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Haruka Aug 2014
i am tired of building
my home in the arms
of strangers that vaguely
resemble your outline.
  Aug 2014 Haruka
Acid Loves Mercury
A person sits and cries
Knees together, holding her face
Lips quiver, and tears leak from cracks
Hide from the world
Not just a girl
But full grown
A woman, long

A clock clicks
Wordless in the night
It's not the precision preferred
Everything is not all right
It's face so pretty
Decorated with scrolls
Beautiful in architecture

It tells the time
But cannot really see inside
It's mind isn't shattered
It's still beautiful
Cogs, levers, springs and gears
It can only look at others
Knows something is wrong

It sees the world, all the other faces
Clocks themselves, faces hiding minds
Only hears the tick, click and tock
Sometimes it rains, humidity brings
Another tock, and knows it's off
Just one more tick
Make it work

One has to look past the face
See it's mind, complete
Not the pretty, but
Admire the precision
Mechanical beauty
Revenged emotional
Struggling time

Always trying so hard
Get through the hours
Minutes in seconds
Maybe it's ok, a little slow
A little fast, time makes time
Looking at clocks
Feeling only wrong

But it's the slow and fast
Moments between
When someday, it seems
That ticks and tocks
Patchwork healing
Shrugging, painful seconds
Keep perfect time

The other clocks
Faces hiding broken minds
Look to that grand Ol' tock
See only that it goes
Not its struggle
So in her hands
Tears slide down

Her woman's cheeks
All red, eyes puffy
A mind restrained
She hides her face, not
So all the other clocks
Can all go tick, tock
Click, whir

She only knows her
Ignoring the fact that
Her time is perfect
For everything he needs
Because the beauty of
Elegance is precession

His sense is timeless
Wonder not measured
For hours, creep
Minutes, tick
Seconds, wander
But altogether
She is everything
Haruka Aug 2014
some nights i want to disappear
into the white sheets of a bed
that no longer remembers the scents
of lovers with hurried breaths
and trembling fingertips

other nights i lay awake
looking out of the frosted glass
into the world i'm supposed to be a part of
and i remember what you said to me
that night before you left.

"you're so detached from everything"

i realize now that you loved me
but it was me that was like a broken clock
constantly ticking away at seconds
that had passed eons ago.
i was always the girl that lived
in her fading memories
and i didn't realize how deep
in my own head i was
until the door slammed shut
in your wake.

i realize now that you can't
really love someone
as much as you can miss them.
i'm a shell of the girl you once knew
and i don't blame you for leaving
because if i were in your shoes,
i too, would leave the girl
with hollow eyes
and whispering poetry.

there is no beauty in pain.
i know that now.
this poem is uncharacteristically honest
Haruka Aug 2014
somewhere in between
the lost voices echoing
in my heart of hearts
and the burning in the
back of my eyes as you
told me your goodbyes,
i lost my sanity.
and i guess that it's my fault
for loving you so recklessly,
and it's my fault for carving
the image of you smiling
under the august sun
into the walls of my worn out heart.
because ever since you left
i spend hours in the shower trying to
scrub away your ghostly fingertips
from my skin
but at night i claw at the places
you touched most,
trying like a madwoman to feel
your presence once again.
i say your name like a mantra
that governs the very existence
of my consciousness
and some days i feel the bile
rise in my chest as I hear
your name on the street.
i am tired of empty eyes
and trembling bones.
i am tired of being a ghost
of the girl i once was
and if i'm being honest
-and i am-
you were my beginning
as well as my ending.
so how do you expect a person
to go on when all the air
has been pulled from their lungs?
these days in the spaces between my sheets
i still smell your musky cologne
and i spend hours heaving out
memories that i had etched into
the marrow of my bones.
i am a madwoman
that lost herself in a fire
of loveless eyes and passionate
i am a madwoman.
i am just a madwoman.
Haruka Aug 2014
Today I learnt that after the Big Bang,
there was antimatter,
the mirror image of matter.

Antimatter and matter
destroyed each other when they met,
thus they annihilated everything in their path,
and the universe was left almost empty.

And I thought about how your touch
against my skin,
brought the same catastrophic destruction.
And the universe inside of me,
was left in pieces,
only to be visible through
vacant eyes and
unfinished poetry.

In your wake, you left pieces of you
embedded into my skin,
jagged scars of memories
I tried to claw out of my bones.
You tore at my skin with your spitting words
yet I held you close during your goodbye.

"We are opposite poles of a world
I long to know."

You were beautiful,
and I was never
brilliant enough.
love is a paper boat that sinks
i am a sailor that never learnt
how to swim.
Haruka Aug 2014
And just like that,
you leaned over the steering wheel
and held the universe together.
Like it was the most natural thing to do.
is it possible to love someone so much?
Haruka Aug 2014
1:35 am
in the indigo infinity of the night,
i could've loved you better.

2:18 am
between the folds of the sheets
and the ache in my bones,
i warmed you from the inside out.

3:46 am
we are two stars,
unable to put our words into
we will be our own downfalls.

4:28 am
you pull my hair and tell me
you love me in-between the groaned pants
and one day, underneath the cracked lips
and trembling hands
i'll find the courage to say it back.

5:19 am
i am the inferno that'll burn
your paper heart down
and when you're left with the ashes,
you'll see just how much of yourself
you gave to the girl with the sleepy eyes
and bruised knuckles.
i am sorry.

6:21 am
like the morning sun,
i'll rise to fill you with warmth
but i will have to set again.

7:34 am
"i can't hold your universe together."
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