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 Oct 2014 Gaurav K
I woke up extra early
To pick wildflowers from the meadow
I gathered goldenrods and roses
And picked some baby's breath
I watched the dewdrops scattered
Across the blades of grass
I watched the colors of gold
And lavender infuse the morning sky
I took a piece of baby blue ribbon
And tied it around my flowers
To hold your special bouquet in place
For this is your last bouquet here
And this is your special day

Sad day today....I feel sorry because
My mom is trying to help our sick cat, Fluffy
Who hasn't been feeling well for a while!!!! ~~~~~<3
We fear he may be slipping away (dying)....
I don't know, though...
So I wrote this for him and my mom...
Especially to comfort my mom!!! ~~~~~<3
I hope y'all enjoy this!!! ~~~~<3
 Oct 2014 Gaurav K
I can imagine us walking together
'Neath creamy strawberry hued clouds
Ephemeral breezes whispering secrets
Inside our listening ears
Of vain wishes and frivolous thoughts
Our laughter shall echo through the valley
Golden days on the dreamy farm
Bubbling creeks and rippling springs
Autumn's bitter breezes
Bring apple picking memories
Strong breath of nostalgia
I long for those golden days
Walks in the woods
And barefoot girls riding gentle horses
But alas, my dreams have crumbled
In the palms of my hands
Only broken shards remain
Of those golden yesterdays
That never were

Wrote this today (September 22, 2014)!!! ~~~~~<3
Unfortunately, I don't know what time I started
Typing this one...I was in a hurry to get my thoughts
Written...Sorry for that!! ~~~~~<3 :)
Hope you enjoy this poem!!! :) ~~~~~~~<3
 Sep 2014 Gaurav K
Winter is coming!
With arctic winds
And bitter frost
Lining the cold ground
Frozen dewdrops glisten
In the meadow by light
Of morning sunshine
Winter is coming!
Can't you feel the stinging
Breezes nipping our faces?
When lacy snowflakes start
Pouring out of the grey clouds
Flowers lay dormant until next Spring
And animals go to sleep
Winter is coming!
Can't you feel it in the air?

Not at all like my usual writings!!
Just a little something that came to me
This morning!!! My hands are kinda cold
So, I guess that is why I chose to write
About this particular season, LOL!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy reading it!!! ~~~~<3
 Sep 2014 Gaurav K
cheryl love
Of all the fairy poems I have written, this has to be my favourite and I am dedicating it to Marian.  This is just for you Marian.  I hope you enjoy it.
The Fairy of the Sloe
In its velvet skin
Hidden below
Sits the Fairy
Of the sloe.
A sprinkling of dust
Surrounds a bitter taste
The blackthorn, as it’s known
The fairies make haste
The rush of the traffic
In the Autumn haze
A steady sour drip
On sunny cool days.
As the sugar sweetens
The dark romantic skin
To enrich the tables at Christmas
With rich sloe gin.
 Sep 2014 Gaurav K
Tender and lonely I rest my head on her waist.
"I finally caught up with you",
Say lips painted with her taste,
"But in doing so I lost myself,
in this game you call the chase"
 Sep 2014 Gaurav K
 Sep 2014 Gaurav K
Handcuffed to a post, body chained to death.
Rusted irons pulling his spirit towards Hell.

Shackled souls who cry in hope.
His name in blood on white-washed walls.
 Jun 2013 Gaurav K
you played me like a mandolin,
striking notes like broken glass
in the space between your wayward sheets.
your hands were my compass,
your eyes the Adriatic Sea-
and I plunged into the depths
like an albatross,
fawning over wide open spaces
and beautiful colors.

yes, you played me like a symphony,
my body ebbing and flowing
in ghastly syncopation.
notes like honeysuckle and lilac
coursing through my bloodstream-
capillaries to venules to veins to the vena cava
and straight on into my heart.

and you'd be ecstatic to know
that I haven't heard such a haunting refrain
since you went away.
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