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 Nov 2013 hallee
Lisa Moon
 Nov 2013 hallee
Lisa Moon
Day Sun Full
Locked in these chains
Forever bound
Til Heaven peeks through
and saves me
 Nov 2013 hallee
A Grin in the Sky
She reaches with clammy hands
The Tide and Moon's love.
 Oct 2013 hallee
Suicide Note
 Oct 2013 hallee
You love me
In a way so unimaginable
Your kiss takes me to places
I could never even dream of
Because when I dream all I see is me
Beside you
God, I yearn for your love
In a fiendish way; you are my drug
And I suffer without my dose
Of you, my muse
My queen of all things pretty
Prance on my heart
Why don't you dance and
Play and after your long day just
Kick your feet up and stay awhile
Get acquainted with the space I paved
For you to lay inside me
I won't evict you, in fact I'll put up bars
And imprison you, so you can never leave
You see, without you I'm just not me
You're that extra piece to make me complete
And if I leave you be, there's nothing left
I will love you so hard it will bleed from you
I swear there's nothing I need from you
But the love you give to continue as strong
I will never do you wrong
If you just love me
I cannot see the day you say "it's through"
Because that's the day I say "me too"
So goodnight to the love we had
Now shed
 Sep 2013 hallee
Austin Day
I swear these days the kids think they can rap
With their #swag and their #yolo and snapback caps.

But I'd like to show them what RAP means in this country

Without your stanzas and word composition
you're just another rapper with an arrogant disposition.

Without a positive message and a humble demeanor
you've got negativity causing the children to get meaner.

You blast the bass and you spit your rhymes
you claim that the haters, "they be lying."

But you fail to see that at the heart of it all
you're more like Lil' Wayne than Biggie Smalls.

I'm truly sorry if you get offended by this rant,
but first thing's first;

Pull up your pants...
The laughter of the black birds,
And the hum of the wind
Moves the dangling willow tree
To canopy her from her sin.
The leafy umbrella conceals her scars,
Comforts the lady in tears,
Whispers sweet words of a lullaby,
Left to linger throughout her ears.
 Sep 2013 hallee
Koi Nagata
A catfish laughs.
It thinks of other catfishes
In other ponds.
 Sep 2013 hallee
Ramzie Green

It’s what we share


It’s how we bond

Without you

Your untouched room 

Is just like my mirror.

I look and I see myself

So I close your door to lock the monsters away

I pray they can’t open doors

The door isn’t enough 

Lonely seeps through the space between the carpet and the slanted door 

I shove towels under my door to keep it out

But lonley seeps in anyway



Seeping through the cracks in me

Dragging me down

I wake up and don’t think I’ve slept at all

Lonely keeps me up

Chattering in my head
Heavy eyes, it's getting too late
twenty more minutes and I'll be awake
I just remembered and just in time
what we're working towards, why I drew the line
every once in a while, it's less easy than now
I don't see anyone, but I can see how
a carefully worded sigh with you so far
would find a place and make this all hard

I don't know if lips other than yours would
but some nights I think they could
steal a tremble along my spine
and dreaming and doing is such a fine line
every once in a while it's less easy than now
I don't see anyone, but I can see how
a carefully worded sigh with you so far
would find a place and make this all hard
 Sep 2013 hallee
As we get older, we forget
all the things we cherished.
The further away we grow,
the more we forget
to remember
Remember to hold those things close
Remember to never let go.
I wish I could know
what a child knows.

What they know
without the slightest hint
of the doubt
that overwhelms me now.
I want to remember
what it feels like
to love without restraint
to love without fear
and love without pain
The love only a child knows.

I want to know a Jesus
who resides in my heart
and protects me from the hurt.
I want to know a Jesus
who is my own peaceful warrior
who doesn't create evil.
I want to know what a child knows.

Take me back
to when my daddy knew everything
for me
To the place where base
was the only safety I considered
To when I knew all I needed
about God
To a place where I believe wholeheartedly
in something crazy
Take  me to the place
only a child knows

Where there is good
that is genuine
Where brokenness
is the start
The altar
is the healing
And hope
is redemption
Help me to know
what a child knows

Can anyone but the innocent and unexposed
truly know these things?
Is it possible for someone
to feel the pain
to see the hurt
to bear the load
and still believe?
Can we honestly believe
with the passion of a child?

I have seen
the good in people.
I have experienced
the hurt, and felt
the healing
I have been let down
thrown down
shut down
I have yet
to be broken down.

Deep within me
there is a place
Where the truth will prevail
the sincere will overcome
the place
only a child knows.
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