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Florence Maude Jun 2015
Just let me in
Past the walls
Of your perilous fortress
The barbed wires
The treacherous spires
Won't let me in unharmed

That doesn't mean though
That I'll walk away
Because I won't
I'll just have to suffer through the aches
The scrapes
The scars
And the breaks
From the seemingly endless spars

Just open up
If only to me
I just want to see

Just open up
You can be free
I just want to help thee
Florence Maude May 2015
Do you have that one person
Who always seems to know what to say
To make everything okay?

I sure hope so
And I hope that he never goes
Far far away

I know that he'll never be my foe
And he'll never leave me in tow
And that he'll help me when my spirit begins to fray

Oh how I can't wait to meet him
The one who keeps the monsters at bay
Some day
For my dear brother Julian
Florence Maude May 2015
I remember that when we were little
We use to jump on your couch
Our dads would hold us upside down
And we laughed until we couldn't stop

I remember that when we were young
We use to dream about the world
We'd try to make the impossible reality
And we'd love life as it is

Can you believe all that's happened?
As the years have gone by
Didn't it feel like magic
Playing under the sky with our minds going above

We had the world in our hands
Our heads with the stars
Our eyes in a fantasy
And the magic was still in our hearts

I remember two years back when life just couldn't keep up
We were zooming past the galaxy
Nothing could stop us
And we both knew that together we could rule the world

I still have the magic in my heart
And I carry the memories
And I love them
To this very day

It seems that you have lost the magic
That you gave away the memories
That you don't care what happened
That you don't remember to this day

Now we barely talk at all
Unless its to say thanks

Now you went back home to New York
You didn't say
Florence Maude May 2015
One day we'll out run the monsters,
One day we'll live without fear,
One day we won't have to keep running,
One day they'll all disappear
Florence Maude May 2015
How can I
Stand up
When all you do
Is kick me down

How can I
When all you do
Is choke me

How can I
Learn to fly
When all you do
Is hold me down

How am I
Suppose to live like this?

Always drowning
Craving the light
Trying to break free with all my might

When all you do
Is kick me down
And I get pushed
To the ground

And I break
Once more

And I have to
Piece myself together
All over again
So you can break me again
Like china
Florence Maude May 2015
I don't know
How they
Can sleep at night
After hurting
One who is
And laughing
Because they did

I don't know
How I
Can sleep at night
After knowing
Such horrible
People exist
Because they do

I look around
And all I see
Is Humans
Without Humanity

How will we survive
Without hurting us all
Florence Maude May 2015
You can't
Tell me who I am
Because you don't see
The real me

You think I'm shy
When I'm not
I just don't want to show you
Who I am

You think I'm delicate
When I'm not
I just hide how much
I can endure

You think I'm angelic
When I'm not
I just don't show
My demons

You think I'm lying when I say
What you think I am is wrong
You just haven't met
The real me
You Think You Know Me
But You Don't
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