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She is still in love with him.
And the thing that makes her,
Cry at night,
Is the fact that,
She couldn't help falling
For him.
And if she could,
She would forget about him.
But she knows,
That isn't possible.
 Mar 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
Hello old friend
Nice to see you again
I admit I'm not ready for this dance to end
Before it even had a chance to begin
I know that you are bored with my little game
But for you to try and end it has become such a shame
I know that people usually give in to your pull
So that they don't deal with your wrath
But as you already know I'm as stubborn as a bull
And after all of this time I've done the math
That you can't fool me
Or tell me what to do
I'm surprised that you don't see
That if there is no me there is no you
#deardeath #friends #dwtd
 Mar 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
I am wild
There is no one that can capture me
Free is what I'll be for all eternity
Everything bad fills my body
And I love it
Many think that they can tame me
And claim me as their own
But I refuse to belong to someone
Unless they belong to me as well
I create chaos
I live because of it and will die due to it too
I love a challenge
Or a good game of cat and mouse
Please give in to the chase
Test your skills and attempt to do what all others failed to do
Are you up to it
Please say you are and don't stop
Try to catch me and live in my world
Don't be afraid of the future
I promise that I won't be in it
It is the present time that I will be in if you win
Come and get me
I'm waiting
Heart in pieces, knife in deep.
The ache, the pain,
I start to weep.

Help me, save me,
Don't leave me here.
The pain has me crying,
Shaking in fear.

He got me, he lost me,
Now I'm in tears.
As I go, I whisper, and say,
"Help me, save me,
My love isn't here ."
This happens because I am just too trusting..
 Feb 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
Take me away
And never let me go
Pursue me in this dangerous game
Test your limits and my boundaries
Show me a world that I've never had access to
Make me feel things that I have never felt before
Have me wondering what will happen next
All I want is for you to thrill me
Steal my breath away
Keep me on my toes
That is what I need
Can you do that?
I'm searching for something but I don't know what it is yet...
 Feb 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
I stare at you
As you stare at me
Give me an adventure
And I will give you one too
Let me live
And I will make sure you see
That I am no amateur
Your love is what you must give
My passion is what you will receive
I honestly don't know the meaning so interpret how ever you want ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
 Feb 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
He spoke his words
Out came the truth
They felt like swords
Shattering the eternal youth
I guess it is time to let things go
For my time it ticking away
I am tired of putting up a heartless show
The words I thought will never come out to say
 Feb 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
His eyes are of the galaxy
Dark and mysterious
His mind is like the clouds
Light and free
His words are like blades
Sharp and painful
His soul is like the light
It either kills you or give you redemption
He is a ghost
He is there one moment but gone the next
#lettinghimgo #pain #ghost
 Feb 2017 Graciela Gonzalez
I'm not beautiful
But i'm not ugly
I'm not smart
But i'm not dumb
I'm not funny
But i'm not boring
I'm not outgoing
But i'm not shy
I'm not strong
But i'm not weak
I'm not perfect*
But i'm not fake
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