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Our fingers,
touch it the most.
We show it off,
ready to boast.
Depression, a mess,
when lost from our tips.
Rain or harm,
it must not slip.
Hold it close,
a protective grip.

It makes us smile,
forget the sorrows.
Temporarily glides,
us to tomorrow.

Helps with decisions,
remembers us.
Knows what we like,
what sets us apart.

We share with it,
the feel of it.

Your loved one,
or your phone.
The decision,
is yours to own.

What is it?
<3 or [ ]
Is it perfect, did I get it right?
Missing pieces, relatable feels.
Sweaty palms, panic, fright.
Heart jumps back, chest reels.

Incomplete, forever it will be,
blinded by the daunting fear.
No one’s work, is mastery,
others judge it, don’t you see?

Self improvement guide’s,
our next steps towards,
the best self versions,
as we move forward.

Waiting for approval,
justified by the few,
who never truly,
understand you.

They say less is more,
but there is more in less,
so how do you choose your words?
To not be left with regret!

My words are for the amateurs,
critics step aside,
together our words will flourish,
together we realize.

Get it out the door, they
say you only live once.
Continue writing more,
go on inspire on!
Metals when combined, turn into alloys
Men with exceptional perspectives visualize
Retinas uncover hoaxes, merely fake toys
Say witnessing the mirage, awakens realize
Feeling the lovely cool breezes
Cracking jokes, can't hold sneezes
Magical touchy scents the wind releases
Healing the hearts, broken into pieces
Drizzle drops splashing over the faces
Aromas like jasmine savoured by the gazes
Millions of things to enjoy if one traces
So lost, just eyed the wet inked pages
My pen aside, staring the lovely horse races
Laughing, conversing like never in the ages
Dancing the winds, roaming around places
Gazing with smiles at what the rabbit chases

Weights off the chest, lying in solace
***** doltish thoughts all erased
Humor spread in the roots of the heavenly place
Just the perfect definition of a colourful space

Watery turf in palms with tight brace
The period's short, no time to waste
As of Life,
As of Death
First you run,
Then you rest
thought of this just yesterday
I have
strong arms
to hold you
but a gentle spirit
that does
not want to own
or control you.

If I had white wings
of soft feathers
on my back
I would wrap
you up in them
to protect you
from any attack,
and if I was heavenly
I would still
submit to thee
an angel’s decree
of love and devotion
given joyfully.

I will not drown
in those deep blue eyes
but swim those seas
for as long as my
lifespan allows me.

No surprise
you know that
this is not a lie
I am ever your devotee.

So, whatever or whenever
you need or want me
call and I will come running
yours until
you are done with me.
I wish she could breathe

I wish she could sail beyond every ocean ever imagined

I wish she could life through the flowers and freely seize every feeling and every thought ever imagined

I wish she could breathe

I wish she could breathe
written 27 September 2017.

by The Lenora.

All rights reserved.
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