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 Apr 2014 hallee
you once told me why birds bless us with an early warning of morning
it's been so long, i've forgotten
when i hear the birds in the morning, i still think of you
really random poem. it was lifetime ago. anyway, i've been reminiscing about him a lot recently and this just sort of happened
 Apr 2014 hallee
Nathan Squiers
Two lips met in the forest,
Sighing South and heaving North.
They prayed with words unspoken.
Drinking in the dried tears of sated loneliness;
Chewing 'pon the swelled pride of ancient lusts.

An ethereal plume drives the dew-soaked petals closer,
Until neither root nor stem can discern their place.

Two lips met in the meadow,
Singing East and chanting West.
They pursed with anxious anticipation,
And parted with baited excitement,
While the ghosts of lovers surfed upon their hums.

Two lips.
Are as one.
 Feb 2014 hallee
My lover
Tastes like
Heaven and wonder
All in one
My favorite
I love my best friend, my saving grace, and my sweet lover.

© Mela 2014
 Feb 2014 hallee
I saw the letters

that you tried to hide from me

infact... We all did.
 Jan 2014 hallee
 Jan 2014 hallee

God is the shapes
on my ceiling.
He is the sliver of light
filtered through my window.

God is the thirty-inch space
between roof & fallen branch.
He is the kiss of dew drops
& the breeze on my neck.

God is the flame
of discipline.
He is the declaration
of saddened exile.

God is goosebumps
that proclaim "I hear you!"
He is the rise &
the fall of empires.

God is the sky
which engulfs all
in loving despair.
Written in early 2013.
 Jan 2014 hallee
Cheri Lynn
 Jan 2014 hallee
Cheri Lynn
I wish I had known you when you were alive,
when your heart was still beating and your skin was flush.
I wish I had known your will to survive when your thoughts weren't in such a rush.

I wish I had met you back when we were young,
before all these trials of life...
I wish we had cried all our tears to the ground and evicted the whole of our strife.

Never, no never, did I ever think
that I'd bury a friend like you.
But clever, so clever, those poisonous barbs that split both our hearts in two.

I loved you so deeply, though you were so cold
I was fooled by the warmth of a lie.
Naked and blinded I gave you the knife
and lifted my eyes to the sky.

Now I've stumbled through darkness and stretched for a hand, wishing sometimes I could die.
While loneliness dances across my heart, suppressing my urge to cry.

I wish I had known you when you were alive,
when your heart was still beating and your skin was flush.
I wish I had known that I'd lose such a friend in a sparring that I couldn't crush.

I wish I had met you back when we were young,
before all these trials of life...
I wish we had cried all our tears to the ground and evicted the whole of our strife.

Never. No never.
Did I ever think that I'd bury a friend like you.....

But clever, so clever, those poisonous barbs that split both our hearts in two.
 Nov 2013 hallee
You said you loved me.
But you lied.

You said you wish you could see me every minute of the day.
You knew it was nothing true.
What could a lie do?

You promised you would never leave me and never hurt me.
If it were true
Then i wouldn't be sitting here all alone without you.

How can you say there was nothing in the way you look at me?
That you never really loved me?
How can you lie to my face without a disgrace?

You said you'd fix my heart.
You never ever did.

I pulled the last petal from the flower.
it was love me not.
 Nov 2013 hallee
Arianne Quinn
Been a year since the blade touched her skin
Those white lines that remind her
How strong she has been.

She's been strong for a long time,
Why would she give up now?
She thought she can take it
But she spoke too soon
She couldn't.

Giving up
It was easy for her
But little did she knew
That everyone cared for her
She just can't see it.
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