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 Mar 2016 avery james
ghost dad
A peck of his lips filled with sin
     my labored breathing  
          his calloused hands wander my body
          exploring every inch of me
He holds my hand
      and steals my breath
           with a rope he found in the kitchen
Calloused hands wander over my body
     as he lay me with his ex lovers
          each more beautiful than  the next
          each more grave than the last
Beware of boys with blue eyes like sapphires dropping in the ocean
@hank u ******* bitchboy
I still remember the first time we met; you stepped off the train and into my arms and you hugged me so tight it took my breath away. you felt so safe, like hiding under the covers during a thunderstorm when you're six years old and the world is still too scary.
I remember the car ride home. my mom drove us and we both sat in the back seat but both of us were too afraid to reach the few inches across the middle seat to hold the others hand. it was filled with nervous glances and middle school giggles.
I remember our first kiss, awkward and fumbling because I wasn't quite sure how to do it yet. I remember you kissing my cheeks, my neck, my nose, my forehead before you would kiss my lips. when you finally did I felt it jolt through my entire body and I knew I wanted to kiss you for the rest of my life.
I remember the first night we spent together, you held me so close I could feel your heartbeat in my back while I fell asleep and I'm still searching for that feeling because it's the first place that's ever felt like home.
I remember the first time you touched me, your hands gently gliding on top of my skin, terrified to hurt me.
I remember when you told me to leave. it was clumsy and messy, things you told me I was too much of to love. I remember crying in your basement while you sat in, what was supposed to be, our bed, alone.
I remember the cross country flights to go back to my parents house and how badly I didn't want to return. the house that I've grown up in has never felt like home like you did.
I remember the months of suffering alone in a bed that we once shared wishing you could come back to it, but knowing that you never would.
it's been a year since I've been within a thousand miles of you and I think I'm finally finished searching for you in everything I do.
it's been a year since I've been within a thousand miles of you and I think I've finally stopped thinking of you as home.
 Jan 2016 avery james
i want to write out what this feeling is like but i’m so ******* sick of my own metaphors
i don’t want to write about how deep the ocean is or how i can feel this and that in my bones
i don’t want to be that kind of writer, i don’t want to be cliché
i just want to say that i’ve felt so detached lately, like i’m made of different parts taken from different junk yards and i have a feeling in my gut that i’m either going to be a really big nothing or a really small something
i want to be good at something
writing and being poetic is too easy
why are we so easily fascinated by someone who can compare two unlikely things and talk about how the sky bends and how your fingers tremble at the thought of being destructive
this is too easy
 Jan 2016 avery james
sometimes i sit here when i am sad and i think about how easily i could turn to a blade but then i realize that it’s too much effort anymore and that you shouldn’t waste your energy doing destructive things over temporary emotions
 Jan 2016 avery james
i like to think of my eyes as broken cameras that can't focus properly on their own
i love my glasses honestly
i love to take them off when i'm in the passengers seat of a car at night because the city's fuzzy lights look so pretty
you don't get that with 20/20 vision
 Jan 2016 avery james
let me take a break from all of this for awhile
ii’m much too sad to read you a story from my diary
i miss kissing you
i want to kiss you under the sun
i want to kiss you on the sun
i want to handcuff you and kiss you
i want to know how to kiss you
i want to write a book about kissing you
kissing you is a full time job
let me kiss you agian
i am so sorry
i died kissing you
and i don’t regret it
i am losing my mind and i don’t want to find it
i"m reall sorry i will pay for the damages
wow can we stop loving each other so much already
i am so inlove with you right now i could make all the spelliung mistokos in the
world and you would still understand me and i you could close our eyes and still
see how much love we have for each other anad i don’t even mind if it seems like
i’m not payinga ateetion because maybe this is the way things are supposed to
be and i can’t make anything perfect for you because i am not but if you know
then i bet you can we ever
maybe this is right
everything is amazing and it will all be destroyed
this is the most memorable moment i’ve had today
let’s walk through the water with our shoes on
i want to feel the mud between my toes
i’m trying to catch all the mosquitos i can find
people say i’m not saying anything but i am actually saying everything and if you
paid close attention you would notice that i am actually made of different flowers
i’m so cute when i kiss you because you make
me feel reall cute u are so cute and kissing you should be an olympic sport
because i would win a gold medal in kissing you for sure!
how about we talk for a minute
 Jan 2016 avery james
my love is as valuable as gold. it takes every fiber of my being to create and produce, and once it's soaked up by another human being, it takes a long time for me to get it back. even long after they name me a ghost, all i see is them. this is lingering. this is dwelling. this is the sidewalk fading away while wandering around wonderland. i don't remember how to get over it.
 Jan 2016 avery james
Abby Paden
Born to a body I do not know
formative years spent in ignorance
crashing trucks together, hot wheels
running them off the curb outside
with my best friend

He is distant now
same classes, same neighborhood
lives spent together
running through fields and muddy waters on rainy days
my friend

Familiar friend reaches for my hand
he kisses it, wet lips leaving trails of hope
a life spent apart
running through absent moments, a blissful craze
does he know me?

He holds me close, hands on my cheek
he kisses my lips, leaving a fire inside of me
a life come around
recognition a threat to a blissful moment
he knows me…

…and kisses me again
You said
Nobody drinks
Or smokes
In your family

I knew for long
You would be born
Before fourteen births
I had learnt by rot
The lullaby songs
For you

What sort of madness
Is this?
A childless aunt
Of mine
Had asked then
Which still resonates in my ears

That lullaby is still there
On my lips

Having carried that
Lullaby for so long
My lips
Are calloused

No one from your family
Or smokes

Hoping you’d come
I became the one
Who drank
And smoke
On behalf of all of them.

Translator - Shyma P
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