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I gazed out at the night to find
The moon shining  
Throughout the darkness:
Enveloping its surroundings
Only to pierce my mind in a way
The most stunning wonders can.
I couldn't help but remember
Your eyes full of galaxies and I
Experience a feeling reminiscent
Of the thought
Of one who's always on my mind.
There in the night remained
A moon that shone despite,
And one who's light
Reaches both of us.
And though divided at the time,
Our sight is fixated equally,
And I desperately believe we might
Shine despite the divide
If we try.
For I find that you are more lovely
Than a full moon at night,
You bring your own light.
And so do I.

 Oct 2014 Hayley Neininger
You loved me like the phases of moons, all at once, then slowly, you would fall back into your phases, your love for me slowly getting smaller. Some days, I would break. I would cry, and scream at you, and you would build back up, to loving me fully, like a full moon illuminates the dark, night sky. I gave my all loving you, thinking one day, the moon will stay it's large, full size, brightening the sky, but slowly realized that the world is cruel, and that you never actually ever loved me.
I wrote this a while ago after learning that not everyone who say they love you, mean it.
A young woman closing in on independence
Like it is a dreadful thing
Other young women
Excited, mesmerized, elated by the sense of freedom
She can taste the separation like food

Sadness permeates the flesh of youth
Spreads into the arteries of life
Almost a feeling of suffocation ensues
Others happiness caresses the flesh
Spreads into the arteries singing with fire
Unable to contain the elation!

Clouds form all around as separation is coming
A time of exploration and inhibitions weigh heavily
Loneliness, isolation, and unbearable anxiety overwhelm the brain
Happiness, exaltment, and a sense of power explode inside the other

The girl enjoyed life so much until now
Parents are much older than most
Fear encases the once boisterous heart
Everywhere talk of blossoming, answering to no one
Boundaries erased, getting older, wiser, excites

Dark thoughts of being alone fill her with anguish
Parents dying before she begins to live plays on her psyche
Children not knowing their grandparents, No! Turn back time
Please she cries!
The other cares not of these things only to get out
Into the world of money, jobs, romance, parties
Parents being a chore now just having to appease them
Loving them but finally FREEDOM!!!

One leaves home feeling weight of life crushing dreams
The other so happy to get away from meddling, curfews, and eager to carve her own mark.

Which will live the better life?
Who will be happy?
Love and be loved?
Will despair turn to death or endless fulfillment?
Will elation turn to destruction and loneliness?

Do you know which is a young woman you know?

Written by:  Jennifer Humphrey  10/12/2014 copyright 2014
Dedicated to my daughter.
 Oct 2014 Hayley Neininger
Mary K
The grass, so high, so mighty
Yet so easily swayed.
The wind picks up force
But not everything is saved.
The eagle soars above us,
The ground trembles below.
Fires start abruptly
Their ashes white like snow.
Horses travel quickly
When there's nobody on their back.
But the demons still swept through
Not bothering to cover up their track.
The grass is quickly shortened
The wind can now be tamed.
The horses soon are broken
Never cared for, or named.
The eagle lands finally
Tired of putting up a fight.
The demons continue to push in
Under cover of the night.
Fires turn to embers,
Little light to glow.
To think, it seemed so safe once
Now there's nowhere left to go.
Um idk this one isn't supposed to be literally about the wild west but
Take me,
     wherever you go,
          take my soul
Have me,
     whenever you want,
          have me all
I’m here for you and I’m there with you
Send me your cloud and let it rain over me
Let your grace embraces my wounded heart
The cut is so deep
Your mercy is in need
Take me,
     have me,
          or forever...
               put me to sleep

Abdullah Ayyash
June 19th, 2013
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