage, and I want to scream louder than I've ever screamed before.

The way I love you tears at me from the inside out. My heart bursts under the pressure of the pain you've given me, and I want to scream louder than I've ever screamed before.

Physical pain is incomparable to this.
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose

you take
me into your
me upon       the
sultry limbs      of
your        nebulous
grace•the expansive
arms of the universe,
where            peaceful
slumber awaits•your
poetry    laden comets,
bore      abundant love,
all towed     in freights•
gingerly drinking in the depth
of your face•seemingly blindfolded,
i'll tread each dark  crater•my head in
a swirl        of your  majestic         trace•
where        I would stumble         upon
V              a love ever so...             V
/     |    |   || \
(                              )
(                                    )
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Tattoo your passion onto my tongue

Give me something to talk about

Brand the heart in your chest

Into my fingertips

So I can write about love

Implant your smile to my eyelids

Then I will dream of reasons to wake
A short poem
Feeling good today
Might add more later
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Place your words across my body
Like a crossword

1 down
your hair on my shoulder when I sleep

7 across
The curve in your clavicle

14 across
Answers to prayers we have not made yet

2 down
Forgive my jaw for hitting the floor

11 down

11 down

11 down

11 down
My vision is blurry
A little differnt
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