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Florence Maude Jun 2015
How we can be born from love
And filled with such hate
I shall never know

I have learned
Over the years
Is that demons are real
Just not where you think they are

I've found some
Oh yes
I truly have
They're more terrible than your wildest dreams

Where did I find them?
Why the answer is simple
I found them inside of me
For the demons we fear
Are inside us
And they come out to play
When we're afriad
Florence Maude Jun 2015
Maybe in this old town
That those hipsters have run into the ground
We can find
That we’re so much more

Maybe we can be
Better than those people
Trying so hard to find the money in the ground
Maybe we can find that we can be something more

Maybe we can see
How life is suppose to be
Instead of wandering around blind with hate
Maybe we can find that we can be something more

Maybe we are
Better off than those low life
Who care nothing of the world
And maybe then we can become something more
Florence Maude Jun 2015
What if I could be
What ever I want to be
Without you coming and crushing my dreams

What if I was free
From your misery
Without you hurting me again

To bad
That I'm stuck in this town
All alone

So sad,
That I'm forced to suffer
And keep getting pushed around
Florence Maude Jun 2015
There’s a hole
In my heart
And it’s shaped
Like you

There’s a wound
In my lungs
And It feels
Like your touch

Because of you
Everyday is weighed down
Like I’m a prisoner

Because of you
Insanity for me is just around the corner
Like I’m lost in the labyrinth of your eyes all over again

Because of you
I’m not my own
IK that I've used the first stanza or something VERY similar to it before but it goes better here tbh
Florence Maude Jun 2015
Sitting in the dark
All alone
Wondering who else is home

Oh how you wish to roam
Those city streets tonight
Just hanging out and picking fights

But all your friends are out with lovers
Hitting the scene with style
You don't bother finding others
You know they'll come back in a while

Being left behind never hurt so much
Never before wished I was in love
Florence Maude Jun 2015
I'm trapped inside these walls
I'm tied down to these halls
I cannot leave
I cannot be free

I just want to run away
Oh how I wish I could stay
But I can't stay caged any longer

I just want to run and hide
From these monsters in the wild
Who knew I could be so afraid
Of being trapped in this prison I've made
Florence Maude Jun 2015
Your words fit together
Like a puzzle
Then their poison sinks in

Your words are
Twisting around my head
Making me wish there was an instead

Why can't you just leave me be
Why can't you just let me be free
We both know that there's nothing wrong with me
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