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You wanted me out of your life
You broke your promise
You broke my heart

After everything we've been through
you simply tossed it away
With cruel words and actions
You broke me down

You made your choice
you knew what you were doing
You left me there "bleeding"

You hurt me
And I'm still here reeling
in the aftermath destruction

I'm sitting here, Trying
Not to fall in the gaping hole
That you left behind

You left
when I needed my big brother the most

Its too late
to be looking back now.
its too late
for the I'm sorrys and apologies

So to Answer your question
the door back in is really shut

and to answer your other question

......I don't think It will ever open back up
You wanted me to talk to you... Well here is my answer.
When I was a child I saw
a burning bird in a tree.
I see became I am,
I am became I see.

In winter dawns of frost
the lamp swung in my hand.
The battered moon on the *****
lay like a dune of sand;

and in the trap at my feet
the rabbit leapt and prayed,
weeping blood, and crouched
when the light shone on the blade.

The sudden sun lit up
the webs from wire to wire;
the white webs, the white dew,
blazed with a holy fire.
Yonder see the morning blink:
   The sun is up, and up must I,
To wash and dress and eat and drink
And look at things and talk and think
   And work, and God knows why.

Oh often have I washed and dressed
   And what's to show for all my pain?
Let me lie abed and rest:
Ten thousand times I've done my best
   And all's to do again.
<(       ) >                                                                        
                       & from the Planet Venus                                                

                     ///  • |

                                                                    7 pure souls approaching

•   •

Gentle as the child truly is

Down on the iron streets
                                          ( the prison streets )

There is a lover called      Forever
               there is a hidden hope
                         In some mangled memory


YE of the still - loving heart

YE of the purest Eye and truest Vision


wander through the deserted dream

Thru the alien constellation

Knowing that when you are seen

                     They hardly think you       real - at - all

/../         /../

The   Breath of God

The hope for Peace


The el - train cross the ***** sky

Seeking love in alley -  ways

Courting death to ease the pain


We wander thru the broken line

Of age to youth

And immortality


Hypnotic spells hold souls at bay

The muted hope for free exchange

Of loving kindness shared in purity


From Venus the 7 souls complete

Have come

See us walking down the road

See us waiting on your street
Waking up is hard.
It doesn’t get easier
with nothing to do.
The nights
I couldn't
Stop talking
To people
But now
Its just me
To think
*About how much you don't think of me
Yeah, I'm quite lonely.. If you ever wanna talk yo... I'm open for that.
If you are the       W
    ­                                                            D,

­                          Am I a
                                                                ­         Rose
             Or the
                                                          ­                               You kicked up
                                                              ­  As you passed by?
Pseudodox: False (doctrine or opinion).
we are nothing but lights
dancing through an illuminated night.

tangled feet beneath our legs
we spin and crash in different ways.

our laughs echo through invisible walls
chasing us down abandoned halls.

youth behind us and death in our eyes
I always imagined a different way to die.
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