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gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
Have you heard the sound of darkness?
I have, I've heard all of those terrible things.
I've felt all the pain the darkness brings.
But once you heard the sound of darkness.
You can never leave its like your heartless.
You don't know if your dead, maybe your alive.
It hurts so much your dead inside.
Those who see the light again one day,
Sometimes still get the feeling like they stayed.
Me, however I'm stuck here.
I can never leave the darkness my home is here now.
Ill always hear the sound of darkness now.
Another poem. Yay.
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
**** me I say,
Take my life away
Who needs me anyway.
I tried being strong
I've heard all the songs.
I love you all I hope you know
But you don't feel the same way so ill just go.
Please just let me go,
The more you "help" the more it hurts
So bury me 6 feet into the dirt.
Ill miss you all,
I wish I could just stop the fall.
Now its time,
So this is the last goodbye
Last one. Its 2:03 and I think ill try and sleep
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
Do you know I'll never leave you.
No matter what you do its true.
Even after you leave me,
Ill stay forever hoping you'll see.
See that I'm here and your never alone
But you don't care you have a life of your own.
Maybe I'm too nice and care too much
I'm rather clingy you should know as such.
So go ahead and leave they all eventually do.
Just know ill still be here for you.
All this spontaneous writing! Its 1:57 now
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
Sometimes I wonder
"Why am I alone"
No one around me, no where to go
They always say "I'm busy"
I know their not
I don't think I can run maybe ill hide
Take all that pain and ball it up inside
They all say they will always be there
That they will care
I know they don't. Just from the small things that are shown.
Maybe I should quit, give it all up
Maybe then they will care, they'll run amok.
Please help me i'm crying inside
Please help me i'm dying inside
Too bad I'm alone,
My screams are heard my none.
I'm tired but I feel like writing... its 1:50 am
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
I lie awake in my bed at night
Waiting for the morning light
My thoughts run wild and free
It makes me wonder why I'm me.
I wonder why I'm here and what life means
I realize what was, is, and is yet to be.
I finally start to shut my eyes
Just as the sun starts to rise.
I pull my self through the day
And than once again in my bed I lay.
Couldn't sleep so I wrote this
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
I thought I loved you
And I thought you loved me too
But your heart looked at another
So only my love was true.
You didn't tell me till it was over
And all was said and done
You said it was an accident
You said that just for fun
You knew how you truly felt
You said nothing anyway
You just kept on pretending
Day after day after day
Too bad he broke your heart
I'd never do that to you
Maybe you should have realized
I was the one for you.
Another poem
gabriel ackerman Dec 2014
And I ran and I ran as fast as could.
The darkness behind me coming closer and closer.
I stopped and looked at the ground, I knew it was over.
And than inside my head a voice says
"Run, run towards the light and you will be saved"
So I ran and ran towards that light.
until I had little faith and barely any fight.
When I arrived I realized I was deceived, there was never any hope for me.
So I turned back around and looked death in the eyes.
I said all my prayers and all the last goodbyes...
First poem on the site hope you guys like it

— The End —