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 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Richard K
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Richard K
I got a sore neck from resting my head on your shoulder.
I don't even mind, I would love to be close as the skies get colder.

My eyes are sore from not seeing you,
My heart is light with the joy of knowing this is all true.

I can't write my ******* essay,
I am too busy thinking of how I don't want you to stray.

My mind is sore from thinking about this spark,
My skull rings with this beat as I lay awake in the dark.

Hearing you say these words can be kind of terrifying,
But when you remind me you care, it is the sound of my world clarifying.

I want to be sore, I want to remember,
The way we were close, just fan the spark, don't put out the ember.
It was all very, very nice.
I have not a voice
to properly enunciate
the fears and terror I experience
on a daily basis,
nor hands stable enough
to sign the loneliness
that wastes me.

I have trouble sympathizing
and empathizing
and condoling
those who open up their dark secrets
when it comes alight
that their secret is of the weighted, edible variety.

You say you struggled with weight
you couldn't keep it on
barely swallow a bite
you got so sick
and it was so bad
I must refrain,
as you speak,
from bowing down,
from praising you,
from questioning how you achieved
such beautiful strength
to become so skinny.

Your nightmare is my fantasy
your dark memory
is my desired future
Your shame
is my pride
Your wicked sorrow of the events
is glory in my eyes.

But I won't say that
I can't.
can't tell you how I envy
something that hurt you so,
but you can be sure
I'll be thinking it
feeling it
breathing it
Wish I had the strength to keep off the weight,
wish I had your determination.
You feel so ashamed well darling don't,
what you did, it was beautiful, and you, are beautiful
Take me to the city, boy.
Take my hand and drag me along
with nothing but the clothes on my back-
I'm sure we'll be okay.

Take me away to where the lights are pretty
and the noise muffles our voices
and we can swim with the crowds.

Take me where anything is possible,
to where the money and fame
and stress and hectic are.

Take me away to the city, boy.
Take me away from the small town
too far from anything.

Take me from the normal,
from reality.

Take me to the city,
where we can be who we want
and they can't tell us no.

Take me to the city, boy.
we won't have to sleep
and we can keep smiling
and loving
and dreaming
so long as the lights stay on.

Take me to the city, boy.
it's all I've ever wanted.
 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
It's not that I don't value your words, it's that I can't believe them.
I don't deserve them.
Don't you see how deep my sadness runs inside of me?
The despair I possess -- that possesses me -- is the blackness of my core.
I produce only ruin and darkness.
Not the good kind.
I'm so sorry.
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