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gracie Sep 2019
how were you supposed to know
you were my universe
when you were too busy
looking for the stars in someone else's eyes?
gracie Sep 2019
if all i did wrong in this lifetime
was trust you,
you will send me to my grave happily.
gracie Sep 2019
and the years will erode your anger

the image of me
that exists in your mind will soften

her edges will fade into you
and once more,
you will forget
where you stop,
and i begin.
gracie Aug 2019
"you cant kiss this one better" i say
and you tell me you aren't trying to
then i get it
you're kissing me goodbye
telling me there is nothing to fix
and it becomes okay for me to kiss you back.
gracie Aug 2019
i could not tell if you did not know
or you did not care.
and i cannot decide
which is worse.
thanks mom lol
gracie Aug 2019
i am in love with a boy
who makes me bleed honey,
and doesn't like his tea bitter.

i do not mind, though.
he will always kiss my wrists
before he slits them.
gracie Aug 2019
and your halo can be seen on november nights before the car starts
when our breath is cold in the air
and, for a moment,
your words can be seen instead of felt.

when i look out the window,
i see a streetlight.

— The End —