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 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
Yael Zivan
Of these two souls
The difference
We both shine
Not a sun and a moon
One reflecting the light of the other
But having none of it's own
Completing and depleting each month
We are two stars
Twinkling our mysterious love for the universe to gaze at
But the distance is vast
And the space between is made of the deepest darkest matter
It consumes even time
So we send ourselves spinning
Orbiting, cascading, rambling,
soaring on wings of fire
Until for the smallest instant we are one light,
Then we pass
Perfect in union, and forever in perpetual solitude
But belonging to all of creation,
Not objects, pieces of the source
Pieces of the divine
Belonging to ourselves
Belonging to the difference
Of these two souls
lovers, feminism, not cheesy, a little cheesy,
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
Yael Zivan
Invisible Wires

They pull me towards you, at the speed of time.

Notice how my feet drags, Notice how my eyes sag,

I wish I were unattached, to mind the rushing future

I fear the cracking and the breaking of all that love has painted for me

The hollowness is filled with joys and reverberates with woe,

Please forgive me emptiness, I’m not sure where I find myself

If i take up less of myself then less of me will be useless

Earl of shadows, grant me a sign.

Take me to the dark fortress of earthly understanding

What is that urge that i cannot express?

To whom do i write my sad soliloquies?

Why does anyone see me? How does light reflect on the shell of regret,

What is there to be understood past the silly ramblings of a cub

For though the wires pull me forward, i stare back in confusion.

to all that i have missed, and all that i won’t remember

I haven’t grown as i should. Who is the soul that is being pulled to me and i to you

I know i will love you as i love my own demons. So love me as you love yours and the world will be our immortal garden as much as any sidewalk can support these heavy steps.
strange thoughts, streams of consciousness,
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
Yael Zivan
Some nights trace stars in my back,
the creases of my insecurities, the caress of a lover and the clattering echo of all the different futures, Inside my darkest doubts, a cavernous cave of ringing thought is crushed by the aching relief of certainty. Hold my hand, ground me to the earth, let me feel your bones, the essence of being human, captive in this body of feeling. Pleasure and pain. Proof that you can die and live. let me gaze at the crossing stars through your infinite eyes. This isn’t what you think. You understand it. Our stars are crossed as they fly by faster then thought, we whisper truths and perfect couplets of words, and blended notes of silly harmonies.

Some nights keep the dark at bay,
but some..

some nights revel in the unknown and wrap me in precious curiosity and newest beginnings. I love you
 Oct 2014 Gigi Tiji
Yael Zivan
I wont write you a ****** poem
I'll write you the universe
But it wont look like how you imagined it
But that's life i guess
Please just remember me as you dreamed of how i was
Do not think of the tragic reality
Keep your eyes closed to shadowed corners of my imperfect mind

Hold hands like two gods intertwined in the fractal light of infinite creation
Not like two awkward almost grown people reacting to hormones and insecurities

It's what we want to believe
It's what the world is

And after working that desk job and paying that pension is success and happiness the same?
In the end we just turn into worm food
Do i really want to spend any time doing the safe thing?
I want to jump into loving you
And by loving you I am encircling the entire universe in endless love. It's more then love. Love is what you text your crush at 2 am or before your parents get on a plane. We need a new word for love.
Something that means full and endless devotion and acceptance of all the pieces of the world good and bad. For all that is and was and will be. Wanting all of it to be raised to the highest level of heavenly divine. Wanting to hold the world in your heart and breath eternity into is so it can last as it is forever in it's incandescently beautiful pieces. That is how i love you . Thats how i want to love the world.
But instead i'll sit in a ball on the edge of my bed, doodling stars and wishing the words would come and i could stop writing ****** poems. Ill sit on the edge of my bed and wish i could write the universe...
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