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 Dec 2016 Gisele
Candy Glidden
Like the ocean so wide and powerful,
with it's waves rolling in
and crashing against the rocks,
With the same force as my admiration
towards the man I want to get to know.
I want to know and feel his strength,
Feel the power of his touch
crashing against my soul.
I want to feel his passions,
his desires and the dreams
that he has, like the waters
that go on forever and ever.
I want to feel his tender touch
caressing every inch of my body
like the kiss of the sun over the ocean horizon,
Faithfully each morning.
I want him to know that with each and every
word spoken is like a ripple that spreads
throughout the deepest waters.
For the day is coming closer,
The nights are getting longer,
In the desire to be near you.
I dream of that moment when
the waters of the ocean and the rocks
of the cliffs finally meet...
In a storm of passion.
His every touch will be like a soft
caress to the rocks of the cliffs below.
With each encounter will be like the waters
stirring under the ocean so deep.
With each kiss will be like a storm
building furiously down beneath the earth,
and deep down beneath my soul.
When the time comes for him to take my heart,
my soul and my body to make love to me,
it will be like a wild storm out of control.
With each touch, caress, and kiss he bestows
upon me, will be like giant waves, crashing
vigorously with so much power and strength
against the rocks, like nature intended it to be.
Just like I want him to completely take me...
then like the calm after the storm, I want to lie
in his arms and hear the pounding of his heart,
like the ocean waves calming and soothing to my soul.
Copyright2009  Candy R. Glidden
 Dec 2016 Gisele
Like Water
 Dec 2016 Gisele
I watched you trickle through my palms and fingers.

You quenched my thirst.
You brought life and wakening to my soul.
You made spring happen.

The harder I tried to hold you there, the faster you left.
Were you ever here? The memories turned subtle vapors as my hands dry.
 Dec 2016 Gisele
Michelle Jordan
I love you more than words can tell
But lately, words escape me.

From the fathoms of my heart and soul,
My love for you, abounds.

But even love, stated, in simple terms,
Your response is not forthcoming
Like the life giving rivers
Waters stemmed, I thirst for just one drop.

What a pity, to keep all your waters dammed
That gardens whiter, and gardens die.

So my soul is, without your love
A struggling flower, to survive.

In a dry and barren landscape
Where my seed of love was sown,
Once, your nourishing waters had flown.

From time to time, they did trickle,
Giving hope to heart and soul
Just to survive a little longer,
In a garden of sand and stone.
 Dec 2016 Gisele
Megan Sherman
Oh yield to me like water love
I would not know a deeper pleasure
Ebb like a stream through my mind my love
And sit self-poised in my dreams at leisure

Would angels reveal their gleaming souls
They’d be burnished bright and gold like yours
Our love’s the furnace of infinity
From its rift the grace and gifts outpour
 Dec 2016 Gisele
The sun glistens on the water 
Making it sparkle and shine 
It almost seems alive to me 
This touches my heart

I hear a loon cry 
All alone in the night 
Her song haunts me 
This touches my heart

I see a rose growing in a bed of sand 
Struggling to survive 
It seems to cry out for help to me 
This touches my heart

I hold a new born baby in my arms 
Opening it's eyes to a strange new world 
It's crying for it's mother 
This touches my heart.

All of these things touch my heart 
But none near as much 
As when I see you smile
( A loon is a bird )
My boyfriend made this for me and its the sweetest thing ever xD <3
 Dec 2016 Gisele
Jason McGill
A vase collects dust until there is the perfect flower,
It is more than just a vase then.
It is a life preserver, without the vase the flower would not survive.
A flower is just a flower until it finds the perfect vase.
It is more than just a flower then.
It is the meaning of life, without the flower the vase would only collect dust.
*I'll hold the water you need to survive, you'll be my reason to live.
 Dec 2016 Gisele
Daniel Boyer
Like a pretty flower in a vase of water
I wilt
No more wind to blow my leaves
I sit still
Cherished at first glance
I’m flattered
Thrown in the trash
Nothing left of me
Don’t forget
I came from the roots
What’s left
Still growing tall for you
When needed
You go cut a bit more of me off
There’s a pretty flower in a vase of water
From personal experience. Makes sure the people picking your roses don't pick them all at once.
When you put Water in my soil
My roots begin to expand
Hoping I can be inside a vase that you cherish
 Dec 2016 Gisele
Amitav Radiance
Vibrant waters
Flowing with life
Every drop an elixir
Deserts of feelings
Let’s take a plunge
Rejuvenate our soul
Drenched with vibrancy
Ablution of negativity
Taking a deep breath
Under the water
There’s another world
Vibrant waters
Shall water the paradise
Flowers shall bloom
Of hope and gratitude
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