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  Apr 2015 Bella Anima
and I wonder if you feel it too.
my heart hurts
Bella Anima Apr 2015
Dear Lord,
Please give me the strength and reason to continue
Because I see none
And I have none
But this cant go on
Cos I need to make my dreams come true.
Zero interest in school and this is very bad because there is nothing that can motivate me anymore.
Bella Anima Mar 2015
Each time I am leaving home for a trip or a camp, i get quite emotional.
All these thoughts running through my head
What if I dont return
What if i dont see my family again
What if What if What if
There are so many things that sometimes i really wanna say to you
But i can never bring myself to
I dont know how to express all these feelings to you
I am really thankful for whatever you have done for me
The sacrifices you made, the money you spent on me
I appreciate it all and am grateful for it
This week has been a tough week for us all
and it was this week that i realize how bad of a daughter i have been
how i have taken you for granted all this while
how i have forgotten where we actually stand
how much you have and would sacrifice for us
hoow much you love us
your love is the greatest i would ever receive in my entire life
i have so many more things to say
but i have to go now
i will try my very best to be better for you
i will try my best to show my appreciation to you
i have never told you this
but you are the best
and i would never trade anyone for you

and if anything happens, i hope someone show this to them
for i have not shown enough love
and maybe
the only way for them to feel my love
is through my words.
Not a poem though. Always expect the worst, pray for the best.
Bella Anima Mar 2015
If i could stop being so lazy and dumb
That would be nice.
Because my dreams are huge
And i am nowhere near it.
For each and every time that i have failed,
I hurt so much
I never really liked to show it
Because its one of my biggest weeakness

But there is no one to blame
but me.

When will i ever achieve
Or will i not?
Here is to crying all night because i have failed time and time again. Just wanna die
Bella Anima Feb 2015
As i live with every mistake you have done
my fingernails gets longer
and as i fall in love with another
my fear gets deeper
and as i try to hold her closer
i am hurting her further

as i dig my fingernails into her skin
deeper and deeper
because that is the only way i know
to hold her close
to scar her
with the mark of my love
and my fears.
Its frustrating how i dont know how to do things the way its supposed to be done.
  Feb 2015 Bella Anima
steel tulips
Want me.
Want me in ways that make it hard to speak
Want me in ways that prevent functional sleep.
Want in ways that make you afraid.
Want me in ways, that want me to stay.
Want me.
  Feb 2015 Bella Anima
I cant stop the moon from falling.
I cant stop the sun from rising.
& I can't help this body from loving you.
I am enraptured by you.
Just like the moon is with the stars,
& the sun is with the clouds.
Hand in hand, I relish you.
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