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The girl cried, "Wolf!"
But nobody came.
So the girl cried, "Wolf!"
Again, and again.

Into the dark, into the flame
She met with the wolf
Again, and again.

She ran, and she ran
But they stood still the same
The girl cried, "Wolf!"
And nobody came.
Thoughts on the child crying out for help
Rain water soaks us
Runny mascara, but you still think I'm beautiful
Lips so soft
Lips so sweet
We're pressed up against each other
Bare chest to bare chest
You on top
Me on bottom
Hips locked in place with the other
Warm soft sweet lips slowly caressing my body, my lips and my neck you **** on
Soft gentle hands caress my ******* thoughtfully
Finally, her lips reach my thighs, I, trembling with lust and fear
I was scared and she knew it
Her hands and lips touched me
*So softly, so gently
My first erotica poem. Hope you like it.
It is not about me though. I'm still a ******. Comment what you think about my poem please?
Thank you.
I dream of your lips pressed against mine.With your hands exploring my body while you press me up against a wall.

I imagine you leaving me with hickeys, scratches and bite marks.
I think of cloths scattered on the floor and of you pressing me to you so there is no space between us.

I don't want flowers, chocolates and love.
I want lip biting, messy sheets and lust.
I want pure unadulterated passion
you are a summer night

the way you keep me up

so hot the sheets stick to me

i have to open the windows,

take off all my clothes

morning comes and i still

feel you on my skin
 Feb 2018 Aubrey Jones
I bet you taste like
the most delicious sin
 Jan 2018 Aubrey Jones
You make me so happy, but I'll never tell you, cause my feelings are confidential... And my moods temperamental...
 Jan 2018 Aubrey Jones
i wanted to give up
countless times
until the very existence of me
didn’t make sense anymore


i fight to keep this faith alive
day by day
because the very existence of you
is everything that i am.
 Dec 2017 Aubrey Jones
You cannot tell her she's beautiful,
You cannot tell her you love her,
You cannot tell her she's your world
When she's at her best moments.

You may only tell her those things,
If you're ready for her to have those off days,
If you're ready for her to not always wear makeup,
If you're ready to deal with her mood swings,
If you're ready for her to be clingey some days and distant others,

You cannot tell her any of the pretty little comments,
Unless you can handle her
Alone at two A.M.
As she's struggling with life,
And wondering why

She is not enough to win her own internal battles
-Don't you dare tell her you can handle her all the time if you're only ready to handle her at her best.
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