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gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
Voices, voices all around
don't you also hear the sounds
the voices yelling, screaming at me
"why don't you just end it, just leave"
they stay all day and keep me up at night
they say "try again till you get it right"
so I take out the bottle of pills from my drawer
and hope ill be in pain nevermore
but than at the end they're still around
"your so weak you would leave your friends crying on the ground"
I try and run I try and hide
no matter where I go they live inside
so I made a decision to end it all
because I've hit rock bottom no where left to fall.
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
I wear disguise.
every day of my life
I will wear this disguise
till the very last light
I seem so happy so full of glee
you'd never know what's inside of me
deep inside is hell you see
a place of darkness, and than there's me
crying alone in the corner of hell
the demons shouting as far as I can tell
but you'd never know because I'm the happiest you will see
but deep down inside it's killing me
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
I wish I may I wish I might
slide a blade across my throat tonight
take a pill just one too many
the world doesn't need me there's more people, there's plenty
climb atop the roof so high
fall right off and try to fly
tie a rope around my neck
pull it up my life's a wreck
maybe now you can finally see
what this place has done to me
gabriel ackerman Jan 2015
It hurts inside.... it hurts so much
Every day I cry
Every day I want to die.
You say you understand.
But not even I understand.
It hurts.
Like there's a knife in my chest.
I'm drowning in my thoughts.
Just put me to rest.
There is no hope left.
Not for me at least.
But I cant tie you down now,you'll be free at least.
They all tell me "you have so much to live for"
But they don't understand how much I have to die for.
So bury me six feet under.
Forget about me, i'll be gone.
Like a quick roll of thunder.
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
just let me go.
just let me leave.
I'm tired of all this pain,
all the never-ending rain.
so it's about time I said goodbye.
and slipped quietly into the night
maybe then you can see
what life has done to me.
I know you'll care more once I'm gone.
you'll think what could I have done, what did I do wrong.
so the time is finally here.
there's no hope for me, no cheer.
goodbye I say to you all.
and I hope that none of you feel the same fall.
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
And I stand there.
High above it all.
I look down on everyone.
All the happy people.
I think to myself "I'm ready to fall"
So I turn myself around and stretch my arms out.
And with one small movement I wait to hit the ground.
As I fall I whisper goodbye.
No tears come out, why cant I cry?
No matter, its all over now I close my eyes and wait for the end.
The end....
I love writing so much
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
You see there's a prisoner,
Not trapped in any jail.
Where no amount of money could set the bail.
He was trapped in his mind, trapped in his thought.
He tried to escape for he was left to rot.
There needn't be a guard,
The voices took care of that.
As soon as thought he escaped he'd be be in a darker room.
In each room a way out, the way to his tomb.
He tried taking that way more than once.
But even though he tried he didn't have the guts.
I think that's weak
Maybe for help he should seek.
Now you may think I'm being mean
But the thing is, that person is me
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