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 May 2014 Glassily
Can we start over?
Can we be strangers again?
Let me introduce myself
We can laugh and talk
And relearn what we already know
And come up with new inside jokes
And create new memories
And give each other
A second chance.
 May 2014 Glassily
 May 2014 Glassily
i'm jealous of the last cigarette you smoked
that it got to soothe your pain
that it got to make itself at home in your lungs
because i couldn't soothe your pain even if i tried
and i can never leave finger prints on your skin again
i can never feel you again
and i'm jealous of the bed sheets you hung yourself with
they got to feel your warmth
because they got to cease your pain
and even if i tried i couldn't do that either
and your gone
and you're never coming back to say your final goodbye
and that's when i knew the cigarette meant more to you than me.
 May 2014 Glassily
 May 2014 Glassily
i dont think there is enough glue in the world to piece together my broken heart and if so where can i buy it you destroyed my existence it hurts to look at flowers because they remind me of you and how you didnt love me and i feel like im on fire because you left me with nothing and i just need that **** glue
i didnt know how to punctuate this so i just left it as clouded and messy as it was in my head
you hurt me
with your eyes
you hurt me
with your words
you hurt me
with your style
you hurt me
with your absence
you hurt me
every time
i am so glad
you once thought
thanks to you
 May 2014 Glassily
red lights
 May 2014 Glassily
it was sunday night when you broke
the silence by asking me what i was
thinking about, and i admitted that
i was thinking about the rain before
leaning my cheek on my palm and
turning my head towards you, and
i asked you what you were thinking

and it was quiet, and you unbuckled
your seatbelt and shifted your body
and admitted that you were thinking
about me, and when i leaned over the
console and placed my hands on your
neck; when you pressed your forehead
against mine without smiling; when we
just stared at each other and you silently
told me that maybe we really weren't
just friends,

i was thinking about you, too
 May 2014 Glassily
 May 2014 Glassily

I woke up this morning!
It is cool out and lovely
But, with all this beauty
I feel nothing but empty.

I usually feel happy, excited
Can’t wait to go out and feel
But, not anymore
I feel nothing but empty.

I hurt inside, where I breathe
I feel a tightness that can’t expel
But, like always, I must go on
I feel nothing but empty.

I feel I should cry,
My eyes are on the brim
But, I don’t
I feel nothing but empty.
 May 2014 Glassily
Poetic T
Too many people crave
Tomorrow but never live
For today.

As yesterday has passed,
But once that day is upon

Yet again do they crave
That which may never come
Which is the next day.
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