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 Jun 2015 fisharedrowning
N Paul
She loves the feel of good words
And I am full of them tonight.
When I lived on Venice Beach
my nickname was “Smiley”
because I smiled at everyone

When I lived in Luxembourg
I was not understood
because I smiled at everyone

When I was a child
my mother made a game of smiling
and when she saw someone unhappy
on the street or in their car
she would smile at them
until they finally smiled back
and only rarely did her efforts fail

I have been considered shallow
by those who never knew me
because I smile at everyone

but those people have no clue
how much inner strength
those smiles represent
Written 20150628 in response to the excellent poem, "Broken Shadow," by Rare But Relevant:

Thanks for the inspiration!
 Jun 2015 fisharedrowning
I tell people that there are two kinds of days.

There will be days where you wake before the sun and roar out into the untouched day, pawing at the ground with a fierce conviction to take your day as you like it. These days, your very footsteps will shake the ground beneath you while your enemies run haphazardly, tripping over their own feet in order to avoid your fearsome self.

There will be days where your ears twitch at the slightest suggestion of confrontation and conflict, and you scurry about your day through the shadows. These days, your frantic heart can't take much of anything, and the vastness of the faraway horizon makes your limbs shudder and quake.

When your day falls into the former category, remember that even as you strut around with your lion-heart, there are timid mice who move hurriedly about your feet. Remember to watch your steps and mind your roars.

When your day is one of the latter, remember that lions aren't necessarily monsters, and know that their claws can be sheathed and their velveted paws can also comfort. They know nothing of soft steps and whispers.

Find comfort in the cacophony of roars and in the solemn silence of tail-twitches.
“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering, 'I will try again tomorrow.'” Mary Anne Radmacher

I'm not too happy with how this came out but I like the general idea of it.
 Jun 2015 fisharedrowning
thank you god for this blunt
and for making me fend for my own
praise the prophets for the hunt
and all that they wrote in stone
I'm grateful to bear the brunt
of the pains and things unknown
thanks be to the universe-I live in want
and we all reap what we've sewn
I thank existence and face blunts
cause i never burn alone
Isn't rainbow a reminder of God's covenant?
Why be blind? Why have to alter it?
Why have to manipulate the crowd
And let others be deceived?

I love God and I love people
I love the sinners as well,
But I hate the sin.

Disciples of Christ don't simply stand
We don't stand for ourselves
We aren't perfect, we are also sinners
But because of His blood,
We are saved by grace.

And a changed heart
Means the old has gone
And the new has come.

With all our transgressions,
With all of our issues,
Even those identity crisis we ever had,
We have been forgiven.

Christ, therefore, is more powerful than any crisis
We are redeemed,
We now don't live for ourselves
God's Word is alive and active
And it will accomplish the purpose
Why it was sent.

God is just, God loves us all
But our love for Him
Is shown through our obedience.

Now, Christians, rise.
It's been almost six years since I met you
Who knew we would be friends for this long?
I knew you as the funny guy who would always make 'puns'
Who would go to great lengths to welcome someone at the risk of being corny and getting yourself embarrassed
As we spent time together, I don't know but I just found myself growing fonder of you each day

I notice every little thing about you
How you sing with that deep and cold voice
How you look so charming every single time you smile
How you are not ashamed to cry whenever God touches your heart
I don't really know, but one day I just woke up realizing that you have already occupied a space in my heart

You are patient and kind
You are not envious nor arrogant
You are never rude, boasting nor insistent that people do things your way
You are accepting of people's faults and faith, and loves them as they are
You are a great listener, a man after God's own heart
How then could I keep my own heart from being captured?

You may not know this but you have always been an inspiration to me
It sounds too cliche but that is the only way I could say it
Your heart of service encourages me to serve
Your heart for worship fuels my own
Your passion and your own humble ways and quiet character ignites the passion of not only me, but all of those around you

I know that you are not perfect, that I may not know most of your faults
But this I know, I would like to know you more
If God permits that we go that way, I think I'd like to see other facets of your person
I'd like to know what makes you angry
I'd like to understand what frustrates you
I would like to understand what your struggles are and how each time you choose to be the man of God that you are
By the time these eyes grow quiet
They will speak of her concrete lungs
Mistaken sickness
Crumbling forgiveness as we mourn the struggle
Sonnets of such desperation
Pillars of passion melted to liquid silk
Devoured by precious creation
Fathom these damaged voids
With a jagged prose
Hungering breaths
Kidnapped composure
Restless with trembling intention
Collected to a stillborn resonance
Discarded with shadowed reform
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