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 May 2016 Victoria
In My Dreams
 May 2016 Victoria
In my dreams,
You are mine.
In my dreams,
You held my hand and said
"Don't let go"
In my dreams,
I touched your cheeks,
As I smile and nod.

In my life,
You are not mine anymore.
In my life,
You dropped my hand,
And said "let go"
In my life,
I kissed your lips,
As I cry and go.
Brain suddenly thought of this
You ignite a fire in my blood that nothing can quell,
for such a perfect angel, you're sure a lot like hell.
And alright I'll admit it, yes to you I lied,
but any hope of a future, well that's surely died.
So go right on and hate me, I'd hate me as well,
but I could never hate you back, if only you could tell.
Once upon a time
There was a princess
Who lived all alone
Lost inside her heart

The years went past
She never grew old
Always looking for love
But it never came

Looking for a prince
To take her away
But she keep waiting
Waiting and waiting forever

She never saw him
The poor farmers son
Her watched her window
He worshipped her beauty

Everyday soldiers beat him
But still he'd come
Just to watch her
Until he grew old

She never saw him
Even when he died
Head in the clouds
She never looked below
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
 May 2016 Victoria
Just Melz
I'm scared of the future
and the unknown
Are more terrifying
Than anything else
I could possibly
When this heart begins to break

And there is nothing at stake

All the tears have been cried

Just emptiness left inside

Let It Be

All our emotions are long gone

We keep playing the same old song

Trying to remember our good times past

But these feelings keep on fading fast

Let It Be

For you no longer come to desire me

We only keep giving each other misery

We seem to be always on the attack

Now there can be no turning back

Let It Be
A poem from 2009 I have refound. copyright Chris Smith 2009
When you look at me
you don't see me
you never have.
You have always used me
as a blank slate
on which to paint
whichever picture
makes you feel better.

I have been
a friend
a love
a source of unconditional support
a fool who couldn't stop thinking about you
a jealous girl
a person uglier than you
someone who will always be there to smile
someone to deny
someone to better
someone to trivialize when you feel trivial.

But never
have I ever been
just me.

And now it's too late
for you to see the real me,
for I am now covered in your paint.
 May 2016 Victoria
i've been nauseous every day this week
because i've been staying up until
the sun rises trying to remember
the way your eyes look
when you're in love

and i know
the universe is huge,
i'm always moving from place to place
but of everywhere i've ever been
the only place i ever crave
is your creeky back porch,
with the chipped green paint,
that i'd always peel back
when we were fighting
and i was anxious

still when my heart drops
and my hands shake
i wanna peel back
that chipped green paint


the night before you
slammed my front door
for the last time,
you were curled up in a ball
on the opposite side of the mattress,
and i was wishing you'd hold me
but i kind of knew you never would again

i said,
"i know nothing lasts forever
but i thought we were worth a miracle"

and you said,
"my apathy just got the best of me,
i don't feel you in my fingertips,
you don't send shivers
down my spine,
not anymore.
& i just don't miss
you when you leave,
your kisses never stick,
not anymore."


today i woke up
feeling like i never slept
and yesterday i went to bed
feeling like i was never even awake
venus keeps cartwheeling
backwards and no one knows why;
stars keep falling right out of the sky
and you're the only thing
that's been on my mind
 Dec 2015 Victoria
Alice Baker
I can't breathe the air
Between your fingertips
It slips like words
Through clenched teeth
You say my voice shakes
When I'm angry
Well yours
It shrinks
And yet we wonder
Why our voices don't carry
We are deaf
To our own demise
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